The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 807: Official strict requirements

In addition, Huang Dahe will always randomly check the condition of the goods. After this big wave, people who can stand here now are afraid that they are all capable people.

Among this group of people, the only thing that made Huang Dahe worry...maybe the combination of Gu Zheng.

Because of his kind heart, the young man who promised to take over his family's products and hand over them didn't know what kind of finished products he could bring.

I still have to focus on this place.

Thinking like this, Huang Dahe's eyes didn't get off Gu Zheng's body.

And this young man at the end of the line was ignorant, as if he was curious about everything, staring at the huge melting pot in the workshop very seriously... he was salivating.

The Chen Sanbao in his arms was not to be outdone. Since he was a child, he had understood what a good device means, and since he entered the door, he muttered in Gu Zheng's ear.

"Oh, this is the ultra-high temperature melting furnace that Dad said can turn iron into water, right?"

"Oh, why are there so many notches on the mold table over there. Brother, it would be nice if they belong to our family."

Gu Zheng thought it so, and patted Chen Sanbao's head in his arms with great approval. He was not an unsophisticated promise of irresponsibility.

"Sambo, what's this? You haven't seen the equipment in the Chang'an Imperial Court. Your father once described to me that the melting pot there is so big and so wide. When my brother is developed, he will give it to me. Our shop is also made exactly the same."

"When the time comes, let alone hitting ten shovels, at least 20 or 30 will be hit by one stove."

After saying this, the two brothers hugged their heads and happily became happy.

Because they had reached the front of the forging platform, Huang Dahe, who had just listened to the conversation between the two brothers, just covered his face in his heart.

This is really fearless for the ignorant, these brothers really dare to blow.

You should quickly take out the ten sets of iron ingots, and let them pass the inspection first.

But Huang Dahe, who was on business, was indifferent on the face. He seemed to have never known Gu Zheng before. With his bronze square face, he said mechanically: "Chen Ji Blacksmith's, Ten sets of iron ingots. The symbol ox."

"You can take out the group ingots you turned in."

After speaking, Huang Dahe pointed to the row of grooves on the casting table in front of him.

Gu Zheng looked down and immediately understood. After he put Chen Sanbao on the ground and took out the iron ingots from the package behind, he placed the ten groups of ingots and yards on these one by one. Within the groove of the same standard.


The iron ingots are placed in it, and they are all the same size visually, and the length, width and height are exactly the same.

Judging from its appearance, the black and black are really good iron, and as soon as the Huang Dahe on the opposite side came into view, the heart of this holding fell.

Then his singing voice became a bit louder.

"Chen Ji Blacksmith's shop, the appearance of the ingot group is all in line, the next step is to weigh. Come on, throw the ingots on the scale one at a time, and weigh."


Gu Zhengying was very happy, and swiftly put the iron ingot into the very old meter with the wooden cross and the copper ring right.

The copper ring right on the side is equivalent to the weighing mound falling on one side of the current weighing pole. According to a unified standard, it has already fixed two copper rings, one large and one small, on one side.

A hemp rope is attached to the balance point in the middle. When Gu Zheng puts his iron ingot on the plate of the vacant party, the little official who is responsible for the measurement lifts the rope in this way, and the measurement tasks on both sides are even considered. It's officially started.

Every time Gu Zheng placed a set of iron ingots, the thing that looked like a crude measuring instrument would be quickly balanced by shaking it twice in the hands of the little official.

In this way, Huang Dahe, who was staring at the wrong side, was more satisfied.

The number of ten sets of ingots is not large, and the quick-handed clerk can finish the measurement in just a few moments.

Then Huang Dahe's singing voice immediately roared out.

"Chen Ji Blacksmith's shop, ten sets of ingots, two full baht and two, which meets the standard."

As the words fell, the knife and penman who was in charge of the registration drew a scale on the bamboo slip tube in the Chenji Blacksmith's Shop.

After the weighing work is finished, it is the bulk of the inspection, and the most important step, the quality inspection.

Among these ten sets of ingots, two sets of ingots must be randomly selected, and in the hands of the craftsmen in the official workshop, they collide with the carving knives they made.

For ten cuts, there have been no obvious defects such as chipping or gaps, and there is no visible traumatic dent on the iron ingot group, it is considered to be a real pass.

For this part of the inspection, that is what everyone is staring at.

Even if it is a qualified iron ingot, years old craftsmen can judge the quality of this group of iron from the traces of the remaining ingot group through this collision.

Whether it is excellent or ordinary, it will not deceive the hand and the eyes.

‘Dangdang! ’

The craftsman in charge of the collision really showed no mercy under his hands.

But after the collision was over, the people who circled around discovered that the full ingot that Gu Zheng had handed in had not even left an obvious scratch on it.

With such a touch on the slightly whitish mark with his hand, after the meager sweat on the hand wets that spot, there is no trace of the collision that has been left for half a minute.

"Good iron!"

The craftsmen beside him gave a heartfelt compliment.

And Huang Dahe, who had taken over Gu Zheng's work, bravely took over Gu Zheng's work, and he stood up his chest with honour and disgrace.

He patted Gu Zheng on the shoulder with great pride, and sincerely praised: "Young man, it's amazing!"

"It's a bit better than your master's craftsmanship back then."

"Since this is the case, Chen Ji Blacksmith Shop is full of ingots, inspect, pass!!"

After the announcement fell, the knife and penman on the side carved another knife on Chen Ji’s bamboo slips without even lifting his head. The pen, the reel, and the rope were bundled into a roll, and they were placed on a stack of records that passed the inspection. Within the information, no longer pay attention.

And the Huang Dahe here, naturally, would not let such a talented person go. He handed to the small official who was responsible for issuing the signature, and then accepted the signature of the exemption from service. Zheng's hands.

"Take it, it will be this time next month. I remembered ten groups. Let's make a decision now."


Huang Dahe grinned, and was about to pat the sage nephew on the shoulder so that he could go home and talk again next time, but the kid opposite him said something that surprised him again.

"Um, Uncle Huang, I heard that if we hand in iron ingots that exceed the basic share here, we still have to pay the extra money?"

Huang Dahe was taken aback when he heard this, but when he reacted, there was not much surprise on the contrary, with a little bit of worry from the elders to the younger ones.

"Yes, it is said that the court provides auxiliary materials, and the private workshop can be responsible for processing."

"Here is a set of ingots for the manual cost of ten dollars."

"But my nephew, it's not a good deal. Even if it's your uncle, I'm the leader in charge of the levy, I have to remind you extra."

"Look at your pick-up don't say too much, there is always an income of thirty to fifty a day, right?"

"But if you take over the set of ingots from me, let's not say anything else, you will have to spend seven or eight days on the standard amount of ten sets."

"This month, except for the full ingots that must be handed in, even if you don't sleep to pick up my work here, your monthly net income is only more than two hundred dollars."

"Your money, just to supply you with the consumption of charcoal and the running-in of the tools, I am afraid that it is reluctant. Then you can't do this thankless work and hurt your own business."

This Huang Dahe still has some conscience in the end.

We must know that the official workshops set up in a county and responsible for the supervision of manufacturing here are all related to the amount of materials they pay to the court each month.

If it was the cruel supervisor and encountered a master like Gu Zheng, then it would be a point for him to bludgeon the other party to make more connections.

But Huang Dahe had seen Gu Zheng's craftsmanship and passed through the friendship of his master's funeral. After all, he couldn't do such a wicked thing.

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