The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 946: Run! The gas bomb is coming!

For example, the gods and goddesses who invited the great immortals and the gods of the mountain gods are all behaving like Gu Zheng now.

Because of the awe of this kind of gods and strange things, the workers who originally planned to come and go to the city management team in the encirclement circle again stopped their hands.

On the contrary, he stared at Gu Zheng's next movements very vigilantly.

It's a pity that no matter how flustered the surrounding environment is, Gu Zheng still pushes the car steadily, but he deliberately pushes the car vigorously when he passes by the side of Director Li who has ridiculed him. Amidst the screams of a bunch of people, when it was about to roll over in the crowd crookedly, it pulled the hook on the other side of the car in a timely manner, and lifted the car back upright. .


The heavy-duty steel flatbed trailer that was re-balanced rushed into the dust in the sky, and Gu Zheng, standing in the dusty dust, was moving in the direction of Director Li, snarling provocative white teeth.

The leader, who was strong from outside and inside, couldn't help but shivered, and a layer of cold sweat instantly spread on his forehead. The legs softened, and there was actually a tendency to squat down on the spot. If it weren't for the little assistant on the side to help his leader in time, I am afraid that there will be a scene where Gu Zheng scares an unscrupulous businessman.

Seeing that his deterrence was enough, Gu Zheng only smiled contemptuously at Director Li, and left the unimportant person behind, pushing his car intently.

Now he has already blocked the flatbed trailer horizontally at the entrance of the square. Then he only needs to step by step and push the car horizontally toward the troubled workers step by step, which will block the two groups of people and horses. That's it.

The method Gu Zheng thought of was really useful. The workers who were originally noisy and shocked finally moved with Gu Zheng's push.

It's just that, why is the current scene a bit different from what he thought?

Gu Zheng tilted his head blankly, and heard the wailing of his colleagues in the crowd.

"Captain Gu! Your own person! Don't push it!"

"Big Brother! Push in the wrong direction, and push it again and it will fall!"

"Brother Gu, take a look at the car first. This car is long. We don't blame you, but at any rate, you put the car back straight."

In response to these wailing sounds, Gu Zheng bent over and looked at the gap between the wheels, and he was embarrassed.

Because his flatbed trailer was hung in two rows, it was naturally unable to maintain the trend of flat pushing when pushed.

In the process of burying his head and slamming, the hook on the bottom of the car has formed a small encirclement, enclosing a small group of construction workers and the members of the nine teams, and heading straight towards the one behind them. The location of Dakeng forced the past.

Looking at the current situation, I am afraid that if he pushes a few more times, all the people in the litter are like dumping dumplings. They all descend into the pit.

The only thing in this scene that Gu Zheng didn't understand was that although there was a lot of construction waste in the big pit, the depth was not too deep, and the **** on the four sides of the pit was not steep.

Why didn't the members of these nine teams choose to jump into the pit and climb out from the other side when they were stuck on one side of this garbage pit, and then escape?

Unexpectedly, Gu Zheng stood up, intending to pick up the flatbed truck and climb onto the trailer, ascend to look into the distance, and see what daunting stuff is in this pit that can make the group of people in front of you. It's so miserable.

Who would have imagined that he had forgotten to take back the force with such a time of picking up the truck, and he pushed the trailer that was already very close to the crowd... and pushed it forward a few feet.

When he successfully climbed to the roof of the car and looked down, the small group of people over there who needed him to save had already been accompanied by screams and thumping... bingo.

Then, a groan of unlovable wailing sounded from the bottom of the tunnel full of construction waste.

"My brother, just cheat me!"

"I won't do anything today, let's go back and take a bath."

"Oh, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to be smoked to death! I'll go, have there been reports a while ago, have people drowned in the pit?"

What shithole?

The dazed Gu Zheng subconsciously pointed the probe towards the tunnel, and saw that under the construction waste floating on the surface, there was a layer of thin wooden planks, but now it was the people who fell down one after another and smashed all kinds of things. Shaped cesspool.

Oh, it turns out that the innermost side of the tunnel is the backside of the simple house where the workers live. The toilet was temporarily excavated because of the convenience of construction.

The dung pit, which was supposed to be handed over to the Environmental Sanitation Bureau and related departments for unified treatment after the completion of the project, is now perfectly able to accommodate many outsiders.

Let the team members and workers who can't avoid it and enter it with various gestures, look unlovable.

Gu Zheng silently glanced at the spattering body of excrement that was more than one and a half meters high in the construction waste pit. He retracted his head with a slight guilty conscience, and gently climbed off the trailer, rubbing it secretly. He dragged the vehicle a few feet back, trying to pretend that all this was not what he did.

And when these people have completely fallen into the pit, the people of the nine teams have completely discarded all their worries.

With the expressions and actions of being brave and brave, they climbed out toward the other side of the tunnel step by step.

As they walked out one after another, the unbearable stench radiated from the good cesspit that was once hidden.

Suddenly, the people who were lucky enough to visit one of them were very fortunate, and it was already quite a cold early winter.

This kind of temperature makes the taste on their bodies lack the high-temperature fermentation, so that when they smell it, it seems that they are not as unbearable as summer.

The Chinese people's anti-stress ability and Ah Q spirit are among the top in the world rankings.

The players of these nine teams, just after crawling out of the other side with mud full of trouser legs, they walked in the direction of Gu Zheng with a smile on their faces.

In their view, they are just to show the friendship and gratitude between colleagues.

However, in Gu Zheng's view, the actions of these people are obviously outright retaliation.

Therefore, the scene of the disturbance, which should have been very tense, showed a funny scene of you chasing me and fleeing.

The Captain Gu, who should have been fearless in the eyes of outsiders, is now embarrassed by a group of half-dung men and fled.

There was only a burst of good-will laughter and the relief after the colleague was rescued.

When Gu Zheng ran into Fu Sheng's patrol car at a super high speed, the first sentence he said was: "Quickly, start the car first."

At the moment when Fu Sheng was stunned, the coordinator of the tenth team trailing behind him was hugged by the teammates of the ninth team because one of them couldn't escape.

This colleague, who was purely retaliating, didn't even intend to conceal his thoughts of suffering. After he laughed triumphantly, he let go of the buddy who had been contaminated with the same object, quite a bit. Pleasant... He rushed in the direction of the other coordinator who was still fleeing.

Seeing this scene like Shura hell, Fu Sheng in the driver's cab shuddered, stepped on the accelerator quickly, and drove this patrol car that is not very powerful during the day. .

Thanks to his resolute response, he didn't see that their car had just evacuated from the scene. Has the original position of the patrol car been emptied of a nine-team captain?

The captain who was the first to fall and was the most thoroughly contaminated, if he was successfully completed by the pounce he had just done, two abstract Baba handprints would be covered on the glass of the patrol car that was being reborn.

Its horror is comparable to the sudden appearance of zombies in Doomsday Horror.

It's just that what people bite is the anger of living people, and what this pulls is the stench of comrades-in-arms.

Gu Zheng, who had successfully completed the great escape, seemed to be in a good mood. He also put down the car windows with great interest, poked his head out as the vehicles were moving away, and shouted to the team members who were still left on the scene. Said: "Disbanded on the spot, go home and clean up!"

"Let's gather at noon, I'll invite friends from the nine teams to dinner!"

"It stands to reason that the people of our tenth brigade saved your lives and solved your troubles. It should be your treat."

"But who makes me kind-hearted, let's see you at noon!"

After these words aside, Gu Zheng and the co-management team members who got on the bus in time strayed very unrighteously.

When they returned to the office of the field brigade, they looked at each other a circle and made a hilarious sound.

Today is really happy, but there will be no shortage of topics in the future.

On this matter can be mentioned repeatedly by them for three years.

In the direction of the West Rail Camp, the members of the nine teams whose security alarms have been lifted are making enough noise. They are preparing to go back to the bathhouse of the branch under the leadership of their captain and rush for a good charge, but they are caught by a car. The milky white interview vehicle was jammed on the spot.

At the most inappropriate time, the reporter of Capital Television, the focus of the broadcast, handed the interview microphone to the captain of the nine teams.

"The captain?" Reporter Sun tried his best to identify the epaulettes hanging on the shoulders of the person in front of him, and said the purpose of the trip with a dry smile that was a bit forbearing.

"Just now our interview car has filmed the entire process of this incident."

"Do you have anything to say about this incident?"

"Excuse me, who is the captain who bravely rescued you and your team member Yu Shuihuo just now?"

"Also, the captain, what are you doing in this troubled Davan Plaza during such a sensitive incident?"

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