It's just that, with this moment of delay, they only saw the two parties chasing and fleeing...had left the antique shop.

"I said, look at the direction they are running, wouldn't they be heading towards the site of the Kugou Gang?"

"Well, yes, I'm not blind yet."

After the people in this shop answered questions and answers, everyone fell into a strange state of silence.

I don't know how long this state has been maintained before a faint voice rang again: "It seems that today our stall is not going to be opened normally."

"Even if it's for the young man's brave behavior, I plan to call the police for him."

"I just hope that the police in Los Angeles can give more strength when they go out. When they rush to the site of the Kugou Gang, the Asian guy can still have a breath."

Hearing these words from the antique shop owner, the fat gallery owner standing behind him took out his mobile phone with a slight pride: "Actually, when you hug your head, I have already given it to my hall. Brother called."

"Calculated based on the current speed of the police station, the police car will arrive in about five minutes."

"Oh, all right."

The owner of the antique shop breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, and his heart settled down.

It's a pity that he hasn't kept this solid feeling for a minute, and there are sporadic gunshots in the small street close to the slum not far from this block.

After hearing these gunshots, the gallery owner's hand holding his mobile phone shook: "I'm going, I actually moved a real guy! No, I want my cousin to be more vigilant and send additional police sources. "

"I don't know what the Asian warrior did, so the Kugou gang broke the rules, and the real guy was openly used in broad daylight!"

So what did Gu Zheng do?

He stabbed a hornet's nest.

Because he was angry with the other party's insidious trick before escaping, Gu Zheng didn't plan to keep his hands. He vowed to capture the remaining two thieves together.

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who had thrown off his long legs, only chased after a road, and was just a wheel back...The kid who was about to run a step slower was photographed on the crosswalk.

An American girl who happened to pass by was shocked and screamed again and again, so scared that she even threw out the baguette she bought, and without looking back, she headed into a remote alley... ...Jumped past.

And the remaining fish that slipped through the net, that is, the self-defeating concealed weapon thrower, took advantage of Gu Zheng's dazed work, rubbed oil under his feet, and found a remote alley, and he drilled with his head down. Go in.

When Gu Zheng looked up again, he only saw the corner of the jacket that was not hidden when the slippery fish escaped.

Seeing this situation, Gu Zheng laughed angrily.

Walking through the streets?

Are you making an axe at the door of the class?

Although Grandpa I am not familiar with the path here at all, but with the professionalism that I have cultivated as a city manager for so long, and the keen sense of smell like a hunting dog, as long as these paths are in common, I will definitely be able to help you. People who don't know good or bad were picked out.

As a result, Gu Zheng, a bold person from the art high school, showed a cool smile, took the long knife in his hand to a beautiful flower, and while holding it, he chased the thief in the alley where the thief disappeared. past.

And Gu Zheng made such a big move in front of him, which naturally alarmed the entire flea market.

It is inevitable that Jiang Yue and the few people who wandered around here also knew from the mouths of others that their athletes...what did they do?

This group of people, as if struck by lightning, took out their mobile phones and immediately contacted the local Chinese embassy in Los Angeles.

If you encounter something overseas, sometimes it is much more reliable to contact the embassy than to contact the local public security, prosecutors and legal agencies.

And just when Jiang Yue and others lost Gu Zheng's track and were anxiously waiting for the personnel sent by the embassy official, what was Gu Zheng doing?

Not only did he use his keen sense of touch to catch the little thief who was trying to use the advantage of the terrain to escape, he also successfully penetrated into the enemy and stood in the center of the entire Kugou gang.

This little thief who was caught by Gu Zheng knew that his fate must not be so wonderful. He simply broke the jar. Before Gu Zheng had caught him, he ran and yelled without image. Up.

"Help, boss help! Someone dare to openly challenge the dignity of the Kugou Gang here!"

And his words just yelled twice, but Gu Zheng, who came after him, used a beautiful hand knife to interrupt it perfectly.

He was stunned like a boneless turkey, picked up by Gu Zheng with one hand, just as Gu Zheng was about to drag him and turn away, but in front of him... The ugly big guy blocked his way.

"Boy! The person who beat us still wants to turn back so easily? Are you afraid that you haven't woken up yet?"

"Don't you know the reputation of our Kugou Gang in this area?"

Hearing this, as an honest person, Gu Zheng first became cold, and then answered the other party's question truthfully in a very calm tone: "I don't know."

Just when the people on both sides fell into a short-term embarrassment because of this answer, a sharp female voice rang right behind the group of strong men.

"Brother! It was the Asian yellow-skinned monkey who frightened the French cookies I bought. Brother, let's shoot him into a donut with a gun!"

Okay, Gu Zheng looked in the direction of the sharp female voice, and saw a pair of white and unspeakable hands, pointing in his direction to make a complaint.

The complainant, Gu Zheng seemed to have a bit of an impression. Isn't this the one who was scared away at the entrance of the street because he had taken care of the third thief?

No wonder she dared to scurry around in such remote alleys, dare to love, this is the site of her own home.

Gu Zheng, who sniffed his nose, felt that after the matter was over, he needed to find a Taoist temple or a temple... to go and worship.

This recent luck is simply...

It's a pity that the big guys on the opposite side didn't give him this opportunity.

Originally, when he saw Gu Zhengti sneaking around, he endured the leading muscular man opposite him. When Gu Zheng calmly said that he didn't know their fame, he also endured the leader, but it was his favorite beauty. After his sister spoke, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Emarie is so simple and cute, innocent and lively, it is unbearable that someone dares to hurt such a cute sister!

As a sister-controlled brother, his first reaction was to pull his guy out from his waist. When the brothers beside him hadn't reacted yet, he didn't even hesitate...just A criminal bullet was fired in the direction of Gu Zheng.

'boom! ’

In this critical moment, as soon as the gunfire rang, Gu Zheng had noticed something wrong early, and he didn't hesitate to take the little thief half-carried and half-tugged in his hand. Raised in front of his body, he used a human shield to perfectly block the opponent's first wave of offensive.

Then, Gu Zheng exploded instantly as if someone had been thrown into the active crater of a TNT bomb.

grandson! Do you want Xiaoye's life?

Grandpa, I will kill you first.

At this moment, the non-existent friendship between the two countries and the subsequent international disputes were all left behind by Gu Zhengzhi. He wanted to shoot the troublesome flies in front of him. In the soil, the dust was crushed, and then another spit was spit, let them know that not everyone can provoke!

As a result, Gu Zheng successfully shot the flesh shield in front of him in the shoulder and woke up screaming. As soon as the scrapped pickup truck rolled behind, the whole person's body was completely covered by obstacles.

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