Who would have imagined that when their team followed the footsteps of this small group of beasts and arrived on the edge of an open river beach, they encountered the Northern Barbarian tribe who looked at them with green eyes.

I don't know what kind of cult clan these northern barbarians believe in. They actually use skulls as necklaces, human skins as masks, and five-color paints on their faces. They dress so scary or not.

As for the stone spears and stone hammers held by these northern barbarians? It was just a face-to-face, and he greeted him on the face of the clan who had met by chance.

Even if the language is impassable, the people of the 狰 clan can tell from the other's expression that they are trying to slaughter them on the spot.

There are many people on the other side, and one's own side naturally ran away, and this chase and escape took three days.

Even if these tribes fled on horseback, they were able to return after experiencing nine lives and one death.

Because these northern barbarian tribes are actually riding by hand.

It doesn't matter what the animal sitting under their **** looks like, but there is always one that is the same, that is, running well.

Good fellow, just now, the people of the Fei clan who have been familiar with the horses for a long time are chased like mourning puppies, not to mention embarrassed.

If it weren't for these northern barbarians when they chased the border area of ​​the grassland, they seemed to be cautious about holding their mounts and no longer encircling them, fearing that the life of the whole team would be accounted for on this grassland.

Hearing the news brought back by the clansmen, Xiong understood why no clans dared to reside in this vast territory.

When he frowned, Gu Zheng on the side calmly asked these people for more detailed details.

"What kind of mounts did they sit on?"

"There are deer with huge horns, just like the mounts of the patriarchs of the Xiong clan, and mounts with roshan-like backs, forked toes and a foul smell."

"Well, it should be the deer and camels." Gu Zheng nodded and continued to ask: "Are there any details worth noting? For example, have you seen the totem of their clan? The banner?"

Being reminded by Gu Zheng, those ethnic talents suddenly remembered many vital details that they hadn't noticed. When they said this, they also brought some inexplicable excitement: "Yes, some!"

"Priest, you are really the endorsement of the gods, this can be predicted in advance."

"We really saw the appearance of beast spirits believed by the northern barbarians."

"It's just that they are different from us. They are not painted on animal skins. They are carved on their bodies."

"Arms, chests, some people are even painted on their faces."

"And the appearances of those beasts are not the same, but we found that the appearance of the beast spirits that one of the most powerful tribes worships is somewhat the same as Master Gu Eagle."

"With whom?" With some surprise, Gu Zheng looked back at the gu vulture chewing the corpse of the wild beast that was being fed by the big beast... Seeing that he acted like coquettish in front of the Gui family brothers just to get an extra piece of meat to eat. So stupid, he subconsciously asked: "Just it? Did you read it right?"

Seeing Master Gu Diao's unsuccessful performance, the clansman with the color still hanging on his face gave a wry smile and categorically returned: "My lord, it's right."

Oh, that's interesting.

The space that can be manipulated here is much larger.

This extremely important news immediately dissipated the haze caused by the news that the Northern Barbarian was close at hand, but instead, there was a flash of inspiration, which was caught by Gu Zheng in his mind.

After thinking about it for a while, he pulled Xiong aside, and after discussing for a while, he settled the work of the tribe and adjusted a few details.

Sure enough, in the morning of the next day, in addition to the normal gathering and hunting tribesmen who also searched for food in accordance with the original plan, all tribesmen, young and old, were involved in the building of bricks.

For a time, the brick-and-mortar field was full of enthusiasm.

On the side of the stone gathering team, they began to transport huge stones from one side to the other toward the gathering place of the tribe that Yu clan had just drawn.

Yes, the focus of their new construction work has slightly changed.

Outside the fence that was originally built temporarily, a stone wall was quickly erected at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The middle of each boulder is smeared with a layer of yellow mud mixed with rice straw and a very viscous rice juice. After the two boulders are stacked, the whole outside A layer of this mixed mud is applied to plasticize.

According to their Lord Priest, this is for double insurance in rainy weather, and this kind of building that looks very majestic and magnificent, the Lord Priest also said, this is called a city wall.

An important military building specially used to resist foreign aggression.

When the time comes, if the northern barbarian goes south, even if the young and strong in the clan go out for some reason, as long as they, young and old, can block the wall, the other party will have nothing to do with their clan members.

The clansmen were very convinced by what the priest said.

Because at this time, he was holding a set of completed basic drawings in his hand, as if he had been enchanted, he kept mumbling, writing and drawing on the side.

They could see that the huge city wall was four or five meters high, and their main entrance was a structure that could be hung facing the south.

This kind of building that looks like a miracle, let alone a mere Nanban, is afraid that it is just a normal beast!

Sure enough, they had the Fei clan who was the most favored by the ferocious beasts. No matter how rich the other tribes in the Wei level plains were, they had never had such a city wall.

Suddenly, a sense of pride that has never been experienced by the 狰 clan people spontaneously arises, and after these proud clan people, they work harder.

To say that after the fighting nation gets serious ~www.readwn.com~, the efficiency is amazing.

In just a few days, the four walls of the huge gathering place have begun to take shape.

At this time, the bricks on the brick yard can basically be separated from the mold after these few days of exposure.

As for the tentative pottery kiln, it is naturally the time to be released.

For a time, all kinds of exciting moments gathered together.

Let this Gu Zheng, as the initiator, be as busy as a spinning top, why can't he stop.

The slightly agitated people followed in Gu Zheng's footsteps and gathered at the edge of the brick drying yard, watching Gu Zheng's next movements with scorching eyes.

And their priest did not let them down. When he took a huge stone hammer and struggling to put out the flames that had already been extinguished, as if it was a pure natural soil slope, he broke it from top to bottom. A heat wave that can distort the air burst out, and there are several freshly baked round utensils that are like mud and not mud.

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