The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 803: Tool improvement (25/50)

Naturally, it is to make the people above pay attention to his small shop like sesame seeds.

If Gu Zheng was able to create useful skills and tools for the people's livelihood that moved the imperial court, then he would be rewarded by the Shangguan.

It's best to go straight to Tian Ting, in order to achieve his purpose of holding the thickest thigh in this world.

By the way, let's repay the hatred of He Shumo's attempt to insult and embezzle others' property, improve the current situation of the Han court not paying enough attention to artisans, and by the way, step out of a historic road for himself.

Gu Zheng, who has finished thinking, just does what he says.

He also rushed to the highest goal in no time. Now his level is a few jins and he is still very good. Now that the front door has been opened, let's deal with the business on weekdays. Let's do it.

Gu Zheng, who walked to the side of the tool rack on the side of the shop, began to look at the bamboo sticks in the same way.

Gu Zheng's master was amazing. When he was working in the workshop, he had a good relationship with the knife and penman. When the other party was registered in the register, he learned a few big characters next to him.

In today's dynasty where writing is very unpopular, the master of his family can be called a cultural person.

The transcript on this bamboo slip is the official script that has gradually emerged and matured. For the obscure Xiaozhuan, this font is more convenient for people to learn and record.

But the original client's mind was not very bright. Even if the master had repeatedly taught the meaning of these fonts, he would have forgotten all the time he took to drink a bowl of water.

Regarding the existence of this kind of dog's brain, his master has lost faith.

In the future, in order to make things easier and let his apprentice know what to do, the master of the Chen family also deliberately created a set of symbols that only he and his apprentice could understand.

Simply... the dog's mind remembers it.

No, Gu Zheng looked at these various farm tools and utensils while comparing the depictions on the bamboo slips in twos and threes, but with the time of a cup of tea, he checked them all.

Then without further ado, let's start with the simplest opening.

To say that this old blacksmith's shop is not a single tool, the role of forging utensils.

At that time, everything related to the tools that people often use can be sent to the smithy for operation.

For example, the pair of scissors placed in front of Gu Zheng, the blades on both sides have become pitted due to years of use, and they have long lost the function of a pair of scissors.

But this knife is actually made of iron.

In ordinary people's homes, but things that can be used for a long time.

They can use a pair of iron scissors for a long time. As long as the blade is not severely broken or broken, they can use this scissors for a lifetime.

And sharpening scissors has also become one of the most basic tasks in the forge.

It's just that even Gu Zheng, who is well-informed, feels rare about this new pair of broken scissors.

The cover is because the scissors of this period, and modern convenient and lightweight scissors, the difference in standard is too big.

It's not that it's crude in appearance.

Unlike our modern people's impression that the ancient times are vulgar when it comes to them, this civilian scissors is actually exquisite.

It is only about 20 cm long, and its shape is just that the two ends of an iron bar are hammered into a knife-like shape, and the blade is sharpened with a sharp edge, and then the iron bar is bent into an "S" shape, so that the blades at both ends correspond to each other.

When in use, people can cut things by pressing the blades at both ends.

Once let go, the scissors relied on the elasticity of the wrought iron to return to their original shape, just like modern people use tweezers.

For this style of scissors, the user's hand strength is a key, and there is a crucial condition that must also be met.

That is the edge of the blade, it must be sharp, and it is best to reach the point where it is effective.

Otherwise, using this kind of scissors to cut cloth and silk, or even to cook meat and fur, would be a waste of the boss's energy.

And this simple job of sharpening scissors is also very important in the eyes of ordinary people.

How long the blade that has been cooked by the master in the blacksmith's shop can be used, and whether there is any practical damage to the long-term use of the scissors is of vital importance to these neighbours.

Then, let's use this scissors from the home of Liu Matchmaker in the east of the county and county to play Gu Zheng's first name after he came to this world.

Many people will ask, isn’t this just a job of sharpening scissors and kitchen knives?

Nowadays, this kind of work is rare in big cities, but a few years ago, there are really many people doing this kind of work in the streets and alleys.

But just because it looks like an easy job, it creates a misunderstanding that there is no technical content for those who have never been in contact with this worker.

In fact, sharpening scissors is harder than ordinary knives.

Because of the standard of scissors, its knife shape is thin and thick, showing a slightly progressive state.

When grinding it, it needs a straight edge and the fit of the blades on both sides to complete it.

First of all, see if there is any deformation or popping on the surface to be fitted, if any, correct and smooth it first.

If this side is normally single-sharpened, it needs to be flat when reopening the edge.

If there is no knowledgeable person to give pointers, coupled with repeated practice and study several times, people will suddenly get started directly, and the result is only one, that is, the harder and duller, and in the end, it will become a completely scrapped iron. Sliced.

This work, I think the original Gu Zheng did good or bad, it is not a fool who made up for it with careful work.

But if the job is left to the current Gu Zheng, it will not only be polished.

This ancient pair of scissors directly let him play with flowers.

Even if the current scissors are sharpened, they are not easy to use. Seeing that the scissors are actually tweezers, Gu Zheng subconsciously picked up the tools next to him, clicked, and cut the scissors. The wire connecting in the middle was cut off.

And this semi-formed pair of scissors does not even need to perform the preliminary steel testing, steel inserting, forging, quenching, and grinding processes. It only needs to drill and fit the two blades, and then one can appear. Freshly baked is a bit rough, but it is a modern-style scissors that is advanced enough.

Gu Zheng, who has already finished sharpening scissors, keeps working on it. Because of the limitations of the existing tools, except for the temporarily made joints that connect the two pieces of scissors, they are a bit jerky in use. The scissors are not much different from the scissors used by modern people.

Gu Zheng was very satisfied with the birth of the world's first scissors in the true sense. He carefully hammered the protruding iron wire with a small hammer, and tried to make gestures in his hand. After a bit, it was confirmed that the scissors can be used.

And it was just such a coincidence that the news that the Chen family's blacksmith had opened a board for business also immediately reached the ears of the guests who had work stored here.

The most anxious thing is still the matchmaker Liu. She is doing this business, and from time to time she spends in the welcoming and sending off.

If the people in the township in this village make a list, then thank you for a lot of money, food, or a ruler.

In these years, silk and silk are rare objects that can only be seen in wealthy families.

The gift of thanking the matchmaker Liu to the matchmaker was a one-two-square-foot material cut from the piece of fabric. UU read and hand it over.

But it is this two-foot addition that is also valuable in the eyes of ordinary people.

It's a pity that now, when Liu Matchmaker walks through the streets and alleys... the scissors in the small cloth bag that she has to wear at her waist all the time, but she puts them in the Chenji Blacksmith's shop, which has been delayed for nearly ten years. God.

Normally, she caught up with the farmer thanking the match twice, the thick white silk, because she didn't have the tools ready, she was replaced with self-produced rice beans by the lady in charge.

That kind of miscellaneous grains and noodles can be exchanged for a few silver coins. When she carried them home, she was so tired that she didn't say anything, and it made the neighbors who saw her think that she had made a lot of silver, and she was unhappy.

No, Gu Zheng had just taken out the scissors with a hot temperature on his front foot, and the matchmaker Liu on the back foot entered Chen Ji's blacksmith's shop.

ps: The new book "The Romance of the Red Mansions" has been released.

Those who like his "Drunk in the Red Chamber" can take a look.

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