The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 931: Phoenix Ying Longfei vs Feng Bo Yushi

After saying this, behind Gu Zheng, the row of burning torches in the inner circle pushed out one after another big pallet trucks.

This is a sacrifice that is exchanged with the alien beasts at an equal value, and it is hard to say whether this ritual that invites the beasts in person can be achieved.

Who would have imagined that, under the action of this strange wind of flying sand and rocks, and the torch swaying but not extinguishing, these piles of corn piled up into a mountain were drawn into a black space that suddenly appeared under the eyes of everyone.

When this mysterious tunnel swallowed all these grains, a small beast with a dexterous figure sprang out from the opening of the cave that was about to be closed.

In the time that everyone had never understood, he suddenly rushed into Gu Zheng’s arms, using his wet, dimly big eyes... staring affectionately at this, suddenly giving it from the altar where he lived. Called the people here, and sent out a cheerful voice of response.


The roar was shocking, and the Chi You brothers, who had never witnessed the whole process outside the city wall, looked shocked.

And inside the city wall, after seeing the beast's appearance clearly, the people of the tribe were also taken aback by it.

It's just that the surprises of the two are really different.

Because the small group of beasts shrunk in Gu Zheng's arms...just a little guy with only a foot long.

It was white all over, with only the tips of its ears black and black. Except for the three-petaled mouth like a rabbit, it showed sharp fangs. It was actually not much different from the appearance of an ordinary domestic rabbit.

This made the tribesmen who held great hopes for God instantly frustrated.

However, after seeing the true face of the alien beast in his arms, Gu Zheng was extremely surprised and shouted: "Yan!!!"

Yes, we know it yelled and roared just now, was it possible that the priest was stimulated by this failed action?

But just when the people of the tribe were about to come forward to comfort him, this priest, who was considered an exhaustive plan, with his own fairy-style bones, suddenly grabbed Xiao Maoyan’s rabbit ears and regarded it as a Like a sandbag, it threw it towards the center of the Jiuli soldiers outside the city wall.

Gu Zheng screamed wildly while throwing it cruelly.

"Master Yan, let them see how good you are!"

"Don't treat rabbits as wild animals, bean bags are definitely a kind of dry food!"

When these words were over, the white and fat Lord Yan fell into the crowd like a meteor across the sky.

In an instant, the eyes of the surrounding people watching Gu Zheng were all wrong.

How cruel this is, what a black-hearted priest.

But it didn't take long for their little condemning eyes to let go, and there was a terrible riot in the Jiuli Department under the wall.

That Xiao Jangzi, who was despised by everyone, was now in the middle of a group of sturdy men, jumping up and down, scratching left and right, and no one was his enemy in the way he passed.

It relied on the power of its own rabbit to upset the members of the Jiuli Tribe.

Standing on the city wall, Gu Zheng, the culprit responsible for all this, shook his head triumphantly, with a mysterious and tall halo, and said to the stunned people behind him: "Yu, the figure is like Rabbits can fight ligers, feed on dragons, and their mouths have corrosive power."

Do you think they are a rabbit?

Anyone who wants to turn his head will tear you apart and eat it in your belly.

Isn't this? The tribesmen of the Jiuli Tribe who were paralyzed by its appearance, don't they suffer a big loss now?

The gnawed flesh and blood, like a **** on earth.

Seeing this situation and this scene, there is naturally the Xiu family to make persistent efforts.

Gu Zheng on the city wall waved his arm again.

"This time we will use the power of the whole family to summon our ancestors to play in the name of the ferocious beast!"

After saying this, it is still the order of "push cart".

Only this time, the people of the tribe did not hesitate for a moment. Instead, they worked hard to take out all the food they had harvested in the past two years and the reserves of air-dried meat, and they were ready to serve their family's ferocious beasts to the soon-to-appear The legendary beast left a good impression.

Who would have thought, this time Gu Zheng's call was really bigger than the last time.

In the excited and nervous little eyes of the people, the passage of the other world was opened even more.

The summoned ferocious beast's body really stood against its ferocious unicorn, draped in its fiery red fur, and poked its head out of the passage.

But just when the people of the tribe uttered a heaven-shattering cheer... "Pop" a pair of sharp claws pressed on the forehead of the ferocious beast, stepped it under the foot, and then kicked it back immediately. The ferocious beast that was about to crawl out kicked it back again.



The chins of members of the Gui clan fell to the ground in an instant, and as a result, no fewer than a hundred people were dislocated.

Then, with this momentum, Shi Shiran squeezed out from the hole, but it was a head with a chicken, a snake’s neck, a swallow’s jaw, a turtle’s back, a fish’s tail, and colorful colors. Feathers, how weird big birds look.

After it got out of the hole with all its strength, in order to express its joy at this time, it also made a loud cry very cooperatively.


Afterwards, this strange bird that made the sound of a chicken eating rice turned its head directly to the only person in the entire stadium who remained calm...In front of Gu Zheng, it spread its gorgeous wings. Up.

"Yi Li Ren Xin!"

With the utterance of these four words, its glittering feathers pieced together a huge meaning character. The pattern on its back was twisted into a ceremonial character, and its chest revealed benevolence, and its abdomen revealed letter.

It was this bird with its own auspiciousness that danced lightly beside Gu Zheng and sang the blessings that belonged to the phoenix.


The legend is really a legend, the king of birds looks a little shame.

Just when Gu Zheng was about to open his arms and use his arms as the sycamore wood on which the phoenix perched, the ferocious beast that was kicked back into the cave, unwilling to heart, at this time... crawled out again strenuously.

It looked at the phoenix that flaunted its might in front of Gu Zheng, with a bad face, and when it was about to stretch out its hideous paws to teach the other party a lesson, its head that had just been raised...was slapped back by a paw again.

This time, a bigger guy crawled out of the hole.

As soon as its wings stretched out, it had already blocked the hole tightly.

And when its long and slender body was completely coiled out and flew in the sky, it even blocked the sky on the entire Fei tribe.

This is an earthy yellow dragon with feather wings!

Gu Zheng saw the origin of this unique dragon all at once.

Ying Long, kill Chiyou, kill Kuafu's ruthless character.

But why did it come out at the call?

Just after Gu Zheng's work, the ferocious beast that had been trampled on its head countless times was finally angry.

It roared at the entrance of the passage, rushing in the direction of Phoenix and Yinglong with humiliating anger.

If there is no one to do anything at this time, then the gods on Gu Zheng's side have not waited for the invitation, and their own beasts are about to fight inwardly.

Whoever thinks it, the exclamation of the people has not yet sounded.

The situation under the city wall has changed again.

I saw that the eighty-two brothers, known for their copper heads and iron necks, were easily caught by the beasts and found their bloodstains. Their leader Chi You knew that their own weaknesses had been mastered by the enemy, and they were finally There was a hard stubble on this Wei level.

However, Chi You snorted coldly and narrowed his eyes.

Don't think that using alien beasts to deal with the Jiuli tribe can achieve the ultimate victory. Don't forget, how come these tribes who have been with Dashan for many years don't have their own beast spirits?

After they were finally annoyed by Gu Zheng's small actions, they finally released their own big move.

The eldest brother Chi You, who was bigger than the other brothers, stared fiercely at the figure of the man on the city wall who was not strong, and even some thin, with a little provocation that he hadn't noticed, and shouted loudly: " Don't think that just your clan at Wei level will summon alien beasts!"

"The greatest patron saint of the Jiuli Tribe, Feng Bo, Yushi, please listen to the call of your most pious people!"

"The invincible Jiuli Tribe has encountered the biggest trouble of this life, please show up quickly, clear the way for us, and help us be invincible!"

With this thunderous roar, more than 80 brothers were massacred like crazy.

Not only did they slash at the underlings of Ji Huang who were running around, but they also didn't let go of the members of the Jiuli family around them.

Under the city wall, it became a Xiuluo field. Those tribesmen who didn’t get into the city wall smoothly because of the slow evacuation were just a moment’s work, and they fell together with the invaders of the Jiuli tribe. In a pool of blood.

However, the live blood at the scene of the blood sacrifice made up of blood and meat chunks ~ ~ is decreasing at a rate that can be seen by the naked eye.

When all the blood infiltrated the ground, as if there had never been a shocking murder here, the sound of a thunderbolt came out from the ground.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder bursts. Under the slash of a lightning bolt, the appearance of two weird beasts gradually appeared in front of everyone.

A beast has a deer-like body and is covered with leopard-like patterns. The head is like the head of a peacock, with grotesque horns and a snake-like tail.

"Fun Bo!"

A bird has only one foot. It can be big and small, and it can be dry if it sucks. It is a divine beast that controls water.

And this big and small beast, as if they had cooperated countless times, after revealing their respective figures, they quickly got together, and they didn’t even have any nonsense, and they began to use them. Own supernatural powers.

For a time, violent winds and heavy rains continued.

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