The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 964: Extremely short of money

The camera follower behind the 13th camera in the 6th recording studio gave him a few surprises.

This is the newcomer from which late-stage company. This will not be the first time I have started shooting such a formal column.

The quality of this person is too bad, the photographer himself has steady hands, heavy body, and fast lens.

However, the misunderstood Xiao Liu naturally would not explain his state at this time to unrelated people. He just wanted to follow, follow and shoot again, and even the heavy guests from behind were irritated from his camera. When passing by, he didn't pay attention.

He just dutifully followed Gu Zheng until the magical man left the entrance of the Starlight Film and Television Base building, he had to regret this magical shooting trip to end.

Because Xiao Liu knew that if he followed him again, he would definitely be discovered by Gu Zheng.

But at this time, he has already shot so much material, it is enough to explain to the chief director of their evening party.

When the contented Xiao Liu delivered the recorded video to the director, he was praised as expected.

Make this young guy happy.

And the director who got the material he wanted was simply a surprise. He had no idea before that an interesting ten young man he stumbled upon by accident was actually a very versatile character.

This kind of person is much more interesting than the kind of other people who are still young, but can't let go of holding them like a little old man.

He didn't hesitate at all, he sent all the first-hand resources to the editing department in twos or twos, and clicked on several main node paragraphs in the video, but only a few words of explanation. , I told my own request.

As for the staff in the post-editing department, it is not ambiguous at all. It is common for them to add such extra material, just like drinking water and eating in their hands.

However, within a few hours of work, a new version of the outlook of Gu Zheng's personal information has appeared.

The chief director, who was very satisfied with this, was very happy to replace the original version. I am afraid that once the show was broadcast, hehehe, the audience in the system won’t buy this show anymore. Something out.

It will surely be popular among the people like the most popular funny videos and the most exciting good news.

If you can't say that Taili or even the leaders of the Municipal Cultural Bureau will commend him for his perfect work.

And his work ability can certainly be further reflected, quickly move him a nest, and let him try the taste of a more popular stage director.

The director who was very satisfied took a picture of the final master tape and submitted it to the final review department very satisfied.

As for the protagonist Gu Zheng who is in the whirlpool... just woke up from hunger.

After he got home, no one was disturbed by his side, so it was a rare experience that he slept for a long and steady sleep.

It seems to have wiped away the exhaustion caused by the last one after another crossing, and the whole body is relaxed and comfortable.

At this moment, he did not forget to go to the study and take a look at the situation of forgetting the book. After discovering that the appearance of the book had changed in a qualitative manner, he didn't even dare to touch the root hair again. Quietly retreated to the outside of the study.

It's really because... The change of Xiao Wangshu is a bit too frightening.

Had it not been for the perception connection between him and the other party, he would have thought that Xiao Wangshu was invaded by the aliens in outer space into the body, and he could not open the blood basin in the next second to swallow it, and then swallow this beauty. The water blue star becomes a **** on earth.

Because the laugh and forget book at this time is like a T1000 robot... it presents a mercury-like texture, and it is being reshaped at an extremely slow speed in Gu Zheng's study.

Looking at the image he was shaping, and the more brilliant golden light of his body, Gu Zheng was worried.

Now Leng Shuang is staying in this small courtyard, fearing that it is a place where something wrong will be discovered if he doesn't pay attention.

It's time to divide this small courtyard into a private realm of their own lives, and people like themselves who have a lot of secrets also need a new home that is fully secured, can store valuables, and protects privacy.

Gu Zheng, who had an idea in his mind, kept walking under his feet and headed out of the courtyard.

He hasn't saved the thought of buying a house in remote areas. Now he has a single-door garden villa in Daxing.

But what's the use?

In addition to raising his long-distance horse named Gale, it can only be used as an occasional holiday place.

What he needs is a convenient environment nearby, and the surrounding homes can't be dense, even if he makes any movement, the neighbors can't listen to the kind of place.

To talk about this kind of place, Gu Zheng really thought of a real estate. After he left the small courtyard, he did not drive at all. He swept a small yellow car and went straight to the Ximeng Mansion two stops away. NS.

Buying a mansion outside the third ring road is really uneconomical, but who makes too many rich people, who have special requirements for the living environment?

This kind of six-bedroom, three-bathroom, two-living room structure of the upper and lower floors of the mansion, if not allowed by the city's conditions, there is no independent garden, no private open space, strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with a single-family villa. the difference.

Nearly 600 square meters of living area, thick enough walls and facilities, and a fully enclosed wall structure.

All make the Ximeng Mansion a quiet and mysterious residence in the downtown area.

The closed lacquered red gates, the tall piers with people standing on guard for twenty-four hours, the looming brown high walls of the mansion, and the lush branches protruding from the outer walls all illustrate this. The mansion building is quiet, and the living environment is real.

This is the destination of his trip. He wants to see if there are any vacant houses over there, and the price is so high. If all the conditions are suitable, I am afraid that he will have to get a set.

Don't tell me that the purchase restriction order is issued. A resident can only buy one residential house.

Because of mansions and villas, can it be compared with residential buildings?

Taking advantage of the tens of millions of small and wealthy Gu Zheng, his waist was straight, and his long legs only pedaled on the car for a while, and he reached the gate of the Ximeng Mansion.

Under the surprised little eyes of the security guard wearing a formal dress at the door, he inquired clearly about the location of the sales office.

For a mature community, the Ximeng Mansion was built along with the Ximeng Community.

This part is a public community that is renovated and partly sold as commercial housing. It is only 100 meters away from the Ximeng Mansion by a wall.

When Gu Zheng found the common sales office of the two, which was also the location of the current property in Ximeng Community, Gu Zheng knew that his home buying journey was not as smooth as he had imagined.

Because on the map in the display area of ​​the second floor of the other side's building, the location of the Ximeng Mansion has been marked as sold out.

As for the housing in the Ximeng community, it must have been divided up by the surrounding second-hand housing agencies, and Gu Zheng can't ask about it here.

Besides, there is still a very serious problem here, that is, he overestimated the value of his assets. Now he has not covered his tens of millions of deposits, in contrast to the high housing prices of the mansion. , That's not gross.

The smallest unit in the Ximeng Mansion, even if there are existing homes for sale now... the high purchase price of 22 million is not something that Gu Zheng's current wealth can get smoothly.

Gu Zheng, who had come back from his frustration, was a little angrily in the eyes of the real estate property that he had paid for the deposit of 200, so he swept the little yellow car back to Yuanqi.

On the way back, after calculating his own property three times, he finally couldn't bear it and gave Jiang Yue another phone call.

"I said, brother, are there any games for money recently?"

Hearing Gu Zheng actually said this, Jiang Yue who was opposite was stunned.

This is a free man who has always been able to find him a job, and now he has an unprecedented number of requests for work.

Could it be that because he showed the incompetence of the Dawan Group from the side, he was finally lost his job?

But the other party should not be so stupid. Now Gu Zheng is a well-known public figure. If he has any troubles, he doesn't need to do it himself. I am afraid that the comrades in other systems will take the lead in looking down and have to do it for the sky. Walked.

What the **** is going on here?

Jiang Yue thinks about this, he has been thinking for a long time.

On the other side of the phone, Gu Zheng continued to say in a very embarrassed voice during the long and quiet conversation environment: "I'm short of Oh, that's it.

But Jiang Yue thought about the money from overseas games that Gu Zheng had just earned a while ago?

Gu Zheng on the other end of the phone followed up: "I just had a girlfriend yesterday."

Oh, I understand better.

Hearing this, Jiang Yue didn't refuse, he began to work hard at the competition that Gu Zheng was able to handle.

It's the end of the year. Foreigners celebrate Christmas, and Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival.

No one has the time to hold some heavyweight or grand competitions.

For small competitions, the prize money is too small, which is quite time-consuming.

Judging from the current schedule, it is also possible to get a string of matches in the Kunlun final. Gu Zheng can't be allowed to participate in the elderly Beihai winter swimming free competition.

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