The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 820: What is the knighthood? (Twenty-eight/Fifty)

When he said these words, the old man Pang was very excited, pulling the sleeve of the official who sent to live without letting go.

In order to show his contempt, he did not forget to spray his sticky saliva and star onto the opponent's face, just to express his inconsistent position with him.

This self-sufficient staff member has never seen such a posture. Holding the bamboo slips in his hand, it is a left-to-right support, which is really embarrassing.

Just when the two people's tearing reached a white-hot stage, a solemn notice came from outside the door of the forging hall.

"Your Majesty the Emperor is here!"

Wow, after hearing this loud communication, the craftsmen who had started working under their hands stopped the work under their hands in a hurry.

Even the two or three craftsmen who lay hands beside Gu Zheng hurriedly pulled at Gu Zheng's clothes and turned him back from the world of composition.

"Hurry up, your majesty! Don't tear my beard again!"

The clerk on the side heard this general statement, it was shocked, and quickly dragged the old Pang man who was on his body, cleansed his clothes, and waited for the emperor's arrival.

It is a pity that, unlike the scene in which he imagined taking the lead in condolences to him as a deployment official, the young emperor walked past him without squinting, as if he had never seen him... To be ignored.

On the contrary, he strode to the genius craftsman that Pang old man said with scorching eyes, and with a little triumphant wave of his hand, he let the maid behind him unfold the silk in his hand.

"The commendation order, Gu Zheng, an existing official workshop craftsman, dedicated himself to his duties, carefully researched the manufacturing, and invented a weapon that benefits the country and the people, which is a great use for the country."

"I am very pleased, and hereby commend it."

"Give Gu Zheng the title of a duke at the end of the Han Dynasty. He can enjoy an annual salary of 50 shi, and at the same time enjoy a hectare of field, a house and a servant... I am here."

"Gongshi Gu Zheng, let's give thanks!"

Um? Wait, the amount of information here is a bit big, is he knighted?

Hearing this commendation order from His Majesty the Emperor, let alone Gu Zheng was stunned. The whole workshop from the supervisor to the junior students were all shocked on the spot.

This is the first time that this government-run workshop has inherited the old dynasty's conventions since the establishment of the new dynasty.

After going around for nearly a hundred years, there hasn't been a craftsman who has received a knighthood from the court according to regular channels.

And this newcomer who has been to the official workshop within two days... he did it.

However, the issuance of this title is of great significance to the craftsmen in the entire workshop.

This means that in this workshop, anyone who can make contributions like Gu Zheng will hopefully receive the same reward.

This means that the craftsmen of the end professions in the eyes of the nobles also have the hope of getting rid of the constraints of their status, relying on their own ability to become officials.

This is not just the glory of a craftsman, but the glory of the entire class of craftsmen.

Do you say that this commendation order can keep those people who are closely related to it from staying on the spot?

Of course, Gu Zheng was the first to react. After a brief astonishment, he immediately returned to his original state of calmness. He hung down his hand wearing linen and bunting, and he sturdily withstood the surprise. Extremely commendable.

"Caomin Gu Zheng, thank you, hope my British lord will live a long and healthy life, and hope my great man will be prosperous and prosperous! Your Majesty! Long live long live long live!"

It was only after Gu Zheng shouted out this energetic slogan that the people around him were awakened. These sturdy men turned red with excitement, and followed Gu Zheng. Roared.

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!"

This roar was bold and imposing, and it was no more than half a point behind the army's command.

Let Liu Che, who stood in the middle of the crowd, enjoyed the treatment that the emperor should have, and after a wave of his presence was satisfied, Shi Shiran left.

When Gu Zheng, who was knighted, turned around, he found that his position in this workshop was even more subtle.

Those craftsmen who were unfamiliar in the past can still nod their heads when they meet.

But after Gu Zheng took this paper title in his hands, his colleagues immediately regarded him as a special group of people who focused on protection.

There were a few particularly honest people who stood far away, afraid that they would not dare to provoke him at all.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng could only sigh lightly. The things in the bones of these craftsmen cannot be changed overnight.

And the promotion of craftsman's status is also a long way to go.

However, don't be afraid, he Gu Zheng is here, and one day, the craftsmen around him will be respected as they deserve, and they will be sought after like the technical work of later generations.

Let's go and see.

Gu Zheng, who was overjoyed for less than half a minute, put the commendation order and the title book in the package, and once again immersed himself in his design drawings.

Let the old man, who was watching him carefully, nodded repeatedly while pinching his beard.

At this time, the staff member who issued the task on his left was really quiet. He looked at the task order issued by the Shangguan in his hand, and then looked at the Pang Jianzao next to him. , Just gritted his teeth and turned over the tasks that were originally placed under Gu Zheng on a monthly basis, and sketched it out.

"Okay, I just look at your old man Pang and make an exception."

"I only hope that the Lord Gongshi named Gu Zheng will not let the teacher down."

You know, there are too many talents in this world, and a creative invention can last a lifetime. Looking for a person to continuously innovate?

Just kidding.

The dubious staff member walked towards the next hall with the task paper in hand, leaving the self-contained Gu Zheng, once again immersed in his own world.

And such a quiet time will last for many months.

When the people around him recovered from the joy of Gu Zheng's ensignment, they began to worry about his follow-up work.

These three months have not been effective, and Old Man Pang’s face can barely be saved. This small half year has passed. Even if the court has some spare money, there is no reason to raise a person for nothing.

Many craftsmen did not murmur privately because of this, because there are more people like Gu Zheng who don't work, and the extra work will naturally be distributed to other people.

If you don't suffer from lack and unevenness, people have their own careful thinking.

Just when the whispers of these people in private became louder and louder, and the old man Pang who was dedicated to defending Gu Zheng was almost unable to stop it, Liu Che, who hadn’t seen Gu Zheng’s movement in the palace for a long time, took this to himself. The craftsman who had personally awarded the knighthood remembered it.

Now, because of the repeated illnesses of the Queen Mother, he has seized many opportunities to gradually take back the power of the court into his own hands.

Because of the increasing power of oneself, there are more and more things to work on at hand.

This can be in the vast documents thinking of the existence of Gu Zheng as a person, I still entrusted the annual frontier warning from the frontier generals to ask for food and money from the imperial court. Let Liu Che pull out Gu Zheng from his busy schedule.

"Hey, Zhang Qian, how long have you said that this government office workshop hasn't handed the papers up?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qian was very heartbroken. In this government office workshop, he had never personally handed any official documents over the years.

There is a department of work orders of the government, and how can those craftsmen who don't know a few big characters send the documents to the eyes of the emperor?

Just as Zhang Qian was about to consider something to say to Liu Che, the little yellow door on the side dropped his hand, said a word, and suddenly interrupted Zhang Qian's next words.

"Your Majesty Rongzi, I handed it over from the outside door early this morning, with nine scrolls of bamboo inscriptions and eight drawings on silk and silk. It was sent by Gu Zheng, a servant of the government office."

"A sealed letter made by the chief supervisor is attached to it. Because it involves court secrets, it is now being sealed in the database of the side hall, waiting for your majesty to read it."


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