The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 911: Heavy tanks come to life

You said he Gu Zheng could not be curious?

Just his virtuous person, can he not want to go back and take a look?

But he looked at the group of people around him who were laughing like fools...


Gu Zheng, who sighed, suppressed the curiosity in his heart about Qingqiu Mountain...

People always say that the nine-tailed fox is charming and Wushuang. Although the recipe is human-eating, the fox should be eaten separately.

Such handsome meat as him... Maybe he just reluctant to take it?

Gu Zheng was so upset that he could only focus his mind on studying those two unique science and technology trees.

Let's put aside the humanities and sciences for the time being, but the science and technology tree of the ability classification is because the battle was directly lit by Gu Zheng in two big classifications.

One is dark matter: Tongshen

The other is a natural attribute: animal and plant affinity bonus.

The first branch is very easy to understand. This is the branch that immediately appeared after he used the function of sacrifice.

But the second one is much more interesting.

Because if you want to activate the skill point of this animal and plant affinity, you actually need three types of animals.

They are sea, land, and air.

Sea: Tortoise (active state: activated number: 1/1)

Lu: Lu Shu, 狌狌 (activation status: activated number: 2/1)

Empty: Gu eagle (activation status: activated quantity: 1/1)

Seeing that the wingless Gu eagle was divided into a strange beast in the air, Gu Zheng touched his chin speechlessly.

Is he still overfulfilled the task?

This technology tree is too cheating, right?

If it wasn't for a coincidence that he had collected the little raccoon's cards, his natural attribute would be hidden in the dark for the rest of his life, and he would never see the sun.

This tree, can't you give me a reminder in advance!

At this time, Gu Zheng missed the not-so-so-ridiculous smile and forgot the book.

If it is still alive and kicking, I am afraid that it can only use that level to suppress it, and it will be able to walk through the back door for its owner.

Come on, Gu Zheng looked at the weak, helpless and poor laughing and forgetting books curled up in the sea of ​​his divine consciousness, and decided to rely on his own ingenuity to get through this difficult time.

To talk about the trick to light up the technology tree... that's full.

Try east, try west, always let him get all the conditions he needs.

After making up his mind, when Gu Zheng planned to turn his attention to another science and technology tree, he suddenly heard the forefront of the team, and there was a burst of excited cheers. The seven brothers also rushed towards the tail of Gu Zheng's team at this moment.




"At once"




After hearing this solitaire, Gu Zheng was also very excited.

What does Minio Mountain mean?

It is the end of the first column of mountains to the south.

It converges with the other parallel directions of Qiwu Mountain and Nanyu Mountain, and is intertwined with the ends of various small columns of mountains in the other three broad directions in the northwest and east.

If you can get out of the mountain range at the end of the column, you will reach the vast and fertile plain in the mouth of the messenger of the Chong clan.

It is said that in that plain, there are many huge tribes, and the population of those tribes is ten times more than that of the Gui clan.

It is said that the products there are particularly rich, and the special products in the east, west, south, north, and quadruple mountains can be found in that vast plain.

It is said that there was no Yiyantang with the Chong clan. There were Xiong, Lieshan, Youyi, Younai, Li and other tribes there.

There, they will have wars and disputes, but more of them are learning from each other, keeping watch...and development together.

Therefore, in the hearts of the people of the Xi family, there is heaven.

No wonder they were so excited, and this excitement naturally infected Gu Zheng.

Just when Gu Zheng was planning to shoot a deer to see the wonders of Jiwei Mountain, he saw the front end of the tribal team rioting again.

"Ah! There are alien beasts!"

"God, not just one, but a group!"

"The mountain **** is angry!"

At the same time as everyone's horrified voices came, a rumbling sound of the ground followed.

This made Gu Zheng, who was riding on Lu Shu’s back, higher than his tribe’s head, hurriedly supported him, stood on Lu Shu’s back, and looked up into the distance...

When he squinted his eyes to the front, he saw the black and overwhelming group of beasts... was rushing towards the place where the Xi clan was located.

Flying sand and rocks, the demons danced wildly, quite vigorous.

If so, one of the running beasts was taken out alone, but the figure is not enough to look at, let alone the gu eagles, they are even compared with the horses in the tribe... There are deficiencies.

But they couldn't stand it, they swooped in groups.

And looking closely at the appearance of these strange beasts, even the well-informed Gu Zheng frowned.

Because the most beast in it...It is shaped like a tiger but has a ox tail, roars like a dog, and cannibals.

Named 彘.

Of course, although they are all called 彘, but this group is so different from today's wild boars, domestic pigs, and so on.

The strangest thing is that these groups of people should be products of Fuyu Mountain, but why do they appear in the Jiwei Mountain at the far east end?

What's more, among Xu's ethnic group, there are also some records that have been recorded in the Shanhaijing Nanshanjing, or even not recorded... At first glance, it is the existence of the image of a fierce beast, a calamity beast.

So what happened in the entire Nanshan Jing area?

In this moment of crisis, it is no longer something that Gu Zheng should think deeply about.

What he has to do now is to assist the race, and find a way to survive this beast wave.

After making a decision, Gu Zheng immediately yelled in the direction of the patriarch: "End!"

After hearing Gu Zheng's reminder, there was no ambiguity among the fighting ethnic group, and the whole group stabilized after the old patriarch's handover.


The young and old tribes automatically withdrew to the back of the tribe, but the strongest men with the rabbit clan who had no human rights were driven to the forefront of the team.

And the bravest tribal warriors, with a little excitement, led the idle horses to the front of the square, quite organized...Hang the bodies of heavy tanks one after another. On horseback.

Yes, this is a heavy tank that was newly branched out after the wheel’s technology tree was ignited, combined with masonry and carpentry.

This is a military technology closely related to wheel technology.

It was lighted up by accident when Gu Zheng was struggling to fiddle with civilian facilities.

At that time, Gu Zheng was in tears. His pottery industry and his stone wall manufacturing have never been activated, so why did he come up with this?

At that time, Gu Zheng felt that idleness was also idleness. If a set of decent heavy tanks were created, what other branches might be extended?

But when he assembles a heavy tank on the basis of a big cart, and uses four horses of almost the same size to put on the bridles, and pull it, the men of the entire race, no matter how old they are. , That can be blown up.

What flashes in their eyes is the desire for luxury cars, because the appearance of this four-horse-ridden heavy tank has the appearance of a pre-Qin chariot many years later.

If it weren't for the simple conditions now, Gu Zheng knocked on the back of the chariot to press a seat and set up a pergola, which would be comparable to the specifications of Qin Shihuang's patrolling of the territory when he was out on a trip.

And with this kind of chariot, under the strong request of the patriarch, Gu Zheng made seven or eight in one go, just enough to hang up all the horses currently owned by the Xi family.

Gu Zheng didn't think too much about the patriarch's request.

Whether it is a shaft, a rolling, a Shi or a balance, they are all loose parts. Originally, he planned to spend his time in polishing the parts. As for the polishing, he doesn't care.

As a result, the people of the Xi clan finally ushered in a military tool that spans history and can even be said to be a big killer.

And this kind of chariot is hung behind the big pallet when it is idle, and used as a weapon rack for placing weapons. Did you pull out?

When these rough chariots lined up in a line, they were in front of all the clansmen.

These somewhat crude heavy tanks with burrs, but exuded the power of the ancient and wild, unbeatable.

And these tribesmen standing on the chariot were very excited to take their weapons in their hands, forming a most primitive but most effective heavy chariot formation.

In front of the shield, on both sides of the sword and axe, after the spearman broke, the archer was inside.

The original infantry phalanx was compressed on this small four-wheeled chariot, but its power was not comparable to that of a small infantry phalanx.

Behind the heavy tank formation, there is a phalanx of archers waiting to be The dexterity has already fully mastered the bow making method taught by Gu Zheng, and led the most skillful clansmen to make it. A large number of bows and arrows.

And on this road, I spent it in the study of everyone and the constant shooting of arrows.

Although their priest once said that in front of a large number of bows, no one cares about the accuracy of these arrows.

But as a member of the hunting team, they all understand the importance of bowing.

And this kind of weapon does not even need an overly strong body.

Do you think these peoples can practice without hard work?

Therefore, in this moment of fending off the enemy, the clansmen who can use bows and arrows can't be called piercing Yang with hundreds of steps, but they can be regarded as proficient in archery.

The battle formation of the crowd assembled quickly, but the speed of the group of people rushing over was not slow.

When the last warrior with the Xian clan returned to his position, the two men and horses were already only a few hundred meters apart.

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