The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 826: Playback of the 17th world (5)

Looking at the description in the last panorama completed picture, if it is successfully assembled according to the drawings, the structured landscape... The windmill can move without wind, the iron tree can move in the wind, and the villain on the bridge can actually move. It's selfless, everything is as magical as watching Zhiguai novels.

"Could it be that???"

Wei Ye hadn't said what he had said yet, but a foot of the strong man had already stepped into the range of the mural, and then immediately triggered the mechanism embedded in that wall.

This wall that sensed the incoming people, immediately pushed these parts away from the place where they were originally inlaid, and pushed a full half-meter away in parallel, just reaching the person named Qiangzi’s. After approaching, he stopped slowly.

Then, a short and rapid sound rang again, like a bell and a drum, but after hearing this sound, everyone in the field could clearly recognize the effect of this sound.


Still countdown.

The blue veins of the guard in the court violently violently, the mechanism here is simply undefeable, but after listening to his order, the hadron who walked into the court, there is no possibility of retreating half a minute, and the guard has to move towards this one who only has a physique. The mindless subordinates gave the order to assemble quickly.

And this buddy really deserves his name, with a strong body and... the opposite brain.

When his sturdy fingers are facing countless intricate parts, they are as helpless as a fire stick stabs a screw.

And his eyes, which were only useful for seeing old ladies, are now blind... useless.

Because he couldn't understand, even if it was Wei Ye who used his relatively rich vocabulary to guide him, the old bull was pulling at the speed of a broken car, and the people who were anxious bystanders scratched their heads.

And the group of five who were locked up in the cage, after seeing the performance of Hadron, had given up meaningless resistance, and they were all in the cage like living treasures... sang about the Xiaobaicai series. Ballad.

As time passed, the sweat on Wei Ye's head had already come out.

According to Hadron's speed, it is obvious that he cannot complete the assembly of this object within the prescribed time.

Then, there are only two roads before Wei Ye.

One is to let Qiangzi hug these pieces and run back, praying that the mechanism in this is not too powerful, so that Qiangzi can retreat with the parts all over.

When he turned around, he would ask someone to rub down the murals on this road, and then slowly assemble them after he got out of the tomb.

At that time, just relying on the landscape of this institution, he could make him a lot of money and retired early.

The second one is to ask the most ingenious monkey behind him to help. Seeing his excitement scratching his head on his side, it is like a new product that is difficult to conquer from a lock-making company. The weird problem that made him face the challenge has committed again.

Thinking of the Wei Ye here, he told his own thoughts, and then... his own team automatically divided into two factions.

"No, it's too dangerous to let the monkey go up hastily. If the mechanism is triggered in advance, I don't know what will happen."

"I choose two, this is my strength!"

Dawei and the monkey had a disagreement, but the clever monkey stared at Dawei and then began to persuade the master who could be the master.

"Master Wei, I'm not aiming for nothing when I say this, you think, just like Qiangzi, if you ask him to carry all the parts back, he will definitely be able to miss you one or two."

"I also looked at the landscape of the organ just now, but any missing piece is a dead knot that can't work."

"At that time, let's abandon the boss's energy and get something that can't be done. The price of this shot can be reduced by a hundred times."

"What do you want to be a livelihood of us? Windfall!"

"Since I did this job, there are not many who are afraid of death. I don't want to go down to the cave, but in the end I can only look at Baoxing and sigh and go home empty-handed."

"What's more, the institutions here are so complicated. Maybe when we come next time, this wall will be another scene, such a rare treasure, but it really slipped away under our noses. NS."

"And my monkey doesn't want to be a hundred years later, and whenever I think of this, I will be stunned and regretful."

"Master Wei, just let me go up and try it. Even if I can't cooperate, I can help Qiangzi pick up the exposed parts in the back, right?"

After listening to these words, even Dawei was silent.

The time left for everyone is indeed running low. That Weiye is really decisive. When the monkey looked at him again, he nodded slightly to the volunteering subordinate.

"Thank you Weiye!"

The monkey is really worthy of his clever name, the head of this master Wei hasn't finished tapping, the others have already jumped out.

To say that this man is clever, he thinks more than others. The monkey is not blindly arrogant. On the contrary, when approaching Hadron’s side, he slowed down his pace, took one step and took his arm back three steps. Stretched out first.

"Qiangzi, you give me the part with the hook, yes! Bring the fluted iron rod behind you."

The others are still three feet away from Qiangzi, so they just want to get those parts to a safe place first.

Unfortunately, is the level of this road so simple?

not at all!

Just as the monkey's fingers were about to reach the first part that Hadron had handed over, the original ‘Ka Ka Ka’ timer, I don’t know if it sensed something ordinary... Suddenly it accelerated.


In the end, the sound was as fast as winding a clock, and the hadron and the monkey who heard this sound immediately looked at each other in horror.

"Monkey, what did you do?"

"I... didn't do anything, wait, can't it be said..." The inspiring monkey looked towards the floor where he and Qiandson were stepping on, and subconsciously glanced over, but saw the pattern of the floor they were on. The floor that the group of people with Weiye and Dawei were walking on from the sidelines was not made by a mold at all.

Could it be said that the expert who designed the mechanism here has long thought of the possibility of multiple people helping or transporting the parts out. He actually calculated the approximate weight of one person on the floor and had a stable measurement. Started timing?

That is to say, Dawei used the first method to throw out all the parts. I am afraid that the mechanism here will also be triggered because of the sudden decrease in weight...

It's really sinister.

But now the monkey has no brains anymore to sigh the supernatural work of the tomb construction. At this time, he and Dawei's eyes are round, and when they are habitually planning to retreat, the institutions on this road do not intend to. Give them a chance.

At the moment they retreated, all the floors on this path were pulled out, and the cavities of black holes were exposed from the floor.

"Not good flash!"

‘Huh! ! ’

This reminder from Master Wei was still a step too late. The spears that flew up in the holes instantly penetrated the shoe uppers of the one-meter-long Dawei and the monkey, piercing the torso that they could not dodge, if it weren't for them in an emergency. I tried my best to avoid the critical point in the state of being afraid that the jaws of these two people... would be pierced by this two-meter long, so dangerous, my own little I'll explain it here when I'm a little fateful! "

The thin monkey took advantage of the figure. Except for a scratch on the side of the elbow, the other spear points were perfectly avoided by him with a twisting twist.

But the stalwart Qiangzi was not so lucky. Except for the two arms being pierced out of the two holes, the front and back around his thighs were rubbed off by the tip of the spear.

Now he can only move in the direction of Master Wei under the drag of the monkey.

And the parts on this road that they had taken down, as the floor mechanism twitched, rolled into the unfathomable deep hole below.

With the retreat of the Monkey and Hadron, the floor here creaked and closed. After a creaking sound from the ground, the wall panels of this wall turned over. Those parts that fell to the bottom... the one that didn't pull was stuck on the wall again.

As if the thrilling just now did not exist at all, it was an illusion of everyone.

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