But today, in their squad that went on a mission in the death camp, they ushered in a new member.

It is said that this new member was the emperor who was far away in Chang'an, who was specially transferred from the edge of Chang'an City.

It is said that this courageous newcomer voluntarily invited Ying to join their death camp and contribute to the defense of the frontiers of the Han Dynasty.

For such warriors, these veterans also admire them very much.

So the unspoken rules that would be used on new members on weekdays were unprecedented... they were not used on He Shui Ink.

Yes, now standing in the center of the team, physically weak and panting, and almost unable to move his legs with lead-filled legs, he is what ink.

But even so, he is still trying to move forward

Good deed, where is this? This is the Gobi desert that the Han army that has penetrated into the border of the Huns is beyond reach.

If he is dragging a team of people here, then these fierce-looking members of the death squad will definitely throw him, who is still white, tender and fat, to feed the wolves here.

He Shumo is really scared. He even dares not use his ability to play tricks in the daytime.

At this time, he could only follow forward with tears and tears... forward... and then forward.

However, at this moment, a voice that broke through the air rang in their ears.

The captain of this team, after hearing this voice, immediately yelled at the members of the death squad behind him.

"No! The Xiongnu's cavalry outpost is here! Everyone quickly spread out and hide, don't forget the sign of the subsequent joint and the meeting point."

"Brothers, cherish each one! Good luck!"

After saying these words, the captain of the death camp did not retreat but moved forward. Instead, he drew out the huge ring knife behind his back. In the worried, angry, and reluctant eyes of the team behind him ... rushed in the direction of the arrow.

"Your grandfather Han is here, and the Huns are barbarians looking at the sword."

The captain is using his life for the 24 players behind him to delay the short escape time of a few minutes, and he is using his bravery to perfectly explain what is the life and death of the death camp. Not afraid.

No matter how bad the environment is, the team members who never shed a tear no matter how cruel the enemy is, at this moment, the eyes are full of tears.

Even though they were reluctant to give up, they would not let down the scattered time that their captain had bought for them.

If they could escape their lives by chance, they would definitely return the pain they endured today thousands of times to the beasts on the opposite side.

‘Swish swish’


The more intensive sound of arrows and crossbows, accompanied by that familiar scream, made the tears of the guys who had spread in all directions... all of a sudden, they rolled down.

They didn't dare to look back, they were afraid that even if they looked back, they could not help but turn around and return to fight with their most respected old captain.

This was the rebirth of the people that the old captain had exchanged for his own lives, and they couldn't just...wasted.

The team members dispersed quickly. When the Huns' outpost cavalry rushed to the place where they originally gathered, how could there be half a person on this Gobi desert full of weeds and thorns?

"Asshole, the spy of this group of Han soldiers is really slippery and shameless! It's hard to meet a team of live, one or two, and they are as difficult as a lunatic to deal with."

"Hey, wait, I seem to have found something..."

The head of the swearing Xiongnu who was leading him suddenly cast his eyes to the center of the shivering withered grass not far away.

There is a fish that slips through the net!

Thinking of the possibility of the Huns, there was a joy on the face. They stopped the yelling in a tacit understanding, and drove the horse towards the chaotic haystack.

"Come out, we saw you!"

He was the first to discover the Huns in the hiding place, and looked at the huge buttocks exposed by the other party because of unkindness and concealment, and gave a helpless reminder.

But who had come to think, the people in this haystack, as if they hadn't heard their yelling, on the contrary rubbed their buttocks in a little bit.

"Ha ha."

At this moment... the Huns cavalry laughed angrily.

And when he used a long sword to lift a large pile of not-so-full withered grass on the top of that person's head all at once, that kind of sneer immediately turned into a ridicule of Da Le.

Because at this time, the ink in the haystack was crying with tears and nose. It was so miserable that he didn't even remember to hold on to the weapons on his body. He just used his hands to hold his head and disguised himself as an ostrich. , Trying to use a shit-like disguise to survive this life and death crisis.

That kind of shock, it's not like the soldiers of the Han Dynasty that the Huns had come into contact with in the surrounding area.

On the contrary, they are like those big Chinese traders with no bones

And when they laughed a lot, they stared at He Shumo's **** one by one...think about what to do with him.

Such a persuasive person, it may not be the opportunity for them to break through the line of defense of the Han army.

The Han soldiers in front of them looked weak and okay. They were intimidated here, and they would surely be able to obtain a lot of military information from the other side.

The Huns who thought of this were very happy, and even He Shumo's kind of... also looked pleasing to the eye.

One of the outpost cavalry "choked", pointed his long sword in front of He Shumo, and picked up the tip of his nose.

"After all, which garrison are you from, what did you come here for, how many people came in total, and where is the gathering place after you spread out?"

The black iron sword in the hands of the Xiongnu soldier was long and sharp, emitting a scorching cold light in the unobstructed sunlight, and with the strength of picking up here, the painful ink made his nose and tears away. The muddy face was lifted up.

At this time, he discovered that he was already surrounded by Huns cavalry in leather armor and fur, one or two staring at him with ferocious and playful eyes, like a group of wolves staring at a sheep. Funny and ridiculous.

"Okay, you have seen what's going on now. Tell the truth quickly."

"Maybe if you guys are in a good mood, they will let you go?"

"Don't you want to be ignorant of current affairs like this veteran. When you die, you won't even be able to keep a whole body."

After speaking these threatening words, the head of the cavalry leader took the head of the death squad leader he had just cut off and slipped to the horse, pulling their old captain’s hair loosened because of the fight, straight. It stretched out in front of He Shumo.

"Look, if you dare to resist, this is your fate!!"

But what made the Xiongnu leader unexpected was that when he saw the head of the old captain, He Shuimo's body seemed to be swinging... violently shaking.

Scenes that he had almost forgotten were played back in front of He Shumo's eyes.

Once, he was embarrassed when he first came to Shuo County, but he was full of grievances but wanted to support the sadness and suffocation of his smiling face, and he could not sleep after tossing and turning after nightfall. All of this caused He Shuimo's body to collapse quickly.

But at this moment, the old captain who accepted him into the team, even if he took out the money and bribes, appeared beside him, taking care of him with a mouthful of medicine and a mouthful of porridge, and would not have a high fever. He was awake and pulled back from the ghost gate alive.

For the first time, he felt that it was not unbearable to come to Shuo County.

It also made this child who lost his father at an early age feel the warmth of his father's love.

This also made He Shuimo's grievances against Gu Zhengkeng gradually reduced.

Coupled with the fact that he spent some time with these most simple men of the Han Dynasty, the black ink of He, who had been so daring, was influenced by the simplicity and sincere atmosphere here.

Among these simple people ~www.readwn.com~ do simple things, and guard every inch of their own land under their feet for this big guy they love.

This kind of life seems to be very good.

This is also the reason why He Shuimo has the courage to invite Ying to go out after a full ten-year training.

He wanted to stay rooted here, accompany the captain who was as kind as an old father, and just grow old like this.

However, this first mission caused him to lose his most admired and recognized captain, and it was the first time that made him feel overwhelming hatred.

This kind of hatred is completely different from the hatred towards Gu Zheng. This kind of hatred is heartbroken and deeply rooted!

He was so bitter and hateful that he was convulsed with tears in his eyes.

But in the eyes of the Huns, they thought it was because of his timidity.

This group of people laughed loudly again.

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