The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 941: Playback of the twentieth world (6)

But after this number was finished, the number two shook his head very disapprovingly: "No, no, no, you don’t know it, what you said is just The phenomenon of ordinary learning tyrants has never happened to Gu Yixie."

"This child is like a natural calamity physique, wherever he goes, there are unhealthy youths and youths in society... It is very unpleasant."

"From small to large, he is a legend."

"It seems that I have heard of his reputation since he didn't enter high school."

"It's not because of his good studies, but because of him that the number of unscrupulous teenagers who entered the juvenile prison, the police station, the detention center, and the number of crimes committed against him is known for the large number of crimes committed against him."

"Those unscrupulous teenagers are like moths to the fire. They traveled a long way to beat Gu Yifei, and in the end, they folded themselves in."

Hearing Xueba No.1 was stunned, he pointed to the two little black spots downstairs that had long gone, and pointed to the location of his friend No.2 next to him. Some woke up and asked. : "So, what you said a while ago, just casually said?"

On the other hand, No. 2 nodded naturally: "Yes, you have to say more politely, and you have to exude a friendly atmosphere to Gu Yixie desperately."

"Do you know how much I learned to rank in high school?"

"How much?" When asked this sentence, Xueba No.1 already had an ominous premonition.

"The school is ranked 555, with a total of 600 students at the same level."

"But you know when I was admitted to our country's No. 1 BGI, what was the school's ranking?"

"How much?" Xueba No.1 was stimulated by this light-lifting tone and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"No. 2 in the school." Number two stroked his back triumphantly, and after trying his best to raise it by two millimeters, he looked out the window with a deep look, and a word that rang out leisurely was right there. Between No.1 and No.2 floated out: "Then, who is the number one in the school, I don't have to say any more?"

"And I, the second one, sat at the same table with Gu Yixuan for three years."

After saying this, No. 2 actually burst into tears as if remembering something. The whole figure looked like an old man with many stories on his back, making the No. 1 friend on the side very sad.

For a while, the air calmed down...In order to cherish the memory of a bad student's transformation, but also to look forward to the future of a good student.

Of course, this peculiar landscape could not be seen by Gu Yigui who was brought to the grove.

As soon as he entered the woods that was empty because of lunch at noon, he began to make preparations.

Oh, don't think about it crooked, there are many kinds beforehand. Compared to the current Gu Yixuan, he took off his schoolbag, rolled up his sleeves, took off his glasses, and lifted the hair curtain.

Then when the opposite student was about to laugh at the sound, this was always quiet and gloomy, but Gu Yigui slowly walked in front of him, and after taking off his glasses, it was bright. Some amazing eyes looked straight into the eyes of the scumbag.

Then, under Gu Yixuan's gaze, this comrade Xuezuo, who was stunned by his parents, suddenly fell into a state of dissociation.

Those eyes staring at him are like black holes that can **** people's soul, instantly making him lose the ability to think independently, and instead fall into a dark state of sleep.

No, no, no, his body is asleep, but there is a voice in the sea of ​​consciousness that is always echoing.

"Good boy, tell me all the bad things you have done over the years, what has not been discovered, and what has been discovered."

"After you say it, you are relaxed, and you no longer need to fight, drink, and smoke to relieve stress."

"At that time, you will find that the sky is blue, the trees are green, the air is fresh, and life is wonderful."

"The new life after speaking out will accompany you from beginning to end, and you will never worry about anything anymore."

"And if what you committed is serious? Go to the police station of BGI, if it is not serious? Go to the school's academic affairs office."

"I don't need me to teach the rest of the process of self-reflection and surrender?"

After hearing this inexplicable inspiring remark, the scumbag nodded involuntarily.

If there is a third person present at this time, you will be horrified to find that the eyes of the scumbag have become pitch black, as if they are puppets with no thoughts, dumb and involuntary.

But now, there is no third person, and the one who controls the whole situation... is still Gu Yixie standing quietly on the side.

After he saw the scumbag nodded vigorously, and there seemed to be humming voices outside the woods, he slapped his finger lightly in front of the wooden classmate, and after the'pop', Gu Yixuan turned his head and methodically picked up his schoolbag, put on his glasses, put down his hair, and arranged his clothes. Shi Shiran left the place where he and the fault-finder happened and ran straight to the school cafeteria.

Ah, another beautiful day, and another social **** has been solved.

Gu's surname is really amazing.

His grandfather's father, the still-living ancestor once told him that they are the priests of the 狰 clan among the descendants of the 狰huang.

However, the history books clearly stated that since the establishment of the Huaxia Kingdom, the next generation of monarchs will be the product of the election system after the death of the priest who was grabbed by theocratic monarchy.

That magical priest and monarch never left a bit of blood of his own.

So where did the magic of their current Gu family come from?

These thoughtless things, even if Gu Yixuan was a top school tyrant, he couldn't understand it. Fortunately, the only people who knew their strangeness were the blood of their own family.

Everyone for so many years, UU reading www. has been passed down from generation to generation, and it seems that this secret has been hidden in the deepest part of my heart, and no one will easily mention it.

And in his generation, this ability?

He is very satisfied.

This ability has saved him a lot of trouble.

Thinking of Gu Yixie here, he ran a little faster.

Thinking of comparing with his ancestor's ability, his singularity is nothing more than a trick.

Gu Yigui, who was in a good mood, would never find that in another world, there was a man who was somewhat related to him, and he paid attention to his every move.

And he didn't even know that when the man turned his eyes to the next shot, he saw all the secrets of the Gu family in his eyes.

The last scene that appeared in the lens was the ancestor of the Gu family that Gu Yiyi said.

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