Seeing the little emperor jumping, the old man with gray beard was delighted.

Facts speak louder than words, and he didn't want to say more. While the little emperor opposite was still waving the steel rod in his hand, Pang Jian rebelled in a hurry... just placed a rack of finished swords beside him. He drew a straight sword and slashed it at the steel rod without hesitation.

'when! ’

Sparks are splattering everywhere.

After the collision was over, even the screaming emperor stopped yelling, and along with the surrounding guards... and looked towards the direction of the steel rod.

This look is amazing.

The steel rod is intact, but the knife has a tendency to dent slightly.


There was a burst of air-conditioning, and it sounded like a collective toothache.

The reaction of His Majesty the Emperor standing in the center of the circle was particularly exaggerated. After seeing this scene, he immediately took back the steel rod in his hand, and hugged him desperately as if he had obtained some rare object. , Groping carefully.

"Hey, this is really a good baby."

"Who forged this, and what's its name? It's so strong before it's made into a weapon. If you use this billet to make a big sword..."

"What a majesty it should be then."

"If the two armies are facing each other, holding weapons of almost the same shape, when the two sides collide in such a pair, and then unexpectedly chop like this, hehe, immediately kill those prairie barbarians!"

"Reward! Worthy awards! The talents who can create this kind of things are the ones who are really useful to the court and the country!"

His Majesty the Emperor was very happy, and it was only at this time that Pang Jianzhao on the side slowly clarified the origin of these steel ingots.

"Your Majesty, the name of this steel ingot has not been inquired, because the person who forged this material is not a craftsman in the weapon workshop of the imperial court."

"He comes from the folks, and he is a small blacksmith's shop attached to the workshop of the Pingxian county government."

"In that shop, the craftsman who forged this kind of steel ingot not only mastered the refining technology of this kind of steel material held in the hands of the minister, but he might have invented another kind of steel that was stronger than this kind of material. Ingot smelting method."

"Also, he turned over to the court in multiple batches."

"So, Chen thought, this craftsman should have mastered many different forging methods of iron ingots at the same time."

"And the reason why this craftsman acted like this is because he also has the idea of ​​wanting to go straight to the sky."

"I'm afraid that my merits will be taken over by unnecessarily people, so I chose the next move."

"I think this craftsman must have had a unavoidable difficulty. Therefore, Weichen believes that if your Majesty is free, he should be awarded an order of commendation."

"This not only reflects your majesty's thirst for talent, but also shows that the court attaches great importance to the refining method of this material."

"According to Weichen's thoughts, your majesty should take this smelting technique into the court's possession, and he should recruit this craftsman into an official workshop to avoid inadvertent outflow of the forging materials of this magic weapon."

"If this technology is spread to the people, it's not a problem. There won't be a lot of sources of utensils in the idle shops, but if it is known by the Huns..."

There is no need to say more about the following words, this group of grassland barbarians are ignorant, fierce and cruel, but they only do a little bit better than today's big guys.

That is not to kill craftsmen and treat them well with a high salary.

If the craftsmen with real skills are found by them, these Huns will think about it and take them back.

Because of this, the Huns, who had just completed the great unification, never frightened the stage when they confronted the Han army.

After all, when it comes to the sophistication of weapons, Han and Xiongnu, it can only be said to be half a catty.

However, looking at it the other way around, what was the development of the economy, people's livelihood and culture in the Han Dynasty, and what was the development of the Huns, who ate the wind, drank the soil, and famine without grass for half a year?

In such a comparison, on the contrary, the court here lacks the importance of craftsmen.

If this is an emperor who is pedantic or who doesn't check people's livelihood, he must now take the advice of the chief supervisor as a deaf ear, and he might even sneer in the bottom of my heart.

But Liu Che, a kid, is a rare and thoughtful master.

On the contrary, he nodded very seriously, and agreed with Pang Jianzhao's proposal: "It should be so."

"After I return to the palace, I will issue the award order and the call-up order together."

"I just don't know if there is any vacant place in our official workshop for this skilled craftsman named Gu to move it out."

"As for this person's arrangements, you should have a say. You have to tell me anyway, lest my order is issued, and it doesn't contribute to our workshop, but it adds unnecessary trouble."

"Then why bother?"

Whoops, feelings, this lord... understand better than anyone else in my heart?

This old Pang Jianzhao, even if he was shocked in his heart, he did not show half of his face. On the contrary, he sincerely led a group of craftsmen to salute the young emperor.

"Your Majesty is wise."

"The system of government-run workshops is different from that of the private sector. The most important thing is the craftsmanship of craftsmen."

"If your majesty does not make a call-up order in advance, you don't need to indicate specific responsibilities in the order, but only mention the rewards."

"In this way, this thoughtful craftsman has not only received substantial benefits, but has also passed away in terms of face."

"After he was called to Chang'an, he went to the workshop subordinate office, and after our three major categories of main creators and officials from related departments have checked his fictitiousness, it is not too late to arrange positions according to his ability. "

It is a serious suggestion.

Liu Che didn't think it over for a while, then nodded and accepted.

By this time, the emperor’s purpose of wandering here has basically been completed. After seeing this material with trans-epochal significance, if he does not act again, I am really sorry for the ambition he has hidden deep in his heart. NS.


His Majesty Liu Che, who hurriedly returned to the palace, didn’t even care to step on in his grandmother’s hall, so he hurriedly ran into his little study room, and directed his companion Zhang Qian, who would divide by two. The commendation order was awarded.

When the Queen Dowager Dou knew what was happening here, the freshly-baked document had already been handed out layer by layer and walked out of Chang'an City.

The Empress Dowager Dou, who was sitting in the Changxin Palace, laughed when she heard the report from the visitor.

"This is just a monkey, how old is he? Seeing that the time for the big wedding is approaching, it's not a matter of priority to do things."

"But so are you, no matter how young the Emperor is, he is also the emperor of this country."

"It's just a reward for a small craftsman, how big can it be?"

"From now on, don't tell me everything about these little things."

"When he is the emperor of the Han Dynasty, if he can't even send out a craftsman's exaltation, wouldn't it be too shameful."

"As long as it is not related to major events in the court, as long as it is not to change our Han dynasty philosophy and you can leave it to the emperor to toss it, it's better to follow those new political servants who have not learned well, go It is much stronger to touch that unreliable court reform, right?"

"When this little emperor grows up, he really knows who treats him well, and his heart will be taken back."

When the Queen Mother Dou said this, she was always smiling, but none of the people below dared to relax.

This old lady is not young anymore, and she has declined in particular in recent years.

But even so, facing the blind old lady, the officials who were kneeling down still trembled.

Not delegating power, and sent people to let them monitor the emperor, isn't it the ancestor of the empress dowager sitting at the top?

But when these words came out of the Queen Mother Dou's mouth, the meaning changed. Now, even if the tiger is aging, his power still exists.

The young emperor's strategy of keeping a low profile is too ordinary, and these two will still have trouble in the days to come.

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