The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 854: You cheated me! The 19th world has also been forced open! !

Where does he know where Guigu Cave is? In the future, this place won't exist at all.

The opposite Guiguzi didn't think it was a pestle. Instead, he continued to mutter to himself: "This Guigu Cave is located in Yunmeng Mountain 30 miles west of Chaoge, the capital of the original Shangzhou King."

"And in Yunmeng Mountain, it wasn't originally such an inaccessible sight. The mountains and rivers were beautiful and the scenery was pleasant."

"There are also two peaks on this mountain: Jianxiu Peak and Longwang Peak. There is a natural cave on the cliff between the two peaks. There is a clear spring in the cave, which flows into the river. This cave is the Ghost Valley Cave."

"At that time, when I was born with a sense of wisdom, I lived in the ghost valley cave with Zhongling on this mountain."

"I am very familiar with the mountains and rivers, the plants and the trees."

"This is my hometown."

"At that time, the heavens and the earth were clear, the spirits were strong, all birds and beasts could practice cultivation, and all elves and ghosts were equal."

But why did you become the ghost like you are now?

Subconsciously Gu Zheng felt that this must be a very tragic story.

But the winked he didn't continue to ask.

But if Gu Zheng didn’t ask, it didn’t mean that Guiguzi would not continue to speak. The great ability to continue with Gu Zheng in a reminiscence tone said: "So, do you know what my wish is?"

Wait, how did this certain tone come from?

Gu Zheng looked back at him with horrified eyes as if thinking of something.

"Hehe, a very clever boy, no less than my most proud disciple."

"But who makes this huge world only you meet my requirements? So, please go and fulfill the wishes of the deity below."

"People always say that fate is fixed in a few days, but in a world with a fixed ending, often an ant turns over, but it can be accompanied by a chain of upside-down changes."

"I really look forward to it. If an ant that seems to be able to toss is to be thrown into that world of destiny, what kind of change will it have."

"Haha, I want to see if the so-called heavenly gadgets can help this kind of smugglers!"

After saying this, Gui Guzi released the Xiao Wangshu that he had just held tightly in his hands instead.

But now Gu Zheng, after hearing his statement, was half-hearted to continue the task.

He pointed in the direction of Guiguzi, and said with a little trembling: "Could it be that it's not! It's not what I think!" Then, taking advantage of this gap, he shouted at Xiaowangshu: "Run! Dissolve the contract." !"

Do anything you want!

It's a pity that his reaction was still a step late. The opposite Guiguzi still smiled with a smile on his chest, and gently squeezed Liao Wangshu's body with his skinny fingers, like a cruel two or three-year-old naughty boy. He squeezed the plastic yellow duckling in the swimming pool, and instantly squeezed Xiao Wangshu into a dough cake.

And after Xiao Wangshu was pressed down in this way, an entrance that was not too big or small just enough to hold Gu Zheng's soul through... appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

At this moment, Gu Zheng's soul body, as if uncontrolled, soared into the air from the body of his client in this world, and then, guided by the powerful suction at this entrance, it suddenly disappeared. To it.

However, even at the last moment, Gu Zheng did not forget his struggle, his unwilling yelling, until his soul was completely submerged in the passage, the entrance to this inexplicable passage was out of thin air. It disappeared, and it still echoed in this empty ghost valley cave.

"I don't want to go to Chaoge! I don't want to confess the gods!"


At the turn of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, it does not necessarily mean that it must be the Shang and Zhou in the world of Conferred Gods.

But looking at the ghostly look of Guiguzi, who would believe that the wishes of such a person would be realized in the ordinary world?

Therefore, when Gu Zheng's eyes lit up again, he didn't even think about it, so he squatted down, grouped himself into a group, and tried to reduce his sense of existence.

It's just that this time, Gu Zheng thinks too much. Since he landed in this new world, a short period of time has passed since he landed in this new world, but it was calm and quiet, and there was no movement.

At this time, Gu Zheng had already taken advantage of this small amount of time to get an overview of the environment he was in.

This is definitely not a normal space, or it may not be the human world.

Because Gu Zheng's position is in a room built like a transparent crystal.

And the layout of this room, whether in terms of materials or rarity, is not something a mortal can have.

Even the emperor who sits in the world can't make it like this.

Because this bright crystal room is right in the middle of a sea area.

And in the deep sea area where you should not be able to see your fingers, it is because of the rows of huge night pearls around this room that it shines as bright as day.

The sparkling waters, because of the halo of dreamlike reflections, are three points gorgeous for no reason.

Gu Zheng, who had never seen such a beautiful scene before, couldn't help but be stunned.

At this time, Gu Zheng once again circled this huge and gorgeous room, and finally couldn't resist the temptation of the treasures around him. He suddenly stood up from the ground and walked straight to these colored glazes inlaid with night pearls. The side of Zhan looked carefully.

Who would have thought of this carefully, these night pearls are not the lifeless unearthed cultural relics of Gu Zheng in the real world.

Each of them is the size of a fist, and the most rare thing is that as their halo spreads out in circles, they actually swallow the surrounding spirit like a living thing to balance their own circulation. Enlarge the scope of light.

This is incredible. This kind of night pearl has been separated from the category of mortals and can be summarized as a legendary treasure.

And in this room, Gu Zheng counted it roughly. The number of night lights like this is no less than nine, and the round pearls used for reflection are accompanied by these headlights. , They are inlaid on the four sides of the crystal wall as if they don't need money, and they are all used as decorations for our current enveloping walls.

The more he watched, the more frightened Gu Zheng became. He hissed and gasped, and he started to face his body in this world with his hands...feeling for it.

Who would have imagined that just as he touched his waist with his hand, this crystal room, which looked extremely solid in appearance, began to shake violently.

I went, there was an earthquake?

When Gu Zheng subconsciously wanted to pull the door and ran out, his feet stopped in confusion.

Wait, it's not right, how could there be an earthquake deep in the sea?

Maybe it's an active volcano erupting?

But feeling the clear water temperature around him, and the deep-sea fishes swimming through his crystal room vigorously, Gu Zheng denied this guess.

Then an even more unfavourable idea popped up in his mind.

And a bald sentence came out from his mouth: "It's not what I thought." After that, outside the door of his crystal room, there was a very anxious voice.

"General Li, please, Dragon King!"

With this sound, Gu Zheng's heart fell to the bottom with a thump.

Sure enough, the last thing he didn't want to happen happened. U U Reading www.uukanshu. com

What was the name of the Pippi Shrimp, whose head was poking out just now, to him?

General Lee?

Xunhai Yasha, Li Gen?

This is a rare and famous person who was beaten to death by Nezha in the Romance of Conferred Gods?

I really thank you and your family, Guiguzi.

But the light from the eyes of the little black bean of the Pippi Shrimp on the opposite side is too urgent. If he does not follow the other side, maybe the shrimp soldier will turn into a bucket of shrimp paste. , So that Gu Zheng's words of refusal that had reached his lips were swallowed back.

These days, it was easy for a mortal to find a reason for not working, but it was really difficult to put it on this cruiser Yaksha.

Therefore, at this time, Gu Zheng sighed, and by the way, he set his gaze on the weapon rack in the corner of the crystal room, and replied irresponsibly: "You go back and express yourself. Just say Li Gen, I'll be there soon."

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