The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

: Eight hundred forty-six wake up

"Then please lock the door from outside when you go out."

"After I'm asleep here too, I'm afraid no one can take care of this courtyard anymore."

"Gu Zheng is really lucky to have a friend like you who can trust him with ease."

have to!

I must have owed him money in my last life. This guy with the surname Gu is very angry on weekdays. How can it be so evil to find a girlfriend?

After listening to these words of Leng Shuang, Comrade Smoker bit his back molar and ran out of the courtyard with a breath of breath.

To be honest, if he runs two steps slower, he has the heart to drag Gu Zheng out of the bed, and after the big mouth that he loves is up, he shakes his hand and walks away.

Boy, brother remembers you!

The smoking gun here forcibly endures Gu Zheng’s desire to block the door from the outside by dragging the two chains in the old car repair shop at the entrance of the street. They are locking the door of the yard outside, but the cold frost inside the house is He stripped himself agilely, turned around and got into the warm bed that had been covered by Gu Zheng's body temperature.

Don't tell me, Gu Zheng really didn't wake up.

As for Dr. Leng, who had all the sleepy bugs on his head, he fell asleep after tilting his head in this quiet and sound sleep atmosphere.

With this feeling, it was dim.

When Gu Zheng was asleep, and when he opened his eyes, he thought he had crossed again.

Because he found that there was the breathing of a stranger beside him.

Gu Zheng, who was very alert, his first reaction was to buckle the opponent's throat and heart with his backhand. Whoever wanted to start, it was very slippery.

Hey, where have you ever felt this familiar touch?

When Gu Zheng looked suspiciously so intently, he found that he was right with a pair of shining Danfeng eyes.

The look in his eyes was a bit chilly, but because of the graceful moonlight at night, Gu Zheng saw a bit of beauty.

And the gaze of Qing Lingling didn't make him cold all over, but instead caused him to walk through bouts of scorching heat and go straight to the bottom plate.

However, within a short period of time, Gu Zheng reacted to the owner of these eyes.

The person on the opposite side seemed to feel Gu Zheng's current state. She just said a word in a deserted manner, and immediately let the mushroom that Gu Zheng was about to flourish back into the ground.

"Wake up? Energetic? But I'm still sleepy. Didn't you come to me to sleep? Go ahead."

Yes, I seem to have called Leng Shuang an invitation.

And that sleep is not the kind of sleep in the current sense.

After blinking, Gu Zheng put his eyes on the large south-facing glass window of the bedroom. The dark sky outside and the visibility of the invisible fingers inside the room all indicate that it is already night at this hour. That's it.

When he called Leng Shuang, it seemed that it was still midday.

But his original plan was to talk about life and ideals with this dear and lovely doctor in bed, and then check each other's health, and then find a warm and inexpensive restaurant to treat himself to be ravaged by steak and fries. After her stomach, go home and sleep beautifully.

It's better now, the whole process is reversed.

The two of them can be regarded as sleeping first?

Gu Zheng, who wanted to understand, laughed awkwardly, and slowly took off the hands clasped on the opponent's neck and chest.

On the other hand, Doctor Lengshuang yawned lazily, with beautiful tears in the corners of his eyes, and then pulled back with his left hand, which had taken Gu Zheng back.

"What time is it? If it's too late, let's go to bed. I have morning shift tomorrow, so I should have a good night's sleep."

And when the dial of that person was held in her hand, the pointer would just point at six o'clock.

It's really a shame that the winter sun is setting so fast now, looking at the pitch black outside, I thought it was late at night.

"Yeah, it's only now. Come on, I won't sleep anymore. I have completed the task of sleeping today. I can go home."

After saying this, Doctor Leng turned over and sat up, picked up a red sweater on the side, and put it on.

The black underwear and the white skin were contrasted by the delicate and undecent red, and the color was increased by three points for no reason. Gu Zheng, whose hands were thrown away, immediately swallowed.

"Don't be so anxious, you said that you are a big doctor, who worked all night, how tired, should we lie down for a while?"

"I also helped me touch the Mogu and check it. I think I have lost weight after going abroad for so long, and I am still so young. If I have a loss or something, it would be a thank you."

However, after hearing Gu Zheng's words, Leng Shuang, who had neatly put the sweater on, trembled with laughter.

"Don't be funny, I'm not a doctor of Chinese medicine, and I'll give you Mogu. There is no bone in your second and second flesh."

"It's done, I really can't sleep anymore. If I lie down, my bones are scattered."

As soon as I said this, the stomachs of the two people groaned for a while, and the days that were about to die for the two people were put to an end.

"I'm going, I'm hungry, really, I haven't eaten or drank for a day."

That's why it's pretty good, and there is a big beautiful **** the opposite side, and Gu Zheng can't even take care of his poor stomach.

At this moment, he didn't care about lingering, he pulled up the pullover beside him and put it on with Leng Shuang.

After the two men were dressed neatly, this time will only pass by five minutes.

When Gu Zheng, who was standing in the small courtyard, looked at the big curls that Leng Shuang had forgotten to comb, and Leng Shuang looked at Gu Zheng's face with towel prints, the two of them laughed at the same time. .

"It's done, people who are really hungry panic."

"For the sake of me trying so hard to sleep with me, I'll still invite you tonight."


Gu Zheng turned the car key around, then he turned his arm up, let Leng Shuang, who had loosened her hair on her shoulder, left the hospital with a little pride and started the car, heading straight to Xuanwumen. Direction away.

From Hongmen Village, the only way to go to Xuanwumen is Niujie.

In this time when traffic jams have just begun and the gluttons come out for food, it is also the busiest time in Niujie.

Parking spaces at this time are really hard to find.

Relying on his familiarity with the terrain here, as well as his own past of walking through the streets, Gu Zheng really found a small corner that no one noticed, and steadily gave his not-so-small off-road vehicle. Stopped.

This made the cold frost of the super diners, but was surprised.

The two of them had a discussion about this location as they walked towards their destination.

"This is a place that has been vacant for a long time for 24 hours?"

"How can it be? This is the backyard of my Yifa Xiaojia. He has a fixed parking space when he gets off work at night."

"He took me to eat and drink on weekdays, so I remembered this one."

After listening to Gu Zheng's explanation, Leng Shuang became even more strange.

"I thought you had no friends like me except your colleagues at work."

" Your popularity is good enough. Not only do you have a neighborhood that looks after your home like a loyal dog, but there is also an eager and just kidding person."

Gu Zheng was proud to hear this. He raised his chin to the upper side and grinned: "That is, I grew up foolishly by myself. If the popularity is worse, what kind of life should I live on? ."

After saying this, Gu Zheng never got a response from Leng Shuang for a long time. When he felt strange and turned his head to look at the girl who was holding his hand behind him, he found this cold heart and cold lungs. Changgan'er's elder sister had tears faintly in the corner of her eyes.

What's wrong?

But at this time, Doctor Leng changed his personality. He handed it over to Gu Zheng with a little teary eyes, and touched his forehead with his feet cocked.

"Your self-improvement has made me forget how you grew up."

"It's not easy all these years, right?"

After finishing talking, Doctor Leng followed Gu Zheng's forehead and touched it twice. The gentle energy is not to mention how weird.

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