The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 962: Some people are set up for life alone!

That's because, with the reversal of this news, many people sprayed all kinds of tea, drinks, and even porridge cakes at different places on the TV, causing various problems and problems caused by short circuits. Fault.

This is the root of the renewal.

This is also the reason why the consumption index in Beijing has soared again.

Because in the televisions of thousands of households, everyone saw the western scene of the cesspit war, and after feeling the danger of urban management work from the side, they also entertained their lack of daily life by the way.

An urban management that can bring laughter to everyone is a good urban management.

For a time, the unknown Fengtai branch was on fire!

And seeing the small front desk here, I was happy.

Joy from the heart.

Just for this piece of news, she decided to get up tomorrow morning. When the couple who had just been promoted to become her idol check out, she must give each other a gift bag that only VIP members can enjoy.

The little receptionist who made the decision silently placed a beautifully packaged bag in the locker at her feet, and then continued to read the little tail left by the news with relish.

As for the protagonist of this news?

He was lying on that huge bed, waiting for his little sister to appear.

The steam in the bathroom was very hot, and the heat radiating from the cracks was felt by Gu Zheng who was lying on the bed.

The clacking sprinklers are very busy, and the uninterrupted sound always provides scenes after scenes that cannot be described in detail in Gu Zheng's mind.

The night view in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows is beautiful. The busy streets and busy pedestrians seem to make his heart that could not be calmed down even more. A sense of expectation and eagerness that has never been seen before, from Gu Zheng. The bottom of my heart came out spontaneously.

He couldn't help but sigh, the shovel that hasn't been used for a long time, just like a field that has been dry for a long time, needs someone to take care of it.

At the very least, rust removal and polishing should be carried out.

Otherwise, it will really rust to the point of uselessness.

Gu Zheng was thinking about it, the bathroom behind him...but it opened with a click.

Wrapped in a bath towel, it was more frosty than usual, but with bare feet and slippers, he bounced from the house towards Gu Zheng.

Oh, don't think too much, this book will not change the style of painting, the end is coming, and Leng Shuang is not the setting of a zombie cannon fodder girlfriend.

She just wrapped the two bath towels tightly.

The girl who has always been calm, didn't know why, she thought of Gu Zheng today when she was taking a bath, and she did everything with good intentions.

And her girlfriend, who has been passively accepting, should really do something for tonight's surprise night.

No, she only thought of the idea of ​​peeling the onion when the conditions did not allow it.

The prelude to the 300 rounds of the battle for a while, start with this layer of clothing grabbing battle.

To say that this Leng Shuang thought really well, seeing Gu Zheng who came out like this, he was first taken aback, then smiled, and then he threw the bouncer on the bed enthusiastically, intending to cooperate very well with her behavior. NS.

But Leng Shuang had forgotten what the result would be if the boyfriend she made forgot to control.

The two people are just a symbolic battle between you and me, stabbed, and the two overlapping cotton bath towels were divided into two pieces.

Gu Zheng holding the rags: "..."

Cold frost like a white chicken: "..."

Just when the air was full of embarrassing atmosphere, Gu Zheng picked up the double-layer bath towels in disbelief, folded them together, and put his hands to the sides with another effort...

Oh, this time it finally didn't break into pieces again.

In order to cover up his embarrassment of trying sex, Gu Zheng separated the bath towel in his hand again, and spread it on Lengshuang's chest again like a quilt.

One piece on one side, very symmetrical.

Lengshuang's reaction to this behavior was also very direct.

After just staring at Gu Zheng for a few seconds, she rolled directly into the snow-white quilt of the hotel, and gave Gu Zheng a **** up from the sky.

Then, while Gu Zheng was still blinded, he said: "Sleep your grandmother on her legs!"

Then he took his head boldly, wrapped his own bumps perfectly, and instantly fell asleep.

Let Gu Zheng, who kept the caring posture of covering the quilt, stunned for a while on the empty big bed, until the cold frost over there sounded heavy breathing, he turned back from the shocked state. , Looked at the little brother who was letting the pigeons in disbelief, and then at the girlfriend who was confirmed to be asleep.

Only then did he confess his fate to lie down on the big bed, and he didn't even have the energy to take a bath.

Heaven is not fair, as a woman, have your qualities and tenderness been fed to dogs?

But Gu Zheng, under the double blow of this loneliness, emptiness and coldness and the fact that the nephrite jade could not be eaten on the side, was just like this and fell asleep on the other side.

When I waited early the next morning, I finally slept with a solid feeling of cold frost. When I saw Gu Zheng again, it looked like the following.

This originally neat and capable young man now looks at her with two **** eyes, just like a spirit behind him.

Look at the sorrowful stubble that pops up on this person's lips overnight, the melancholy look like the male protagonist in Wong Kar Wai's movie, and the tall and decadent posture...

Dr. Leng laughed at the front desk of the lobby from the door of the room.

It wasn't until Gu Zheng took the key to check out that UU Read reverted to her high-cold setting.

As for the little girl at the front desk, after seeing the image of Gu Zheng, she didn’t know what she was thinking about. After taking a look at the glamorous look, she took a look at the new outfit all over her body. After watching Gu Zheng's rather obvious dark circles, he smiled very clearly.

And this sincere smile lasted until she finished all the formalities and delivered the exclusive gift package for the VIP guests of the Lido Hotel to Gu Zheng's hands.

"Thank you for your support to our Cosmopolitan Hotel."

"This is a souvenir that I specially give to you as an idol. It is purely a personal gift. Don't think too much about it."

"Also, if you have time now, can you please sign me?"

After saying this, the small front desk pulled out a small but literary notebook from the bottom of the service desk, opened the blank pages, and handed it to it very solemnly with a black signature pen. In front of Gu Zheng.

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