The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 938: Playback of the 20th world (3)

Said Queen Mother here, squinted her eyes, and walked two steps in the direction of the crack, looking at what she meant, afraid that she wanted to pull the crack apart again, and wanted to go to her son. In the world you are in, take a look around.

In reality, Queen Mother Xi really planned that way. After confirming that the passage was indeed connected, she waved in the direction of the phoenix dancing on the side, and made the presence of that mascot like a mascot... After getting up, he would automatically retreat to the back of the team...The counselor who was dancing hard to pray for blessing was recruited, pointed to the small gap and asked: "How about? Can you tear it apart?"

And this Phoenix, who is quite accomplished in space, nodded with confidence, "Naturally, it's okay."

After it finished the ticket to Queen Mother West, it took one of its sharp claws to the crack and stretched it over.

I'm afraid that the next step is to pull this space and directly open up the channels on both sides.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Hongjun, who was pressed to the bottom of the beast herd, felt uncomfortable. He didn't know where a force emerged from his body, and suddenly lifted the combination of the four fierce beasts and the ferocious beast. Turning it out, using both hands and feet, he crawled towards the crack.

But just when he was about to arrive at his destination, he was beaten on the ground again by an elbow from Queen Mother Xi.

Once and twice, they were folded in the hands of a woman. How could Hongjun, who no one dared to resist, bear such a humiliation.

And this Heavenly Dao itself, the mouthpiece of the world, after all, showed the original hideousness.

He climbed up tremblingly from the yellow ground of the alien world, and the blue veins on his hands were clearly visible. The jade disc of good fortune that he hadn't used for a long time was also raised up by him regardless of his care, and went straight to those who did not live or die. Yes, it should have existed in the legend, and hit the group of strange animals that disappeared in the last time.

This attack, engulfing the aura of the mountain and the earth, exuding endless light, shocked the strange beasts on the opposite side, and boosted his own morale.

Just as Hongjun Daozu showed a smug smile, suddenly, his exaggerated smile was instantly frozen at this moment.

Because at this time, his jade disc of good fortune of the sect of ten thousand laws was actually swallowed by the big belly glutton on the opposite side, and while the other party swallowed it all up, he also hit a small gluttonous glutton. Full of hiccups.

For many years, it has never eaten a full meal. This strange person actually has some good things. Only a small plate makes him feel full. Yes, you are very satisfied. Not bad!

But Hongjun, who was on the opposite side, couldn't feel the kindness that gluttonous exudes at all. He looked at the ugly monster in front of him eagerly, and let out a hysterical roar.

"Return my magic weapon! Take your life!!"

After losing the magic weapon, the furious Hongjun finally chose to die like the ants he had pinched to death.

Because at the moment when he lost contact with the jade disc of good fortune, he felt that, from then on, he was no longer the one-and-one **** of the world in the cycle of reincarnation, but became a small world in this small world. The struggling people or one of the beasts.

According to his current abilities, he was afraid that he could barely cope with a general single-handed fight, but there was no chance of winning in a group fight.

Hongjun sighed in his heart, but he never noticed the slight sense of relief hidden in his heart.

He only had a one-tenth of a million hope, hoping that the storm of space he set off in this space could make this world collapse.

As for the collapse of this space, maybe, naturally, he will return to the original world of Conferred Gods.

Therefore, Hongjun, who hadn't left his hands at all, moved the space node of the Shanhaijing, and wrapped the group of strange beasts in front of him in the storm, intending to catch them all in one go.

And how can these big beasts, who have ruined the world and destroyed the earth and run wild, watched Hongjun behave like this and let him succeed?

Relying on the physical strength and the weird magical powers, they rushed to the crazy old man once again, biting each other's vitals one by one, tearing each other's body, and wishing to immediately take this scourge from outside the sky. , To kill instantly.

I don't know who took advantage of the bite, and it was Hong Jun who burst this whole body with a vigorous aura... it burst.

This shriveled old man was like an over-inflated balloon. After his skin became bulging and almost transparent, it burst open with the golden light.

Along with the destruction of Hongjun's body, there was also the altar where the strange beasts gathered.

In this small world, it is precisely this altar that maintains spatial stability.

While it was destroyed, this small independent space could no longer be maintained.

It is like a collapsed glass house, like a collapsed multidimensional space, broken like dust, disappearing into this vast world together with the black hole between the world and the earth.

With the collapse of this space, the mountains and seas connected to it passed through the four mountains, and they collapsed like dominoes.

Suddenly, there was dense smoke and The land broke, the beasts roared, and the people cried, one after another.

This chain reaction came so suddenly, I don't know how many innocent flesh and blood were buried.

Those rare mountains, those unheard of rare beasts, are all in this catastrophe of heaven and earth. With these four disappearing mountains and seas, they return to dust and dirt, as if they had never existed in this world. It turned into dust and returned to the sea of ​​stars in this new world.

And this time the collapse of the sky and the earth naturally also affected the already unified human world in the Wei horizontal plain.

After the Jiuli Department was smoothly eliminated by the Youxi family, the leader of Ji Huang, who was very conformed to the form, thanked the Youxi family for extending a helping hand. At the same time, he also returned to the Youxi family who understood that he had saved the Xiong country’s subjects from water and fire. Under the banner.

The situation is really stronger than that of human beings, and now the Yu clan is strong in soldiers and horses, the country is rich and the people are strong, and the power of the ethnic group is only discussed. When the two sides confront each other, Ji Huang is not sure of victory.

What's more, there is no less than the help of three sacred beasts standing behind them, and one of the extremely high-status women is still the priest's mother of the Xi family.

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