The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 805: Han Dynasty Ironmaking Process

This is simply a refurbishment, and the crooked front has already been smoothed by Gu Zheng.

A new spare wooden pole was inserted tightly by Gu Zheng.

Swiping in the hand, there is no feeling of disjointedness, as if it is new, with a breath of energy.

Uncle Mao, who was very satisfied with this, handed three money to Gu Zheng without even thinking about it. After he stepped out of the threshold with the tool, he thought about it and turned his head back.

Uncle Mao, who returned again, handed him another twenty big money directly. He stopped treating Gu Zheng as an outsider. He smiled and made Gu Zheng's first big deal after he took over the blacksmith shop.

"Gu Zheng, there are five scissors, large and small, in my shop. I don't take advantage of others. I will pay the money first. Later, I will give you the scissors in installments."

"If you can't send it together, you'll be a little troublesome. You can change it in batches. You can't let the tool that I can use in my shop is gone, right?"

Uncle Mao is really a good person, Gu Zheng, who heard these words, showed a honest smile on his face.

"Sure! Uncle! I'll listen to you. If someone asks, you help me publicize it. I know that your business is connected with fur dealers, silk merchants, and so on."

"They all use it."

Hey, it's smart.

Business people are not afraid to meet smart people, so cooperation is at least effortless.

This was just a matter of effort, and Uncle Mao responded with a smile.

And the neighborhoods around this shop, seeing that there was no excitement, they scattered in twos and threes.

The jobs that are left occasionally come in, which are all small jobs that can be done in a few minutes. After Gu Zheng dealt with it in twos and threes, he finally freed up his hands to do his big items.


That was the second thing Gu Zheng wanted to do, to provide iron ingots for the government-run workshop.

It is now the first year of Jianyuan. It has been six years since Emperor Han Jing passed away, but the young emperor who sat on the throne has grown into a mature one.

Counting his age, he was actually about the same size as Gu Zheng nowadays.

And at this moment, it was the period when the young and thriving emperor was most eager to try to find a way to prosperity for this country.

It's just that the young emperor who hasn't fully grasped the power is still fighting wits and courage with the most powerful woman in the world in the palace.

According to Gu Zheng’s original memory of the government-run workshops that have survived in various places, they have focused on maintaining stability in the past few years, and there has not been any increase.

So, this means that Gu Zheng's goal of getting ahead now cannot be considered from the direction of expanding scale and increasing efficiency, but from the aspects of lean refinement and leap in quality.

Then try it yourself.

However, this batch of ten batches of iron ingots still needs to be manufactured using the safe forging method of'block-smelting carburized steel'.

This process is improved on the basis of the original block ironmaking.

It can be said to be the crystallization of the skill of Chinese craftsmen with ingenuity.

This is an innovative technology that countless craftsmen have tried repeatedly from the most basic smelting technology.

This kind of basic iron ingot is made by block iron making technology, and then it is repeatedly forged. In this process, it needs to be heated repeatedly, and a certain proportion of charcoal is blown into the softened iron ingot. The full beating and fusion allows the iron to absorb the carbon in the charcoal, increasing the carbon content, reducing the inclusions and turning into steel, which can make the produced iron ingots have a leap in quality.

The iron ingot produced is called block carburizing steel.

And this kind of steel has compact structure and even carbon content, which is suitable for making weapons and knives.

However, the complexity of the craftsmanship and the required strength are really not easy.

If it was the previous Gu Zheng who started with five sets, he was afraid that two sets would be scrapped, and with the effort to re-manufacture, ten sets of iron ingots would require him to continuously hammer for seven days.

It's just that now it's in the hands of Gu Zheng, let's check the results of his study after sleeping.

Gu Zheng, who stomped on the bellows, threw the rough billet with a relatively high purity ratio into the furnace.

According to the temperature scale corresponding to the flame color taught by the master, I carefully observed it.

When the flames were almost pure white, Gu Zheng gently lifted the discharge port of the furnace, and a stream of molten iron, which was as red as lava, flowed out of it.

Following the connecting groove on the edge of the material mouth, it slowly rolled into the fixed groove of the abrasive tool.

The semi-liquid iron with higher temperature needs to undergo multiple processes such as precipitation and quenching at room temperature. When the iron ingot is fixed and formed by the mold, it will be solidified and soft, and it can be subjected to secondary tempering and infiltration. The carbon step is up.

This is the time to see the true skills of the blacksmith, the one hundred and eight beats of breaking wind, the crazy magic hammer and other random tricks, in front of the blacksmith who tempers steel, it really is nothing.

Only after getting started by yourself, can you truly marvel at the creativity of the Chinese working people and the difficulty of being advertised as a three-kitter professional blacksmith.

Because of the hand-tempered iron ingot, all you need is a quenching.

How to get rid of impurities from iron ingots still depends on a hammer.

The experience of this kind of work that relies solely on hand feeling cannot be described in the words of the mouth.

This kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling can only be felt by a blacksmith himself.

Even if Gu Zheng didn't study day or night, he finally sighed when he watched the iron ingot after the cold water cooled down for the first time.


Observed from the appearance and color of this finished product, it was no different from the sample iron ingot. After he lifted a piece of sample iron and violently collided with it, a small piece of iron ingot hammered out by Gu Zheng came out. The recessed mouth.

It's like turning a head and knocking a piece of general fragmentation, which is the appearance of being too brittle.

This is also the reason why there are too many unidentified impurities in the iron ingot.

It seems that practice is the only criterion for testing truth. This sentence is really correct.

Then let's start from the beginning.

According to the details that the master once taught, do it again without pulling a step.

Gu Zheng was more careful, and took off all the coats used to keep out the cold in the fall.

He wore a waistcoat without sleeves, naked and sturdy arms, and frankly with his sturdy muscles, he immersed himself in this shop and started to work hard.

When the sky sinks and the first star is emerging, the clanging beating in the blacksmith's shop is silent.

Gu Zheng was a little excited by the fire.

In front of him was the first standard iron ingot he had personally tempered and was still slightly hot.

It took three minutes from the time he started refining to the final success.

If this kind of efficiency is known by a skilled old craftsman, it will inevitably be praised.

But for Gu Zheng, who is striving for perfection, this kind of efficiency is too low.

This kind of ten sets of ingots once a month are attributed to government-run workshops across the country. Compared with the needs of the huge imperial army, it is really insignificant.

Because from Gu Zheng's memory, most of the government-run workshops are located in units above the city or county level.

There are very few workshops that can branch to the township and county to the standard combination of 3-5 private blacksmith shops under the Ichinomiya official office, the official weapon manufacturing at this time is really good. A flaw.

The unequal supply and demand made the frontier army of the imperial court lack of confidence when facing the Huns who were not behind in weapons.

It is no wonder that the imperial court has been facing the pressure of the Xiongnu with a gentle policy in recent years. When the situation is not good, it proactively dedicates its own princess to alleviate the deteriorating situation with marriage.

Alas, the trend is like this, let's take it slow.

Gu Zheng sighed, rubbed his sour arms, and carefully wrapped the freshly baked results today in linen cloth, locked them in the toolbox on the side of the workshop, and checked the pavement that had fallen early. After the doors and windows, the fire was sealed off.

Carrying over thirty big money I bought today, even in the clothes I put on again, because the sweat-stained person has already lost the heat, it can't stop Gu Zheng's hopeful thumping at this time. Heart.

How long has this situation not happened?

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