But when Gu Zheng took out Nezha's universe, Ban Zhaluo suddenly realized something.

This Yasha, named Gu Zheng, is a man of great luck among the Eastern religious population.

By the side of such a person, there will always be opportunities and treasures, so if you release a strand of distraction to attach to this fork, can you monitor his chances from time to time.

If one day, with the improvement of his abilities, will this person encounter treasures or opportunities that are also useful to them like the Yasha King?

So, as the king of the Yasha tribe who secretly blessed him for so long, is he eligible to charge a portion of the interest?

Therefore, Banzhaluo, who had left one hand, was righteous, and didn't even share his eyes with Gu Zheng.

I saw that Banzhaluo, who had already shown his original shape, had completely released himself at this time. Under the eyes of everyone, it was very bloody... he tore off one of his arms, with ticking black blood, and The boundless devilish energy has transformed this gloomy ghost with a severed arm... into a huge shield that can cover half of his stature.

And this shield is not a simple long shield. Since it turned into a shield, it has automatically formed a big mouth of the blood basin on the shield surface. In this big mouth, four fangs pierced up and down, exposed outside the lips. , With Banzhaluo's waving, one by one began to breathe in the wind.

But the invisible eyes on the shield only appeared as if they were closed and frowning, and they were exposed above the mouth. When they were not opened, it was completely unclear how they functioned.

After the five senses of the shield were formed, pure white hair grew on the edges of the shield, as thick and vigorous as the mane of a lion, along with the yin breeze it emits, swaying with the wind, so majestic.

Seeing the appearance of the shield, Banzhaluo's clone seemed very satisfied. After swearing a brave hammer on his chest, he used the only right arm... to hold the shield up.

When Gu Zheng on the side wondered how this disabled person could use a shield to fight, only to see this Banchaluo holding a shield in one hand... he swayed his body against Hongjun Taoist ancestor, like he was In the winter, the beggar trembles with the frequency of lice. After that, the Banzhaluo, who has only one arm left, banged bang...Seven more arms were born out of thin air.

Not only did he perfectly complement his missing left arm, but he also added six more helpers out of thin air on his back, plus the two arms he originally existed, which adds up to no more or less. , Exactly eight.

Seeing Gu Zheng here, he subconsciously said, "Where is the head?"

And just after the sound of his words fell, that head seemed to be like mushrooms after the rain, and on Ban Chaluo's head...they began to appear one after another with facial makeup with various expressions.

Yes, it is the face. Unlike the Nezha-style independent head that Gu Zheng guessed, only four faces representing the four directions of front, back, left, and right are shown on the original face of Banzhaluo, and the expressions on the face are also Great difference, representing the most emotions in the world: joy, anger, sadness, and happiness.

After these four faces were fully formed, in the not-so-small space in this Hongjun Cave, the sound of wandering drums rang.

It's just that this is not a faint fairy sound, but a bit of the eerie horror of the funeral. Even the soundtrack of a scary horror film is inferior to it.

After these organs were fully grown, this Banzhaluo seemed to have truly come to life. He actually performed a whole body stretch in the presence of Hongjun Taoist ancestor, and then, he actually used his new life. The left arm was inserted straight into his naked right chest, which was very oozing... So he pulled out a white rib from his chest, and after shaking it in his hand, he moved this one. The ribs... transformed into a shimmering weapon.

This is a half-moon scimitar, very huge, the blade is not sharp and round, but it is accompanied by staggered bone spurs, particularly ferocious.

There is a huge diamond ring hanging from the handle of the knife, and the ring is connected with one after another like rosary-like skulls with the same bones.

And these nine skulls, all of different shapes, or hollow with three eyes, or single horned firstborn, none of them are the bones of ordinary people with no characteristics.

With the looming light shrouded on these skulls, it can be judged that the former owner of this skull must not be an ordinary character during his lifetime.

It's just that these races with their own miracles are now turned into bones, and they can only swear to their former glory on the half-Zara weapons.

Come to think of it, this Banzhaluo is also very proud of his weapon. When it grows in the wind and is long enough to circle Banzhaluo's current body for more than half a circle, he swayed in the direction of Hongjun Daozu. I clicked on my Demon Head Bone Knife. Before everyone could react, he took the hilt and slammed it against the dark and weird shield...

An extremely sharp cry came out from this ghost face shield... yelled.

And those eyes that were originally closed, from this moment on... glared! Staring at Hongjun!

It was not until this time that Gu Zheng discovered that the eyes on the shield were not the usual scarlet appearance of the evil ghosts and spirits he imagined. On the contrary, they were very similar to the golden pupils of the angry King Kong to kill evil. Imagine that there is boundless Buddha nature inside!

How can this be!

So contradictory, but so seamlessly integrated!

The Buddha and the devil are two-sided, and they are originally one, but they are embodied on one shield.

But just when Gu Zheng was astonished at the unreasonableness of this shield, he discovered that the sharp screams were wave after wave, with a unique rhythm and rhythm, and there was no stopping at all... From the big mouth of this shield's blood basin, he was screamed.

After listening carefully, Gu Zheng found that something was wrong...

Because only the third sound was heard, the blood in his whole body began to force out toward his body like a volcano boiling. He couldn't wait to find a channel for catharsis, and it spewed out.

And the first thing that suffers is naturally his nostrils, eyes, this kind of position with its own catharsis, that more and more black blood is flowing ticking down his seven orifices, looking at this speed, it is actually Flowing faster and faster, I'm afraid that it won't be long before Gu Zheng will become the first Yasha to lose blood.

Feeling that something was wrong, Gu Zheng could not bother to fight with the strength of kneeling in his heart. Instead, he squatted on the ground, trying to move away from the battlefield far away from Banzhaluo with his hands and feet.

Acting together with it, there is also the combination of Laughing Forgetting Book and Guiguzi, which has been automatically forgotten by everyone after he has shown his true face and prepared to start the fight without fear. There are only two twists left. The ropes that are together are now being led by Guiguzi, floating out of the cave like a cloud of fog.

Following Gu Zheng, when he inadvertently glanced at it like this, he found that the temperamental former might who had bullied himself was now bleeding from his mouth and nose and was embarrassed.

In an instant, Gu Zheng felt that he was much better and more comfortable.

But in the next second, when Gu Zheng saw the expression on Guiguzi's face clearly, he couldn't show a satisfied expression.

Because at this time Guiguzi was laughing, laughing wanton and excited, laughing crazy and satisfied.

It seemed that all this chaos was his goal, and it seemed that the real master of heaven in this world was about to be out of luck, and it was his wish that he was fulfilled, and he was satisfied.

It's a pity that this laugh came to an abrupt end after a muffled bang sounded behind the two groups of people.

Gu Zheng and Guigu Xiaowangshuzi, who turned their heads in response to the loud noise, only saw a huge palm that was about to fill the cave mansion... Down the ground.

Under the scorching, jade-like fleshy palms, a puff of black blood diffused along its edge.

This is Banzhaluo?

After playing a magic sound trick, you don't know the life or death of being beaten in the palm of a hand?

Even if there is a generation difference between Yuanshi Tianzun and others and Hongjun Taoist ancestor, but the real strength is similar to these few Banzheluo, even a single hair can not hurt Hongjun Taoist ancestor?

Gu Zheng didn't believe that in this world of gods, how many instances of disciples overthrowing the master are still vivid, not to mention Ban Chaluo, who is known for his outstanding combat power, whose supernatural power system is completely different from that of the Eastern Sect.

Why shouldn't it be wiped out so simply, there should always be someone waiting for Dao Ancestor Hongjun, right?

Sure enough, just when Gu Zheng thought of this, the blood stains of the avatar that was imaginary by the bleeding-smeared Banzhaluo appeared like a gurdang-dang that spontaneously ignites.

Along with these constantly bursting bubbles, there is a very pungent black smoke everywhere~www.readwn.com~ and the palm that is still covering the half of the devil's body is actually Amidst this sudden change, white smoke appeared abruptly, accompanied by a burst of burning texture, at a speed visible to the naked eye, bright red blood blisters appeared.

This half-shielding black blood can actually corrode the skin of Hongjun Daozu's palm, so that Hongjun Daozu who felt the sting for the first time, subconsciously withdrew the blood and blood that had begun to blur and was attached to the slightest devilish energy. The palm of his hand, as if unbelievably, turned his hand over and placed it in front of his eyes.

For many years, since the beginning of Chaos, he has been born on the path of heaven, and since he has his own spiritual consciousness, he has not felt pain, and since then, he has also not felt any other feelings. .

And this feeling made him seem to have returned to the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth, as if, after the collapse of every world, when the heaven and earth first opened, he would wake up from the boundless pain and once again fall into ignorance. In the cycle of reincarnation, as if he had done it thousands of times, he opened the robbery and ferryed people, allowing the new creatures and races in this cyclical world to struggle with the manipulation of the heavens.

But these cultivators are eager for them, and they are full of gratitude.

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