In this case, people who dare to use popular songs to take the test can only be done by people who have considerable confidence in their singing skills.

But this is the excerpt they have heard countless times in the industry, but Gu Zheng sang a different style.

These few sentences of Gu Zheng used more firm and orderly breaks and intricate setbacks than usual, which made the vocals scattered and scattered. In this simple, solid and neat showed a little bit of danger. It looks even stronger through the back of the paper.

This is a way to sing a more feminine character, but it does not affect the judgement of the character by the audience.

No matter how heroic she is, she is a pure woman.

A legendary female player...

And this woman who has been sung so far, as if she should be the image of the character in front of them, courageous, resolute, and although she is a female, she has a demeanor that is not inferior to a man.

Suddenly, a vivid image of folk art appeared on the stage.

Leng Shuang, who had never seen Gu Zheng sing a play, was shocked at the scene in an instant.

For some reason, she felt that at this time Gu Zheng, the male hormones had reached the pinnacle of her cognition.

A taste called sexiness surrounds him, like countless little hooks, to cymbal the hearts of people around... or men or women.

Without looking at the current court, both men and women are immersed in his appearance, his singing, his demeanor, and his gestures.

Lengshuang, who never understood what jealousy was, suddenly felt a loss of sadness.

Somehow, she wanted to take out the handkerchief in the pocket of her overcoat and wipe the corner of the slightly delicate eye, but she emptied her hand just as she put her hand in her pocket.

Where is her burberry plaid handkerchief?

When she subconsciously turned to the field, the image of Gu Zheng who was covering her face with a silk kerchief and singing happily, she suddenly felt that the silk kerchief was familiar.

Isn't that her veil!

When did Gu Zheng leave?

I am afraid that on the way two people are walking to this studio, the master with a score in his heart is planning to sing this one on the stage, right?

Leng Shuang was silent for a moment. Because of obsessive-compulsive disorder, she always felt that it was very uncomfortable not to catch anything in her hand. She looked down at the only grey cotton-like non-cotton, quasi-non-cotton coat that could be used. He wiped his hands secretly with the hem of Gu Zheng's coat.

And this little action was immediately seen by Gu Zheng on the stage.

So, when we watch dramas, stage plays, and concerts, we must remember one thing.

Don't think you sit far enough away, you can pick your nostrils, pick your feet, and litter everywhere.

There are always those talented actors who can see through your essence at a glance, and then after the repertoire is over, they will give you a blow to the back in the way of a villain.

Then, Leng Shuang was a bit embarrassed now, thanks to Gu Zheng's calm performance.

Gu Zheng just raised the corner of his mouth slightly behind the silk kerchief, and then put down the tight veil that covered his face.

At the same time, he also ended this short singing, bowed slightly to the silent audience, and said in the same fancy singing voice: "Director... (pick the hook) I'm finished! "

And it was this crisp chant that was uttered by Gu Zheng, and the director sitting outside the scene regained his senses as if he had just awakened from a big dream, and shuddered at Gu Zheng on the stage.

Don't think too much, it's not the shameless trembling, but the excitement trembling.

Fortunately, at that time, I followed Dean Tan's advice and changed the temporary recording of the program that could not be completed today into the content of the next issue.

Fortunately, the contents of the two programs are so similar.

At the time of planning, we used the older generation's name Dan as arousing the interest of those who advocating traditional culture in front of the TV, and then when the popularity of Peking opera inheritance slows down, the younger and more energetic group will be added. Push out physically.

So as to achieve the feeling of successors, let ordinary people feel that there are still a small number of people who persist in passing on the things of our ancestors.

If the broadcast time is changed to one position as originally, the director still feels a little regretful.

But Gu Zheng's appearance made him ecstatic.

That little bit of regret about the order, compared with the birth of a very topical celebrity...Compared to his column, it is nothing.

The director who can grasp the topic very much is naturally very satisfied everywhere.

He couldn't wait to see how Gu Zheng, who put on makeup and outfits when he was officially recorded, would be so brilliant when he appeared on stage.

Therefore, the current director speaks out the aspirations of all the audience and related staff in the venue.

"Gu Zheng, right? Very good. I will probably tell you about the next recording process."

"There is a special help in the backcourt that will remind you of the time to play."

"Don't think about other things too much. After you put on your makeup, just sing like yours on weekdays and concentrate on singing."

"As for the rest, it must be handled by professionals like us."

Hearing what the director said, Gu Zheng naturally nodded and said yes. He did not forget that he politely thanked the people off the court before returning to the back of the stage, and under the leadership of the assistant on the sidelines, he went straight to the actors. Went to the dressing room.

Compared with the shed of the TV station building, the recording of programs in the Starlight Film and Television Base has a disadvantage, that is, the backcourt environment is relatively simple.

Without the strength of CCTV to hold large-scale evening parties, it is impossible to prepare independent dressing rooms for these group performances or even some specially invited actors and guests.

However, the backstage of Xingguang Film and Television has one advantage, that is, it is very simple and large.

When the space is large, there will naturally be room for manipulation, especially for opera actors. Who hasn't had a time to send dramas to the countryside?

They have sung in a difficult environment, let alone this recording site with a roof, a roof and a location.

Therefore, the current Gu Zheng, after passing through a few bare concrete walls, came to a very lively venue.

Here, there are not only the Peking opera actors and related assistants he knows well, but also the folk dance troupe specially invited by the column team, professional dancers and students of the Capital Dance Academy.

An hour-long column naturally cannot be supported by a mixed drama, and the meaning of the term "inheritor" is also comprehensive.

They have intangible cultural heritages that are almost broken, folk music that people are familiar with, local miscellaneous items that are obscure, and pure hand-made art that has basically no living space because of the impact of modern technology.

The content of a column is so rich that Xiqu is only a small part of it.

But because of its extremely artistic makeup scene, it has become the most recognizable area in the entire backstage.

No, Gu Zheng didn't need anyone else to bring him when he came here, so he ran straight to the dressing table with a large bronze gong arranged in a row.

Just by smelling the oil paint in the air, Gu Zheng knew that this would be where he needed to stay in this backstage.

Sure enough, when Gu Zheng walked to this area, a student from the Chinese Traditional Opera Academy consciously gave up the position under his butt.

But one or two of them... didn't leave. Instead, they surrounded Gu Zheng, intending to observe the dress of the most mysterious teacher of the most mysterious art shape class.

Gu Zheng was also a bachelor. After he came out of the locker room, he used a pen to draw up his makeup under the eyes of everyone.

Gu Zheng, who was dressed in water clothes and colored trousers, seemed to soften a little at once. If it weren't for his hair was really short, just looking at his back, he already had a delicate and feminine posture.

And sitting in front of the dressing table, he is not rushed. When recording a show with warm water, he washed the thin makeup for the better stage effect, and then began to apply to his face. Apply the primer evenly.

The material of the base oil naturally cannot be the emollient oil that those wealthy lesbians often use in the thousands.

These most pristine Peking opera actors use petroleum jelly and moisturizer, which is a self-strengthening domestic product.

It is said that when there was no such thing in the old life, the various weird and strange skin care oils made by the folks were all fascinating methods that were not passed down in the troupe.

And opera actors are also one of the professions most vulnerable to cosmetics.

Thanks to the advancement of the current opera cosmetics, it is said that a series of pure natural make-ups that do not harm the skin have just been released in the past two years. This has made life easier for the actors.

As for Gu Zheng, he has no such troubles at all.

Because he doesn't dress up very often.

So He who rarely puts on make-up once, he is particularly heavy with his hands, and his coloring is particularly ruthless.

In addition, he himself is a reversal, and he needs to obscure his original gender and work hard to get closer to the feminine and bright side.

Naturally, after Gu Zheng finished painting his background color, others would have only one feeling.

That is pale and pale.

Gu Zheng's original bronze skin suddenly turned into a contrast between a white face and a black neck without makeup.

If everyone knew that it would be completely covered by a costume at the end, I am afraid that there would be a desire to press it in the basin and return it to the stove.

But this kind of white that is very dazzling under the daily light, I put a big red blush and a thin layer of makeup powder on Gu Zheng's, and then swept the peach face red all over the eye sockets. The corners of the eyes and the sockets of the eyes became abruptly gorgeous.

It seems that these most rural and uncontrollable colors are perfectly integrated into one after a few contrasting collisions.

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