At this time, the Gu eagle did not get dazzled by the sound of cheers. Instead, he turned his head to the direction where Gu Zheng was. The future master who can be the master.

When Gu Zheng saw this situation and situation, three black lines appeared unconsciously on his head.

"Come on, just follow if you want, but only accommodation, no food."

"Also, when the tribe has war, you have to actively fight it, and the tribe has to work, you have to bear hardships and stand hard work, can you do it?"

And after hearing what Gu Zheng said, Gu Diao didn't care about the unequal treaty. He nodded and was grateful.

It made Gu Zheng, Huang Shiren, a bit embarrassed.

He coughed slightly, and in order to conceal his embarrassment, he sent Gu Diao to its first mission after joining the Yun family.

"You can divide this wild boar into small pieces. It's just this size. Be careful, keep the skin intact."

"Also, you will be responsible for pushing the big cart at the end. This Roshan is our precious trophy and our food source in the future."

"With your joining, we can get away with everything a little bit."

Feelings are waiting here.

The warriors who were piercing the hard rock-like fur of the wild boar with their stone-breaking spears, after hearing Gu Zheng's snarling, automatically gave up the place and waited. Gu eagle performance.

And this Gu eagle really deserves its reputation for dominating one party. With such a hard effort at the skull of the wild boar with its sharp claws, it inserted half of its nail-long claws into the flesh.

Then, with the luck of its grinning grin, it finally pulled the hide away, bright red blood gurgled out, and the softest meats that represented protein and fat were also displayed in red. before.

Seeing this, the eyes of the people of the Xi clan are all red.

This time the cheers were loud.

"Meat! Meat! Meat!"

It's been a long time, all the people of the Gui clan who like meat have been carried over by eating grass.

Now their hope of finding a station is right in front of them, and the food after arriving at a suitable station is also solved. Is there anything happier than this?

Taking advantage of the excitement of this joy, it was the Gu carving cutting in the front, and the people of the Yun clan harvested in the back.

This mountain-like wild boar is really vulnerable to the foodies of my great Chinese nation, but after a short time it was broken up and turned into the **** flesh and blood of two big vehicles. With the Gu eagle pulling like this, Following the group of the 狰 clan, they headed straight to the other side of the foothills of Mt. Jiwei.

That is the place where the four directions gather, and it is the safest and most fertile plain in the legend.

Hope, right ahead, there are the brothers of the Xi family, let's set off!

The hardships once seemed to be insignificant at this moment, and the tribesmen who suffocated their energy disappeared in the depths of Jiwei Mountain in a blink of an eye.

Looking at this calm and calm state, I am afraid that I have left this mountain full of crisis smoothly and headed for the brightest future.

When all this was calm, there was only a corpse left by the beast tide under the dark mountain of Mt. Mt. Xuwei, showing the tragic experience here.

As for the sound of a particularly pitiful sigh that appeared here after they completely left...If Gu Zheng stayed here, I am afraid that the strangeness will be heard the first time.

This sigh directly verified the ancient ballads sung by the head of the rabbit clan.

After being blocked by Mino Mountain, there will be nine-tailed foxes from Qingqiu Mountain to harvest their prey.

This sigh was a gift for those warriors who successfully passed through the barrier, and it was also a gift for the lord of Qingqiu Mountain, the nine-tailed fox.

The food that I thought would be persecuted back the same way, so fortunately escaped.

That's all, that's all, two-legged beasts are present year after year, and it's not bad for this group.

Gu Zheng, who didn't even know that he had passed by the **** of death again, was riding on Lu Shu's back, sighing at the magnificent scene at the other end of the mountain.

I saw that the outside of the mountain was a vast and flat area with thousands of miles.

The winding rivers and creeks circling and intertwined densely on this dark oily land.

Like a large, gentle net, it enveloped this plain.

The flaming sun is hanging in the sky,

Gorgeous migratory birds spread their wings and sing loudly,

The misty cooking smoke flickers and rises,

The lush wheat fields are densely covered with stars,

And the people walking in this magnificent picture, with their own characteristics, with the hope of reproduction, are here to compile their own lives.

This is the Wei level.

These many tribes gathered together, interweaving the most magnificent picture of primitive society...the great plain.

Seeing this situation, Gu Zheng and the people behind him were unable to speak for a long time. They were a little excited, watching the thriving plain in front of them with tears, and fell into a brief silence.

Everyone is thinking about the same thing. Where should our tribe settle down?

They must be looking for a place close to the water source, and... dense forests and mountains are also necessary.

We have the Guishi but the most outstanding hunter.

As for other things, the territory needs to be large enough. When the time comes, the more dolls will naturally have enough space and houses. When the tribe’s gathering place wants to expand, there is no need to interact with these strange tribes who originally settled here. A battle has been fought.

It's a pity that the idea of ​​their own choice is good, but can things develop in the same way that the people of the Xi clan think?

Of course it is impossible.

Ever since they turned over from the west side of Jiwei Mountain and appeared at the foot of the eastern side of the mountain, Gu Zheng discovered that a few strange clan members had emerged behind this strange rock. Ran towards the hinterland of the Central Plains.

In this savage land, there are spies left behind. I am afraid that the level of development of other tribes on this fertile land is not low!

While Gu Zheng was thinking about how the Youxian tribe would gain a foothold here in the future, he discovered that a black man's head suddenly emerged from the plain, and this man's head still emerged from three directions.

From the foot of the Mino Mountain to the east, the north and the south, there is a branch gushing out, and when they are about to approach the bottom of the Mino Mountain, they gradually converge together.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng just glanced at the direction where the patriarch was, and gently clamped Lu Shu's back, silently retreating from his original position as the leader to the center of the group.

The people of the Xi clan seemed to have surrounded Gu Zheng's figure with a tacit understanding, including the descendants of Lu Shu's blood and horses, also hiding behind them.

As for the Gu eagle? After hiding in the rugged rocks, he temporarily concealed.

After all the preparations were done in an orderly manner by the people of the 狰 clan, the multi-tribe coalition forces that surged from the Wei level plain opened their camps and set their posture. Appeared in front of the head of the Yu clan.

I saw that these three waves of people converged, although they were temporarily converging, they were not scattered.

At the forefront of the three teams, each has a visionary leader.

Putting aside the strangeness of these people, Dan Dan said that the most surprising thing about these three people was that they all had mounts under them.

One had a dark square face, huge nostrils, like a bull's head, and a burly figure, riding on the back of a red bull that seemed to be burning with flames.

A person is nine feet tall, has a long face with river eyes, is not angry and looks magnificent, sitting down is a huge elk with a bifurcated horn spanning eight meters.

As for the last person, the color is beautiful, the figure is rich, the eyebrows are looking forward to the posture, and the mount that sits on is even more magnificent, but it is a three-color vermillion bird, although the wings are short and thick, But the tail that can't hold others is long.

With the reflection of the metallic color, it is so beautiful and unparalleled when it is drawn up.

And with such a posture, it really almost brought down the gangsters of the horror clan...

But these tribesmen, who have lived on the frozen plains for generations, are friends who have walked through the foothills of Queshan Mountain.

There have been more weird things along the way, and the people of the tribe will be relatively calm when they see it again.

Therefore, the patriarch of the Yun clan just froze for a moment, and took a step towards the front of the team. As the representative of the entire clan of the Yun clan, he approached these three weird people who didn't seem to be very hostile.

Then, after the other party's very enthusiastic self-introduction, it became clear why they had the Xishi but just appeared in the Wei level, so they would be treated on such a scale.

That's because they just caught up with the Wei level above the annual Union League celebration.

In this spring season, it is the recovery of all things and the plowing of the land, which symbolizes the time when new life and new hope are generated.

During this period, the large and small tribes living on the Weishui River will send their representatives to the tribes where there is a clan to participate in the alliance celebrations that are very important to the tribes.

During this celebration, the patriarchs of the tribes will, under the supervision of the tribes, resolve the small frictions between individual tribes and exchange the specialties and resources of the tribes.

Even the expansion of the territory in which they live, and the subdivision of regions, which are vital to the development of a tribe, will also be resolved at this conference.

Therefore, the Huimeng celebration can be said to be the most important celebration on the Wei level. There is no one.

Because in this celebration, those small and medium-sized clans that are attached to the three tribes of the Xiong clan, the Yu clan and the Lieshan clan can not only communicate with each other, but also can be among the three fastest-growing tribes. , Learned one item after another knowledge and technology that their clan did not have.

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