The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 833: China's live broadcast room in the U.S.

What's wrong with this kid, right? The style of painting changes every second.

But just when Gu Zheng was about to complain, a lot of wind and waves suddenly rose on the sea.

The waves of white flowers progressed layer by layer from the depths of the sea. In the deep sea area, they are nothing more than microwave waves. After being baptized by strong winds, they gradually transformed into turbulent waves.

At the end, the huge waves continued one layer after another. The lowest wave height had reached one and a half meters, and the top of the largest wave had reached a height of five or six meters.

This is the huge wave that surfers dream of, and George, who is still crawling on the wave board, instantly becomes excited.

He checked the timing, and yelled, after the first relatively gentle wave passed, while the moment the wave was slid down, one kneeling half-kneeled on the surfboard.

He held the side of the surfboard with his hand, trying hard to balance his body, lowering the weight of the whole body, and trying to make his surfboard complete a smooth transition state during the posture transition.

Unfortunately, in his ears, the roaring waves were so loud that he perfectly missed the exclamation of other friends who were still on the shallow beach, following the actions of these two men.

Because, just when George got up and formed a starting posture, in the next step, he could stand on his feet and straighten up to face the waves.

Gu Zheng, who has grasped the opportunity, has completed this short wave of waves, crawling on his face, supporting with both hands, raising his shoulders and chest, grasping the opportunity, raising his feet, bending his knees, pedaling, and keeping his feet level. A series of boarding movements such as arm opening.

What's more, what people do in this action is not done one by one in stages like George.

The whole set of dozens of decomposed technical points and actions were made like peers... in one go.

The people standing in the shallow bay at this time were stunned, and almost threw their shooting equipment into the water.

Who is it that makes anyone fool around on the Internet?

Thinking of Jenny here, she tremblingly asked Richard who was following her with another tool.

"You won't be connected to the live broadcast room of LIVE? Are you not that active? Are you a lazy person who doesn't even bother to throw trash?"

But when Jenny finished speaking and turned to Richard with the camera, she found that there was a lazy man’s necessary equipment for live broadcast hanging around his neck: Hands-Free, a collar mobile phone holder.

And it also has a very vivid name, which is to liberate hands.

With this black technology like a dog collar, you can hang your mobile phone around your neck, and the hands of the broadcaster can be used for any other work.

Haha, Jenny, who watched herself and the camera in her hand appeared in the live broadcast room, wiped the sea water off her face when she moved towards Richard's lens, instantly turning the whole room into a sea of ​​joy.

"Haha, the host's friends are so interesting, this is the most fun live video I have seen on so many live streaming software."

"Oh, I have to give him a simple and honest panda for this!"

Yes, you are not mistaken. The live broadcast on Y is a panda with extremely Chinese characteristics.

And their software is also one of the most successful cases of China's live broadcast platform software entering the United States.

This characterful company, huddled in the old tube building in Shanghai and unwilling to relocate, has won the hearts of American teenagers with their distinctive live broadcast method.

This software, which only hit the other side of the ocean in 2016, has only gone through a year, and it has occupied the third place in the mobile download ranking of similar live streaming software.

The success of this live broadcast platform is also very targeted.

Because the average age of people who are keen on this live broadcast platform is eighteen years old.

They cover most of the young group of 13-25 years old in the United States, and they have become popular throughout the United States by means of cheerful friendship and small video sharing.

Therefore, Y, and unfortunately, he is still a small net celebrity on this live broadcast platform.

In weekdays, I share some experience of extreme sports, which is very popular with a group of young people who are looking for excitement.

But whoever came to think, Cheng Ye Xiao He defeated Xiao He, from now on, he and his friend George are really popular.

Because since he wrote a very eye-catching headline on his room in a hot way, the number of viewers in his live broadcast room has broken through from the original peak of 10,000 individuals, and finally stagnated at eight. Above the mark of ten thousand people.

But just now, because of Gu Zheng's very face-smashing surfing action, this group of spectators who feared the world would not be chaotic, took out their change of part-time work during the holiday, and swiped the scrolling local tyrant-style rewards.



"America's shame!"

"It’s all of you idiots that lowered the IQ of our teenagers. I won’t admit that the Chinese girl sitting next to me who had just transferred to Nevada with her parents jumped to three levels and directly followed the high school. Course!"

"That's right! Let's have a snack, buddy! Anyway, before the game, is it true?"

However, seeing the cute pandas full of screens and the shivering little dinosaur reward coins in their hugs, Richard, a faceless person, after a short hesitation, on the contrary, he broke the jar, pained and happy. The live broadcast continued.

These days, no one can't live with money, right?

Don’t you see this short ten minutes of effort, is Y in the top ten today?

In such a short period of time, he has received hundreds of rewards of varying amounts. A rough estimate is that he has nearly $1,800.

Hey, it's George who is embarrassed anyway, his best friend is naturally used to cheat.

If George, now struggling on a surfboard, knew what his friend Richard was thinking, he would definitely spit on his face.

But now George is hard to protect himself.

Because George, who had just squatted up, followed Gu Zheng's act of passing him by riding the wind and waves, he saw a series of subsequent performances by Gu Zheng.

This Asian man who is about his age, he turned out to be a top wave chaser!

Because at this time, Gu Zheng had already started with the biggest wave, and followed the waves to make the difficult movement of S-style bending and turning.

He can easily grab the board, turn around, follow the acceleration of the first big wave, and bend over in mid-air with interest and roll over for a full circle.

What's even more frightening is that his choice of wave falling point is also very perfect, just at the point where the second wave rises, the landing is elegant and unrestrained, and his body is calm and stable.

The sport of surfing has actually made a kind of beauty like classical dance.

How terrible.

Because George, who knows surfing well, knows that even the most experienced surfer cannot guarantee that every challenge he will be successful.

But from the set of actions that Gu Zheng just took George is vaguely aware that if Gu Zheng wants to play, he can slide smoothly and smoothly until there is no wind and no waves. There is no difficulty in the shallow beach.

At this moment, George was heartbroken, and he immediately thought that he had self-defeatedly recorded this game.

I don't know if his friend, Richard, who is not good at his brain, is eager to broadcast live.

Then George was distracted, and when he turned around again, he heard a very subtle reminder in his ear.

"Be careful! The huge wave has passed towards you!"

"Huh? Huh?"

When George realized what the words meant, there was already a white bubble all over the sky before his eyes.

According to his current standing posture, he couldn't handle the impact of this huge wave that still burned on his body.

In just a moment, George was shot underwater by the waves, leaving only a few bubbles of losers.

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