The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 967: Run away, Grandpa Leng is here

Leng Shuang on the side rolled her eyes, and she said so, but her mouth responded honestly: "Yes, my boyfriend, you have confused the basic material."

"This is a diamond, not a crystal."

"Don't you try it when you started? Oh? No! I said Gu Zheng, when did you start buying rough jewelry?"

What Gu Zheng can say, his reasons are well thought out.

"Oh, this, didn't I save the life of the Prince of Dubai?"

"As you know, the local tyrant and I still keep in touch with each other frequently."

"When he left from Dubai, he changed hands and gave me a few."

"I don't understand either. I thought it was a citrine that was not very valuable. If I knew it was a yellow diamond, I would not accept it."

However, when Leng Shuang learned who the donor was, he gave a nonchalant cry, as if he was righteous and persuaded his shoulders, turned his head and carefully adjusted the yellow diamond, which was almost 3-4 carats. Putting the well-behaved original back into his purse, he told Gu Zheng: "If this one gave it, it would really not be a valuable gadget."

"For a loose diamond of this price, even if you find a jeweler, it will cost you about 200,000 yuan."

Gu Zheng's hands shook again after hearing this sentence, and he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then he calculated the amount that he brought out of his pocket today.

There are a total of twenty-eight, originally intended to be stringed into bracelets for the kind of wealthy ladies to show off.

But if all of this material is changed, I am afraid that this carat diamond will inevitably be used for independent jewelry making.

This is also good, I am afraid I can make a fortune if I meet a suitable jewelry buyer.

And coupled with his current deposit, I am afraid that it is the small residence of the mansion, and he will start to buy it.

Gu Zheng, who had figured it out, kept on going straight to the fourth ring.

The Capital International Jewelry Trading Center is located at that location.

There are not only nearly three hundred jewelry brands settled in it, but also attracted the favor of some large-volume jewelry companies. China's only listed jewelry company has settled in it since the establishment of the jewelry exchange. This year Instead, it doubled the counter.

There are not only the most popular diamonds and gemstone transactions, but also some precious jewelry transactions that are unknown to the public.

If anyone can eat Gu Zheng's batch of goods, the easiest way is to go to this trading center and directly wholesale them to buyers.

Gu Zheng didn't have the time and energy to get rid of one by one. Although the wholesale price would be about 5%-8% higher than the retail price, it couldn't stand up to save time and effort and save a lot of trouble.

After thinking about it, Gu Zheng told Leng Shuang the truth.

"Then, do you know the jewellery buyer or something, the Prince of Dubai gave not one, but a bag."

After speaking, Gu Zheng made another slur, and motioned Leng Shuang to look towards her lower right side.

There is a very inconspicuous pocket, which is hanging on a hook in the car.

"How much is a bag?"

Subconsciously Leng Shuang stretched out his hand and drew it again with a breath of cold air.

The subordinates kept opening the pockets, and when I looked at it again, I was happy again.

"This Prince of Dubai wants to play pinball with you, right?"

"I think it's not appropriate to give you the glass. The crystal is too brittle. I will give you a colored diamond directly. This is enough to save face."

"Look at these beads, I'm dazzled by the gradual color changes."

It's strange to say that the beads from the scriptures of mountains and seas have only been placed in the real world for a day, and they have become like the wings of a butterfly, and they have all the colors.

Gu Zheng didn’t understand, and he didn’t bother to bother. He just drove the car intently, quietly listening to Leng Shuang dialing the phone numbers of his acquaintances one after another, and after contacting everything, he ran steadily. Go to the sixth floor of the trading center.

The merchants there are very formal. The most important thing is that there are several specialized jewelry appraisal agencies on the sixth floor, with complete procedures, national audits, and industry standards.

Gu Zheng's diamonds are a bit special. They have not been cut by hand, but they show a roundness like artificial polishing.

If this is a naturally occurring rough diamond, then the value cannot be said to have doubled again.

The two people discussed enthusiastically, looking forward to the arrival of this inexplicable wealth.

But they didn't know that just after Leng Shuang made the call, the trader of the jewelry company she had contacted through her previous relationship did not immediately call him.

To say that Doctor Leng's academic hegemony attribute is really not covered.

She didn't even realize that all the relationships in the business she had ever come into contact with would ultimately belong to the old man's name.

After receiving the phone call from Leng Shuang, the ear-reporting gods will definitely inform as soon as possible, this old man Leng who has a considerable status in the industry.

But Gu Zheng, who was ignorant, took Leng Shuang's hand, and after seeing the sign of "Fat Dafu Jewelry Shop", he couldn't bear the joy of his patience, and took a sip on Leng Shuang's cheek.

Then a tall and thin old man with golden silk-rimmed eyes, a gray robe and a white beard and chest, opened the door of the fat big blessing from the inside to the outside with a bang.

The two men and horses met each other at once.

Gu Zheng was still wondering why the old man looked so cold in his Leng Shuang in his arms, the girl whose face was still bitten by him in her mouth, she smirked. , Said: "Grandpa..."

And in the next sentence, Dr. Leng's character design is even more collapsed.

"Oh my god, Gu Zheng, run!"

The girl who reacted in an instant pulled her face out of Gu Zheng's mouth, and went straight to the escalator in front of her without looking back, but it was because of her grandfather's next sentence, the one who moved forward. The pace stopped abruptly, dragging Gu Zheng almost slipped, staggering back a few steps.

"I ran away today, and tomorrow I will go to your unit for medical treatment!"

Hearing this, Doctor Leng sorted out his clothes a few times, and showed a look like a stranger would not enter. He turned his head and replied in the direction of his grandfather with a serious face: "Grandpa, how are you doing?" "

And the old man Leng also refused to give up: "Come here, come in and talk, and that young man, it's you who are talking about, don't rush forward, you are more than ten meters away from the side of the escalator. It’s useless for you to do this. Come here and let the big guy take a look."

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