The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 852: Things are big! Guiguzi please let it go! (Thirty-three/50...

Among the disciples who want to worship Guiguzi as the master, it’s easy to choose people who don’t live as you wish. However, the chance of being discovered by this ghostly master has greatly increased. .

Isn’t that right? The moment when Zheng Xiaowangshu triumphantly found a suitable soul body and successfully signed a contract with it, was it discovered by the master living in the Guigu Cave?

The chain reaction caused by being discovered is that while studying Laughing and Forgetting Books, Guiguzi actually triggered the power of the communication space of Laughing and Forgetting Books, which instantly opened up the channel between that world and reality.

With Gui Guzi's thoughts moving so much, he pulled Gu Zheng from the other side by the way.


Is this going to be considered a rare object for research?

As for Liao Wangshu, who tried to resist many times, everyone saw the result of its struggle, which was similar to when it first met Gu Zheng.

Being repeatedly crushed and crushed many times, the energy that made it proud was all spent trying to send Gu Zheng away again...forcibly opened the upper side of the passage.

Now it is dying, which is equivalent to a hostage.

On the other hand, Gu Zheng could only do his own little destiny. One said one, and the other said two, explaining the contents of the contract in this world.

"As for this client, you must know it too. His surname is Ji and Zhengzi, he comes from the Lu country, and he comes from the clan of a craftsman."

"In the early years, I studied under one of the top government teachers in the State of Lu, so my studies can be considered a small achievement."

"It's a bit unique in the fine carving and the handling of small details."

"But the reputation of the craftsman is difficult to spread, and he is conscious of such a life as if there is nothing wrong with it."

"But since his junior and younger brother, who also came from the Ji family, learned to be a teacher, they have used this skill in different places."

"Because the male loser is flexible in mind and good at innovation, he actually used his good craftsmanship in the development and production of weapons."

"He assisted the King of Chu to create a weapon for siege, the ladder."

"Moreover, with the weapon of a country, it unifies the weights and measures dedicated to craftsmen."

"Curved rulers, ink fountains, umbrellas, blade saws... these magical inventions related to the people's livelihood and military affairs have also made the public loser's reputation, and then these tools have been passed on to the north and south."

"Many craftsmen admire it, and there are even some families of craftsmen who have begun to enshrine the portrait of Gongyuzi as the ancestors of the craftsmen passed down through generations."

"Take this to thank him for his kindness, and pray that I can also have the skill and clarity of mind like a male loser."

"Seeing Ji Zhengzi here, he suddenly understood where the feeling of emptiness in his own heart came from."

"It turns out that he also had a heart in his heart that wanted to make contributions and make a name for himself."

"It's just that the original him, the traditional concept that was imperceptibly imperceptible in the family, has been too profound."

"He always thinks that the craftsman only needs to have a craft that can make him settle down and pass it on forever."

"Subconsciously, he suppressed the little ambition that was in his heart when he was young."

"In addition, his own qualifications are limited, and the teachings of the teachers he studied also have reservations, so that his original idea of ​​six points has become three points with the compromise of reality."

"Until others reach middle age, and the last bit of energy has been flattened by reality, the sudden appearance of the male loser can be regarded as awakening the dreamer."

"Let this person who has passed his whole life knowing what he really should do in this life for the first time."

"Therefore, this client of Ji Zhengzi, whom you are not optimistic about at all, will find the Ghost Valley Cave where you live from thousands of miles based on the traces of the legends of the people around you."

"Then it takes so many days to kneel in this sinister valley."

"Oh? So, is the client who came to you still quite discerning."

"Knowing that there is no mediocre under my Ghost Valley."

"And I, Guigu, is proficient in the strengths of a hundred schools, and I just come up with an organ skill to count it, it will be enough for him to learn for a lifetime."

"Then, since he has come to this point, why should he call you over again?"

Speaking of this, Gu Zheng was helpless. He replied feebly: "It's not your old man. The entry level is too abnormal, and the living environment here is too sinister?"

"Looking at your current state, Venerable, you might have jumped out of the Three Realms and you are no longer in the Five Elements."

"But my client, he still needs to eat and drink Lazarus."

"It's not that I'm hypocritical, even someone like me who is drawn to fulfill my wishes can't guarantee that I can live safely to the end of my life in the mountain stream of this Guigu Cave."

"Not to mention the original client who wouldn't be beside him except for some handicrafts."

"If he hadn't eaten all the food he brought with him, had the wind into his body, and couldn't sleep at night, he wouldn't have rushed to sign an agreement with my laughing and forgetting system."

"And my unlucky system and I wouldn't be so coincidental. It was caught by your old man, right?"

"Ha ha."

Opposite the ghost fire monster that has been confirmed by Gu Zheng is worthy of being the most mysterious and heavenly Guiguzi in history.

This is an extraordinary person who is all fine, all incapable, no one can match with literary skills and martial arts, and beyond the control of reincarnation of life, is a legendary existence at all.

But now, Gu Zheng was lying in front of this legend, like a fish on the chopping board, waiting for the person opposite to give him the final verdict.

After I understood the reason for Gu Zheng's appearance, the Guiguzi in the cave let out a laugh of unknown reason as Gu Zheng had expected.

Then he heard a desperate message from Guiguzi.

"Hehe, if I say that my Guiguzi's sect always refuses to accept those mediocre people, and your client belongs to the type of person I can't earn a lintel, what do you plan to do?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Zheng became anxious. He stubbornly fought for himself: "But sire, now, I have replaced the mediocrity that you didn't look up to, and I am definitely not a person who can fall. A prestigious apprentice in Guigudong!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's confession, the people in the cave did not respond directly, but instead asked an unrelated question inexplicably.

"If you can't fulfill the wishes of the client in this world, what will you do?"

"The nature of your contract, is it equivalence exchange or is it a big one with a say?"


For a while, Gu Zheng was speechless. Has he ever fulfilled his client's wishes?

Strictly speaking, no.

So, how did he know his fate if he hadn't completed the task?

He didn't know whether his life span was deducted by the same amount, or whether he continued his journey through life unscathed.

Gu Zheng, who was asked so far, fell silent unexpectedly.

And the Guiguzi who saw it here seemed to have found something fun... and laughed again.

"Interesting, interesting."

"It's been many years, it's been a thousand years, the deity hasn't met such an interesting person and such an interesting thing for a long time."

"It's really boring to think about"

"Unexpectedly, there are still things that Guiguzi can't know the result now."

"It just so happens that I also have some unfulfilled wishes that I want to achieve. Even if you and I meet each other, even if we are destined, let's sign what you call the contract to get the salted fish to turn over."

After finishing speaking, before Gu Zheng stopped, in front of the two ghost fires opposite, a golden ball that was about to extinguish the real body was exposed.

In front of those ghostly eyes... Suddenly he stretched out a **** and thin hand, and grabbed the small ball that was especially unwilling... and wanted to escape in the direction of Gu Zheng. Then, In a state where his darling was about to be frightened, he suddenly said: "Contract conversion!"

Gu Zheng: "Hey?"

Laughing and forgetting the book: "Hey?"

Just when the two ignorant things didn't know what was happening, a golden halo lit up in front of the client and Gui Guzi at the same time.

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