The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 786: It's a big name for doing things!

"Wow, so handsome!"

When this action was finished, **** cheers rang around him. The most frightening thing was that there were men and women in the cheers.

And the group of people who threw a long knife and missed a blow seemed to have no idea what they did just now, they were still entangled in selflessness, fighting clankingly.

It's just a little strange that they still kept approaching in Gu Zheng's direction, but within a moment of effort, the battle group rushed towards Gu Zheng's direction again.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Zheng, who was still holding the knife in his force, smiled.

"During the filming of movies and TV series, I haven't heard of any crew that is so dedicated, it actually needs to use real swords and guns in the process of fighting."

After saying this, Gu Zheng flicked the tip of his finger, and the shining watermelon knife was thrown into Gu Zheng's right hand with skill, and followed Gu Zheng with the fingers of his left hand to the knife. With such a light flick, the knife made a crisp metallic sound.

"The blade is thin and light, and the blade has a sharp edge just opened. Is this going to teach me a lesson?"

"It's just that I don't know which gangster has offended me, who just arrived in Hong Kong City?"

After saying this, Gu Zheng glanced back, and Jiang Yue, who had a good heart, immediately **** the phone at hand and started calling the police.

After saying this, Gu Zheng jumped into the melee circle and directly collided with the group of people in black.

Don't you just want to **** me?

Come on then.

‘Ding Ding Dong Dang...’

Those who can enter martial arts are capable people who have two real skills.

Their kung fu has to beat ordinary people, one can beat eight.

However, the opponent they need to face today, Gu Zheng... is far beyond their expectations.

The people who paid to teach him a lesson, although they specifically asked when they paid the money, let them be a little measured and don't make the target crippled to death, but now, they have not kept their hands at all.

How come they were beaten up at the end?

"Misunderstanding, stop! Why hit me!"

"Ah, brother, don't fight, we are just being too involved in the filming!"

"Ah, I've begged for mercy, how come you still don't forgive me!"


An angry roar sounded under Gu Zheng's hands, but Gu Zheng remained unmoved, and his beating did not stop.

A joke, if this is an ordinary person who has no power to bind a chicken, there will only be one end of this incident today.

That is, the beaten can't get up.

Afterwards, the important World Championships were delayed. Not to mention, the impression of the overall situation that I finally left in the minds of the leaders of the sports committee will be ruined at the same time.

What an enmity is this to put him to death?

Gu Zheng, who was suspicious in his heart, was a little careful while staring at the beaten fighter.

At this look, he really saw some clues.

After being beaten down on the ground, these people didn't dare to look directly at them, but they stared at a place outside the shooting location very bitterly, and Gu Zheng looked in this direction again.


Isn’t that the white vest that I encountered when I was eating beef offal in the alley by the dock a few days ago?

By this time, everything is clear.

Gu Zheng, who didn't plan to let go of the culprit, picked up the watermelon knife in his hand and threw it in the direction of the white vest who was about to flee.

This knife was very accurate, and the hilt of the knife went straight to the back of the white vest, knocking down the white vest who turned his head unsuspectingly and fleeing directly into the hidden corner that no one noticed.

After completing this series of actions, Gu Zheng pointed to the direction of the white vest and reminded loudly: “Jiang Yue, tell the police one more thing. There may be a big murder case involved here. Ask them to send someone. When you come here, you have to be more vigilant."

When Jiang Yue was reminded by Gu Zheng to see where the white vest was, what else did he not understand?

Jiang Yue immediately made the content of the alarm call that he had dialed a little more serious.

But Bei Jun, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, was so excited that he held a camera around Gu Zheng and took pictures.

I can't wait to record everything.

This is a rare big news, and it is the headline news that can make him win this year's best news award!

This was just a moment of effort, and the chaotic situation was overwhelmed by Gu Zheng.

And the originally lively and extraordinary studio, now because of the intervention of the police, has become deserted.

These people, as witnesses at the scene, are subject to routine questioning if one counts.

As for Gu Zheng?

After cooperating with the police investigation, under the protection of the police, he returned to the shooting scene again.

In his own words, his task is very heavy, and there are even more important games waiting for him. He must not abandon his business for personal reasons.

For Gu Zheng's performance, the brand owners are very satisfied.

And because these unpleasant accidents occurred during the shooting of the advertisement, the brand manager also swiped a big pen... and presented Gu Zheng with a shopping voucher worth 5,000 yuan, which was used to suppress the shock.

This is really a surprise. If you can earn five thousand in one should find someone to beat me every day.

After listening to Gu Zheng's message, the white vest that didn't come up in a breath was immediately locked into the interrogation room. The development of the incident since then is no longer what he, the busy man flying to London, cares about.

Gu Zheng's departure was quite timely.

He didn't know what kind of squally showers were ushering in Hong Kong City after he left.

Due to the pressure of the State Sports Commission towards relevant departments, this major and vicious case of harming national athletes was placed on the table of the leader of the Gangcheng Crime Team.

The police in the entire city started to take action, and the most elite agents worked together to get rid of their cocoons... and they picked out Cheng Buzhi, who was behind the scenes.

As soon as Gu Zheng's plane landed in London, local newspapers in Hong Kong City and the entire China Internet were already scrambling to report this bizarre case.

‘Shocked, the famous Chinese athletes show their glory and sweep the underground black boxing market! ’

‘Ling Ran is righteous, Yongcheng Guan is not afraid of the dark forces, the demons and demons, and the declining societies will eventually be wiped out! ’

‘Go up to the horse to shoot the moon, get down to write and follow the writing, the capital city management is wise and courageous, and the city’s malignant tumor is broken! ’

Coupled with a piece of wonderful photos provided by Bei Jun, a group of people who are not too big to watch the excitement are screaming and enjoyable.

Because the impact of this incident is not small, and because this incident is full of countless coincidences from the beginning to the end, when the news reached the end, it was fermented more and more, making Gu Zheng, who was still unknown, completely 'S are booming across the country.

The news column specially opened for him on the Sina website has also been updated in real time.

In the latest video update, Gu Zheng chased Qiuwen's editing...and followed the social news he created, and placed it in the most eye-catching position, so that those curious netizens would watch it when they clicked on it. That's a big laugh.

"I'm going to laugh so hard at me, have you watched the video of Gu Zheng playing the Muay Thai King?"

"I saw it, this video can be rated as the most funny video clip of the year. That Muay Thai king is self-styled, right? Why does it look such a rookie?"

They weren't experts in fighting, but they didn't even notice that they were partly divided.

But there are spectators who have liked this kind of competition since childhood, but it is going to be unfair for Comrade Qiuwen.

"Come on, don't show your ignorance on the Internet, do you know what this Qiuwen tournament resume is like? I'll show it to you."

At the back of this reply, there is a link posted. After clicking on it, there is a long string of game records and final results about the autumn text. At the end of this link, there are a collection of video clips~www.readwn .com~ are all broadcasts of Qiuwen's previous wins.

It seems that this poster was once a crazy fan of Qiuwen, but now after seeing this latest video, the situation is hard to tell.

"My Greater China City Management is really mighty."

The people from the crooked building really appeared, and the netizens on the Internet happily followed.

Gu Zheng safely landed in London under the circumstances of such a happy network.

When he arrived at the hotel, the phone that was turned on afterwards rang the first call after it arrived in a foreign country.

It was his immediate superior Uncle Fu Sheng who called him. This uncle, who was as economical as him, was able to actively call him overseas, which surprised Gu Zheng very much.


ps: The dream of rebirth is blooming. It's a new article by a friend. It just hit the shelves. After you try it...emmm...

I am not the starting point poisonous milk...

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