The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 907: Single-handed war gu vulture ()

After all, people have already appeared in front of his eyes, but he still chews so shamelessly. Among the beasts, this is a blatant provocation.

So, do I retreat or not retreat now?

This is really a problem.

And at the moment when Gu Diao hesitated, the seven brothers of the Gui family whose blood had been stimulated couldn't help it.

They had long wanted to try this bloodline being activated, and what it would feel like after the beast **** blessed them again. As the red light shrouded in their bodies became weaker and weaker, their hearts became more and more anxious.

How can this light be time-sensitive?

No, we must fight as soon as possible.

The seven brothers who talked and did what they said, after looking at each other, yelled out their own slogans.







"Just do it!"

Solitaire was finally completed, and the coordinated operations of the seven brothers... also followed Gu Diao's eyes.

Come on, the Gu Eagle who originally wanted to retreat was irritated by these seven bear children.


The reason why beasts are called beasts is because their IQ is not high, and their instincts are too strong in nature.

Even if he knew that the ferocious beast was not easy to deal with, but when his head was hot, Gu Diao's brain was still bubbling like boiling water.

After being attacked by the seven brothers and adding seven or eight scars that could be seen in flesh and blood, this Gu eagle, who was also a ruthless character, finally went away again... compared to Gu Zheng's. It was even more serious once.

It lifted its sharp beak like an eagle, and slowly opened it in front of this group of little fleas jumping up and down... No matter how the seven brothers gave it a merciless blow, it would not stop.

And on its head, the one horn that has been hidden in the hair, at this time, is also like a revolving ballpoint pen core, slowly poking out, until it stretches to the point where it can be seen by both eyes. , It stopped the growth.

The strange reaction of Gu eagles is quite strange to the people of the Yun clan, but on the other side of the camp, people who peeped at the clan with the Rabbit clan were scared by the strange reaction of Gu eagles. The whole scene rushed into chaos.

"Broken, something big happened!"

"Gu Diao is about to transform!"

"How to do how to do!"

When the patriarch of the Rabbit clan saw this situation and situation, instead of stopping it, he seemed to be if he had malaria...the whole body was swayed.

And the older people around him collapsed collectively.


"Our race will be completely wiped out!!"

Because when they were children, they had seen the fury of Gu Eagle once.

They will never forget that day. The angry Gu eagle looked like today.

And on that day, the once huge tribe of the Rabbit clan decayed from a large tribe of nearly a thousand people into a small tribe with only nearly a hundred people.

Now there are the Tus, which is far worse than the population of the most prosperous period.

If it is today. If no one can stop this Gu eagle from violently going away, I am afraid that their entire clan will be buried in this plain with this strange Yu clan.

In the beginning, why were they so blinded by the lard, and hitting their attention on the heads of these two stupefies?

If they sacrificed quietly, at most they would be eaten by half of the tribe, and according to their fertility, these populations would be replenished in just a few months.

You say, what are their calculations?

The head was downcast, and there was the Rabbit who didn't even have the strength to cry...They all sat on the ground paralyzed, looking blankly at the Gu Eagle about to open its sharp beak completely.

When the terrifying shadow of death is about to fall...

"Wow... Whoa! Whoa!"

A tweet, like a generator with insufficient diesel, a three-bump child falling into the river on a rainy day, abruptly... he stunned again.

Um! ?

What happened?

Please see a replay of the actions of the players in the arena five seconds ago.

At this time, Gu Zheng just woke up from the process of inviting the gods, when the Gu Eagle on the opposite side started the sonic offensive.

And this kind of baby-like crying sound, in the dead of night, not to mention how noisy, how irritating.

Gu Zheng, who was startled by the cry of this voice, subconsciously took interruption measures.

He didn't even think about it, so he touched his waist, and casually, he flicked out his shaking arrow that was tied to his waist with a long rope.

He didn't look closely either, just by instinct, he picked up the bow on his side and shot the arrow out.

And this arrow has lost the magical arrow since it came into this world, but after it flew out, it gave out a little golden light.

The arrow itself, more like eyes, went straight to Gu eagle’s throat, a parabola flew, and fell into Gu eagle’s mouth, the sound wave that smashed the other person’s brain. The attack... was interrupted.

"Drink and drink!!!"

Not only that, the sky-shattering arrow that was originally only Gu Zheng's forearm length, after shooting into Gu Eagle’s throat, it actually got directly into the center of the tenderest piece of meat on the inner side of Gu Eagle’s throat wall, towards the center. It's a horizontal one, and it's not going up and down. Gu Diao's throat... was completely blocked.

The beast that had lost its greatest offensive was in shock, jumping up and down... trying to fiddle with this annoying twig... out of its throat.

But its huge claws couldn't reach into its throat at all. In the process of its unwilling attempt, it actually scratched the corners of its mouth.

The transient changes in this stunned several people even more.

Gu Zheng, who had never thought that the Shaking Arrow could work here, was still wondering why he just wanted to touch a bamboo arrow casually. Why did the Shaking Arrow slip into his hand? ?

And next... how did he take out the Shaking Arrow?

As for the group of Seven Brothers, it's so sour, don't talk about it.

They have always felt that force is At this moment, they just feel that their priests have become so magnificent?

His delicate body was shrouded in a mysterious halo.

Whether it is the invention of the bow and arrow, the successful attraction, and the final touch of magic, they are all just right, and they are all so light.

This had to make their brother... admire in the eyes of their hearts.

So the seven brothers decided to call him Gu Zheng again as a weak boy from this evening.

They will follow other people in the same tribe and call him respectfully: the priest 狰.


ps: Ah! ! This is an addition to the head of starsfalling. It was originally saved by correcting the typo, but it was sent directly, forcing me to send 905.906 together.

Let the editor adjust the order tomorrow, I'm going crazy!

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