Do What He Wants to Do (3)

Ding Yi hurriedly avoided it, but she did not know what it spat on her, and it easily numbed half of her body! If that monster attacked people like that, and the people on the ship were unaware of it, wouldn’t they all become meat in its mouth?

What did the people of the Demon Clan want to do when they put that thing on the ship?

Just when she was distracted, the python demon entangled her, and Ding Yi was angry and anxious. She raised the iron hook and slammed it down against the seven-inch position of the snake!

However, after Ding Yi finished smashing it, the python demon let out a stern cry, and then it turned out to be even worse, biting Ding Yi’s arm in one bite!

Fuck, that was called really hitting the snake with the stick! ! Ding Yi bursted out a vulgar word in pain, and Chijin Water Lily hurriedly said, “Dig its eyes, dig its eyes! Its eyes are the key.”

Ding Yi, who had been bitten, grasped the best opportunity at that moment. She directly choked the python demon, listened to what Chijin Water Lily said, picked up the iron hook and directly stabbed the snake demon ferociously and rudely into the eyes!

The python demon was hit at its weak point, and after making a miserable sound, it instantly dissipated, blasting out a black mist of blood. After it crashed down, a human corpse remained on the ground, which turned into a ball of black blood on the ground.

Ding Yi took a breath of cool air. That python demon was still a monster that could sojourn on the dead after killing and eating flesh.

Chijin Water Lily suddenly said, “It’s going to escape.”

Ding Yi recovered and saw a black mist resembling a snake quickly fleeing to the north. She was taken aback, her expression was cold, and she quickly chased after it.

Ding Yi chased all the way to the center of the big ship, and when she pushed the door in from the outside, the scene she saw in front of her made her creeped out.

Tthree or four people lying down on the boat board were all cultivators of high or low status. They were lying there, and a strong smell of blood came to their faces. Ding Yi’s whole body froze, and then she saw the dark shadows of several python demons fleeing after dispersing.

So, that was all done by those python demons?

What does that stand for? Was the Demon Clan avenging their personal revenge by releasing the python demon?

Ding Yi’s face was a little stiff and pale, and she could recover for a long time. At that moment, a dark shadow appeared sneakily behind her, revealing a pair of bloodthirsty eyes in the darkness.

Keenly aware of the breath of danger, Ding Yi turned his head abruptly, and her gaze was on the right side of the python demon that had not yet dissipated! Her movements suddenly became numb, and the python demon had already opened its bloody mouth.——

Ding Yi’s heart was about to stop beating.

But the severe pain and death did not arrive as it was supposed to, and when the python demon was only an inch away from her, it was split in half alive.

Ding Yi held her breath, raised her eyes in a daze, and saw Mu Yueshi with fierce eyes and very disordered breath.

He did not have time to put away the sword, so he ran over, his eyes full of anxiety, and asked, “Did it hurt you? Are you injured? ”

Ding Yi was still a little slow to react, and stammered, “No. It just came… and you are here.”

Mu Yueshi’s hands were cold. He casually wiped away the blood stains that Ding Yi splashed on Ding Yi’s face, and his fingers trembled slightly, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I hurt you again…”

Ding Yi’s sanity gradually returned, her eyes cleared, she hurriedly held her hand, and asked him in a tight voice, “How did you find this place?”

Mu Yueshi shook his head, he carefully wiped away the remaining blood stains on her cheeks, and his voice was dark and complex: “I feel that you are in danger, that’s it.”

At this moment, Ding Yi could not tell if he was frightened, or he was breathing a sigh of relief, and tentatively asked: “Yueshi?”

Mu Yueshi hugged her very tightly: “Hmm.”

Ding Yi heard his soft and aggrieved tone, and the tight strings in her heart were loosened.

This was the Yueshi she was familiar with.

Although he successfully suppressed the demon, Ding Yi really could not be ecstatic under that situation.

After all, some people were dying behind them.

She patted him on the back, turned her head, and asked, “Take a look, what’s going on here?”

Mu Yueshi let go of her, but he did not look at the bloody ground. He pursed his lips and said, “There are evil things on this ship.” The inner alchemy of these people was hollowed out. ”

Ding Yi nodded. She was just about to talk about the python demon, but at that moment, the scattered python demon suddenly crawled out!

Ding Yi was anxious: “Don’t let them escape! Catch them quickly! ”

Mu Yueshi naturally listened to her without saying a word to catch it, but the scattered snake demon was completely wiped out when he touched it, and he couldn’t hold it at all.

Ding Yi followed Mu Yueshi and chased him outside, but he could not see anything except the hazy mist.

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