Following the very detailed graphic explanations above, Gu Zheng tried carefully.

First, we must first plan out four wooden strips of equal length and thickness.

Thanks to the ingenious clansmen, among the timber they used to build, there are indeed some that are quite delicately cooked, which can even be equivalent to the existence of standard wooden slats.

Gu Zheng, who consciously took advantage of the big advantage, felt happy, and temporarily put the wooden strips aside, looking at the next steps.

Um, cut out the bamboo shoot head and the bamboo hole... Um...

Let's take a look at the treatment of wooden strips first.

Gu Zheng, who didn't feel ashamed of the easiest step to overcome, really started from the main body of the wheel.

First, find a knot that is long enough, and then connect the four pieces of wood end to end to measure the sum of their lengths.

Then, according to the length of each section of wood, a node is shown on the total length of the rope.

Finally, connect this rope with four nodes, head to tail, to form a relatively less multilateral circle.

Then follow the edge of the round knot, draw a circle with a wooden stick, and a freshly baked wheel comparison chart, even if it appears.

Next, Gu Zheng can proceed to the second step, the tanning of the wheels.

Gu Zheng, who lit the bonfire in the tent, took the relatively flexible wood in his hand and cautiously approached the edge of the flame.

After feeling the scorching temperature between his fingers, Gu Zheng brought the palms of his hands together, placed a piece of wood in it, and rubbed it up and down in a circular motion with a slightly curved rubbing technique.

This job is really a delicate physical job.

Not only must the wood heated flame temperature be well controlled, and the same heating distance must be maintained, but also the angle at which the wood gradually bends due to heating must be properly observed, and the tanning can be adjusted and controlled at any time according to the arc drawn on the ground. The intensity of.

Always, this is a slow and time-consuming task.

Gu Zheng, who was working, was so devoted, because he was so selfless, he didn't even hear the reminder from the clan that he should go to eat.

No, the people who came here to remind him to eat have seen Gu Zheng work like this.

In the light of the blazing bonfire, the priest's tent... was illuminated into a red ball of light.

And his mysterious and lean body was covered by the light and shadow of the campfire outside the animal skin... a very clear shadow was set off.

The shadow falls on the tent, like a shadow puppet, so that people outside the tent can see clearly.

Everyone saw what the priest did... they couldn't even care about eating, and they were a little curious about what he was doing in the tent now.

So, one or two surrounded them, and took a closer saw Gu Zheng holding an unidentified strip that couldn't be surrounded by one hand, rubbing it up and down in a rhythm with a high frequency.

Moreover, this bar is not a straight tool that they have ever seen before, but with an indescribable arc, curved as if there is nothing.

Not only that, but the very hard priest who rubbed the inside, when he stopped at the end of the rubbing, he laughed and shouted: "It's finished", he once again held the same straight one. The strip of object, followed and continued to rub it down, until the object became more and more curved, and then followed by a "become" as a finishing touch.

Seeing this, none of the people around dared to take a step forward. The kind of old and respectful clansmen just shook their heads, and the slightly envied ones disappeared.

And those who seldom hit their ideas on the priests, and only stare at the stout clansmen who are overwhelmed with male hormones... Mature and charming women, but their eyes are hot, and their minds float.

As for the young and strong men, they were blushed by Gu Zheng's shadow puppet play. Those who had a baby and a family, even in front of everyone, dragged their wives back to each other. Let’s study the problem of creating the next generation together.

And the brave and brave brothers, who wanted not to put the vulgar fans of the ethnic group in their eyes, looked at the half-arm-long unknown strip with a confused expression. , Mechanically like a stone man... Looking down at his crotch...

The way of heaven is not fair, the ferocious beast has eccentric eyes!

Why don't our brothers, brave warriors, have such talents?

Is it because that little white face can communicate with you and offer sacrificial prey?

However, those sacrifices were all returned by my brothers from hunting!

The seven brothers who looked unlovable, because of the shock of this incident, even ate a few kilograms of fruit for dinner, and because of thinking about life, tossing and turning for the first time tasted the taste of insomnia.

In the early morning of the next day, the people woke up from their deep sleep, and when they went out of the camp again, they saw Gu Zheng who was extremely excited with two dark circles under her eyes, and the same with two dark circles under her eyes. It was the sluggish seven people who gathered together again.

The seven people were secretly wary when they saw that Gu Zheng had come to them early in the morning.







"Stay away!"

However, Gu Zheng, who was resisted by the brothers, did not use it as a pestle. On the contrary, he stepped forward with excitement and patted the big shoulder, pointing to the tent he was about to open and said: " Come with me to move things!"

Then, the priest, who was ‘respected’ by the whole clan, headed straight to the end of the team, towards the direction of the clansmen who were installing the pulley wheels.

"Leave me alone, I have brought a new enlightenment to You Xi."

And those tribesmen with a little concern and a little irritation declined slightly: "Sir, what do you have to do? Let us come."

Gu Zheng was a little surprised at the opponent's eyes, but he still waved his hand, interrupting the opponent's plan to help.

"No, the first installation of this new tool requires a knowledgeable person to do it. If you are interested, I allow you to watch and learn from the sidelines."

"After you have fully mastered the installation method of this naturally, I don't need to worry about it anymore."

After speaking, Gu Zheng turned his head to the direction of his tent, and urged the seven brothers with weak hands and feet to arrive: "Not good yet?"

In order to keep the brothers from losing face under the crowd of the clansmen, these seven people each carried the wheel mountain, which was as high as a hill, and moved towards the end of the line.

After they finally arrived at their destination, they returned with an urn sound:







"See for yourself!"

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