The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 899: The dawn of animal husbandry (41/50)

This made the feral bird, who was always paying attention to the movements around him, standing on the tallest rock watching him, rubbed his eyes that were as useful as a falcon in disbelief.

As if he was suspicious of life, he shouted in the direction of the patriarch.

"Patriarch, the priest is standing on a red light."

"Patriarch, does the priest want to return to the arms of the gods and no longer care about us?"

The patriarch, who was cried stupidly by his own tribe, rubbed his aching forehead, and said words of comfort under the gaze of everyone.

"No, there are priests of the Gui family, but they are just playing with the creatures..."

However, the boss of the 狰家, who had better eyes, twitched the corners of his mouth.

Is this lying to the big fool?

He just saw that the nose of the ferocious priest was thrown out, and the weird four-legged beast was planning to use its dangerous red tail to slap him.

As for the Gu Zheng, who was discovered by the tribesmen and wondered, at this time, he encountered his first crisis in the world of Shanhaijing.

Because this Lu Shu was afraid that he felt the exquisiteness of his riding skills, and estimated that the possibility of throwing him off his horse was very low, he planned to convince people with his strength.

It used its most deadly weapon, the ponytail that resembled a tongue of fire, and pulled it directly at the back of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng, who was lying on his back, felt that his hair was browned and curled up in an instant.

"Not good! Naughty animal!"

Resolutely, Gu Zheng didn't dare to stay on his back any longer. Instead, he twisted his waist and slid his legs towards the lower part of Lu Shu's abdomen.

And Gu Zheng's action was too sudden, so that Lu Shu, who had already attacked, had no chance to change the path of the horse's tail.


The tail was drawn on his back.

This Lu Shu's tail is not the tail mane of an ordinary horse, it is a shining big killer. This Lu Shu, who has never used it to drive off flies, has tasted the power of his tail.

Just like this one just now, it can be said to have jumped even more severely.

It hurts!

As for Gu Zheng, who has already surrounded its abdomen at this time, can he let it run again?

It definitely won't work.

If he let it run arbitrarily, Gu Zheng would have no choice but to fall off the horse's abdomen.

But if he really fell out of Lu Shu at this speed, then Gu Zheng might have to confess in this world for the rest of his life, and he would just belch and catch a cold.

As Gu Zheng who has worked hard for such a long time and finally got himself into a state of dying early in his middle age, can he be reconciled?

Either you die, or I die!

Gu Zheng hit Lu Shu's soft abdomen with a sharp hammer.

Don't tell me, the hair on its abdomen is white with gradual tiger stripes, just like the fur of a mutated white tiger, it's snowy white and soft.

It didn't take much effort for Gu Zheng to convey his angry mood.

And let Lu Shu, who had Gu Zheng running frantically, felt the second kind of pain, the pain of the abdomen.

As this dull and dull pain became more and more severe, Lu Shu actually forgot the burnt-smelling wound on his back. On the contrary, he was involved in his stomachache and ran slower and slower. The strength to struggle is gone.

Its internal organs seemed to be mixed into a mass of paste, and when it was stretched, it was dizzy and staring at gold stars. In the end, it was a plop, and it half-kneeled on the golden half-hill slope, exhaling white breath and never standing. Can't get up.

Feeling that most of Lu Shu's body was pressed straight towards his body, Gu Zheng, who was delighted in his heart, turned around again, and once again turned over and straddled Lu Shu's back straight up, lifting it high because of his continuous hammering. Already at the end of the crossbow, with a trembling arm, he said to Lu Shu with a slight threat: "I'm not convinced!!"

The subtext of this next sentence is, if I refuse to accept it, I will continue to fight.

And this psychic Lu Shu naturally turned his head back behind him with tears, and with his big pure eyes like the night of the stars, he looked at Gu Zheng with a slight begging. It raised its head, which it had never worshipped before, and responded to the sky: "Tweet!!!"

This is not the neigh of horses in the traditional sense, but the emptiness of a deer.

I don't know why, but Gu Zheng understood Lu Shu's answer all at once... It said that it was obedient.

Looking at Lu Shu's eyes and the trace of prayer inside, Gu Zheng slowly put down his fist that he once raised high, turned it to open, and touched the loose palm instead. Above Lu Shu's neck.

One click, two strokes... just stroked along the veins of the mane, making Lu Shu, who had never felt the combing of humans, narrowed his eyes after being shocked.

It's like a happy little doll, and it feels good in an instant.

It turns out that these two-legged beasts are so good at serving people, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with surrendering to this powerful beast.

And, look at the person on his back,

His rough teeth are probably similar to those under him with a trace of his blood. They all grew up eating grass.

If this is the case, then don't be afraid.

Gu Zheng, who had touched Lu Shu for a while, relied on the affinity of the natural animal in his body and his unreasonable riding skills to successfully conquer his first animal in this world, the deer. Shu.

And when Gu Zheng, riding on a tiger skin with blood-like head and burning fire, returned to the tribe’s temporary resting place, the tribesmen of all the tribes headed by the clan chiefs all brushed up. Gu Zheng made a salute with his mouth wide open.

"Hui! This...what is this?"

Sitting on the horse, Gu Zheng did not dislike the patriarch’s uncomfortableness. On the contrary, he continued to slap Lu Shu's mane with a crooked smile, and patiently replied: "Its scientific name is Lu Shu, which is in this gold and silver mountain. The strange beast, I'm afraid it's like a great king in the mountain."

"Now that I am subdued, I can contribute a little bit of strength to our people with the 狰 clan."

"Don't tell me, it can run so many roads a day."

Smoothly, Gu Zheng compared them one by one, but then he remembered that the whole people in the whole clan and even the entire people in the world still don't have the concept of kilometers.

Don't talk about the sidelines, I'm afraid that not all people can master the numbers and words.

As for the communication and communication of the writings of their tribes, without encountering other clans, the future is still worrisome.

The unification of the writing was ultimately attributed to Qin, and now I am afraid that it is owned by each tribe, and it is also the writing symbol that each tribe has.

Gu Zheng sighed when he thought of this, and then changed the way of explanation to the patriarch: "I can run an ice-covered snowfield a day."

All of a sudden, the people of the Xi clan understood. As the answer given by Gu Zheng fell, the whole group uttered "Oh!!!" exclamation sounds. Look again. When Xiang Gu Zheng, the things in his eyes were a little different.

There are only the seven brothers of the 狰 family, adhering to the fact that they don't care about Gu Zheng, they are all in a state of stubbornness, and they jumped out to pour cold water on him at this moment.


"and also"





"It's useless."

Yes, the ride can only patronize one person. Isn't it because you, the priest who surrendered the alien beast, took advantage?

But who came to think, what the seven brothers of the Gui family had done, was seen by Lu Shu, who had been measuring this tribe all the time.

Okay, dare to question my horseman?

Is that to question the ability of the boss, Lu Shu?

A joke, can my King Lushu be like the kind of idiot who only fights the world in a few other hills?

You guys wait for me, I'll call my little brother to come!

Originally, Lu Shu had planned to follow Gu Zheng in this way, but he had no intention of summoning his younger brother... They were also the people of the clan who were not so close to him, who carried the power of his blood.

Because the descendants of the bloodline of those wild beasts who don't know what species are, the longer they get, the uglier they are. In this latest generation, basically they can't see any magic.

We don't need to say that each one is weak, many people with thin bloodlines, it will only get closer to them, and will be suppressed by the coercion it brings, lying on the ground and unable to stand up anymore.

Therefore, Lu Shu, the thief annoying the weak, didn't fight its descendants at all...The guys who had been strung together were pulled out, but now, the time has come for a number of people to support the market!

When the words of the Seven Brothers' rebuttals just fell, Lu Shu under Gu Zheng let out a long cry.

This sound, ethereal and distant, seemed to echo for a long time in the mountains of Jinyinshan, and must not dissipate.

But as the sound of its chirping fell, the whole Jinyinshan gradually shook.

It seems that thousands of troops and horses are emerging from everywhere in this mountain, and they are coming together towards the tribe with the Xi family. "Da da da da... rumbling rumbling..." Even as the sound spreads further and further, the ground is shaking more and more In the end, the geology of the entire mountain range is actually There was a rustle, the golden sand and the silver sand, shaking off one after another without digging.

Accompanied by this spectacle, there was a rushing beast in the dark, facing towards You Xi.

But in an instant, a gust of wind whizzed in, and among the groups connected by the blood of Lu Shu, the fastest group of beasts rushed to the front of the You Xi family where Gu Zheng was.

And the first thing they did after they arrived was to get close to the position they were closest to Lu Shu, bent their kneecaps, and knelt down in front of Lu Shu, looking up with excitement and admiration. To their ancestors who saw the dragon without seeing the end.

If the dozen or so little beasts kneeled in such a way and shocked the tribesmen with the 狰 clan, then the different ethnic groups that came after Wuyangyang several hundred yards later also followed inconsistently. Kneeling, everyone looked at Gu Zheng's eyes very strange.


ps: "My 80s" is a friendly post. Those who like rebirth can go and take a look.

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