"Your Majesty, the minister is named Taibai Jinxing, nicknamed Qixingxing."

"Well, it is indeed very appropriate. And you have to play it right and it fits my mind, so let's put you in the post of Si Chen is a bit of an overkill."

"From now on, you will take up the post of...the imperial walker. Just stand by my side and remind me of the undecided little things."

"Thank you, the emperor! Xiaoxing must do his best to serve the emperor!!"

The platinum star is so beautiful. The person who braved his nose and bubbling took the little star stick and stood proudly to the place where the Emperor Haotian Tian randomly clicked with his hand, and then after cleaning up his makeup, he turned his head once again. The direction of Nezha.

Some doglegs and some foxes yelled at him pretendingly.

"Since the penalty has been set, people are not coming soon, and those who despise the majesty of the heavens will be dragged down and punished in accordance with the law?"

When he heard the words of Taibai Jinxing, Gu Zheng sucked a bit of the snot that had flowed out after hearing these words.

Good deed, is this a flood of water rushing into the Dragon King Temple?

Yuanshi Tianzun’s disciple was pitted into a ditch by his servant?

But now there is no more room for Gu Zheng to speak. Not only could he not stop him, but he took a step back towards the crowd.

And the few parties who knew better than anyone in their hearts closed their mouths, pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Only the Haotiantian Emperor who was framed up was left, and he fell into deep regret.

Did he praise him wrong just now? In fact, this chubby man is also a stunned boy.

But the words have been released in this way, and he has to stand up for his own face.

As a result, the Emperor Haotian, who fell silent appropriately, actually let the two powerful men who stepped forward, one from the left and the right, to stand up Nezha, and began to drag in the direction of the penalty hall. .

"You bastard, foolish old man, you still call yourself the emperor of heaven in vain!"

"To issue such an unreasonable penalty, I think you are a self-holding old man!"

"Bah! I want Nezha to step into the animal realm and fall into reincarnation forever! Dreaming!"

"Today, I want to let you know that Xiaoye is amazing, and I also want to put a bright mind in this heavenly court to sit down!"

After saying this, Nezha struggled fiercely, and the two powerful men who stood him up were not his opponents for a little baby. The two strikes made Nezha break free, a good eye. Yes, he rushed to the top of the High Heaven Hall, where the Haotian Heavenly Emperor's throne was.

Not only that, Ne Zha also got rid of the Hun Tian Ling that had been wafting behind him, and drew it against the imaginary and sufficient Haotian Tiandi on the seat.

"Escort! Escort!!"

If he really had served people before, in this group of people, Taibai Jinxing was the first to react, and he waved the little star stick in his hand and greeted him.

And under his roar, all the Xian'er, weird, dragon, and fork above the hall all reacted, picking up the guys one after another, trying to stop Li Nezha. The way to go.

But is this useful?

Li Nezha, who was mad, exploded with unprecedented fierce energy. He stared at his flushed eyes, opened Hun Tian Ling and rushed forward.

And wherever he went, either the people who were hit by his power turned upside down, or the eyes of Venus were drawn by the Hun Tian Ling in his hand. There was no one in this room, Xianer Guai, who belonged to him. Enemy.

And when Li Nezha rushed to the front of Taibai Jinxing, he made a very good three-pointer. He not only used the pair of flesh fists that could uncover the dragon scales to hit Taibai Jinxing’s eye circles, but also used the mixed sky. Ling followed her and pulled the other party's mouth.

"Papa Papa"

The fist on the eye socket was just a punch, but the big mouth... but it was more than ten times.

Frozen is to draw the original round face of a short fat man directly into the appearance of a rugby... oblate.

And this Taibaijinxing, don't tell me, if he really served under the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun, his professionalism is leveraged.

They were all drawn like this, and he didn't see him take a step back. On the contrary, he gritted his teeth like a brown candy, and stood in the middle of Nezha and Haotian Tiandi, acting as the most loyal courtier.

It's a pity, this is too platinum star, too low, just Nazha this kid, who is a little over seven years old, is 1.23 meters tall, and is still half a head taller than Taibai Jinxing.

And when his arm was raised and waved, the too platinum star with his short arm was even worse.

Standing behind this messy situation, Gu Zheng, who pretended to be pushed out by the crowd, saw a luminous sphere between Nezha and Haotian God, like a bouncing ball bouncing around. He, a man with a great sense of humor, almost laughed.

Not to mention, Empress Shiji, who laughs and scolds completely at will, she is now laughing so beautifully without image, that she has forgotten the original intention of why she came to the palace.

However, it was almost time for things to be such a mess. Therefore, as a simple and honest Yasha, Gu Zheng naturally reminded him.

"Lady Shiji, for the sake of Xiaoyacha's running in all directions, hope that Empress will help Haotiantian Emperor!"

As the saying goes, the enemy’s enemy is a friend. If you help out now, it can be regarded as a good fate. If you encounter the real Taiyi again in the future, when you are killed by someone, there will always be someone to replace it. You said something.

And hearing Empress Shiji here was really unambiguous. She didn't have any grudges with this named Heavenly Court Lord, so naturally she wanted to help the other party to fight against her who had a grudge against her.

Therefore, as soon as Empress Shi Ji made a move, the immortals knew if there was any.

Seeing Empress Shiji shook the Tai'a sword in her hand, a forward hand stopped Nezha's Hun Tian Ling.

Then, under the stunned gaze of everyone, a light wave of beckoned, that intractable magic weapon that was hard and soft for a while, it seemed like it had encountered a natural enemy...it collapsed into a piece of noodles in an instant, and followed the stone. Ji Niangniang's hand flew into her cuffs, leaving only Nezha whose mouth was bigger than others, and was stunned on the spot.

"This is impossible!"

Nezha looked at the sword that Empress Shiji slashed over, and finally recovered his mind in time. He seemed to have seen a ghost, completely unable to accept what he had just seen.

The Empress Shiji on the opposite side smiled disdainfully: "It's just a tricky thing, it's just a magic weapon."

"When your master sees me, there are still two winners and losers. You are a mere human being, don't be fierce in front of me!"

After speaking, he changed his sword into his palm, slapped Nezha’s chest with a slap, and pushed him out, just falling back into the hands of the two yellow turban warriors who had previously framed him, creating a fixation formula. , He said to the two powerful men: "Go!"

Don't tell me, since the voice of Empress Shiji's words fell, Nezha was like a stubborn stone, and it couldn't move at all.

He had to stare at his uncontrollable body, just like that, being lifted sideways, but after a short time, he was lifted to the side of a round pool surrounded by clouds and fireworks.

Above it ~www.readwn.com~ hangs a execution platform, among which a huge pillar is erected with fairy wood of unknown material.

On the two thickest pillars, there are long chains cast from Brahma steel.

The shackles on it are even more sturdy and sturdy than the sharp weapon of the magic weapon.

This brand new unused execution platform, Nezha was about to become the first kill.

When the two powerful men from the left and the right put their limbs in these shackles, they retreated in time.

And after this person withdrew, the four shackles seemed to be alive...Kakka shrank.

It wasn't until Nezha's arms were propped up, both feet were scored, and they slipped directly into the air, before they stopped their contraction and became motionless.

At this time, Nezha also felt that it was not good. Unfortunately, he is now unable to speak or lift his hands. He can only express his dissatisfaction with his dribbling eyes.

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