Chapter 388 The troubles of the leader

   "What's the matter? Did something happen to Bihai City's plan?" The leader asked calmly, as if he didn't care about Bihai City's plan.

  He really doesn't care, Bihai City is just a free move for him, if he succeeds, he will occupy the Bihai branch, if he fails, he can get a large amount of death compensation.

   This is a sure-fire deal.

  Church members fight for the gods and die because of the gods, which is enough to show their piety.

  Since this is the case, they must also hope that the death compensation will be contributed to the church and gods.

   "We recruited a group of people, mixed some secrets, and airborne support. Everything went according to plan. In theory, we can occupy the Bihai branch."

  The leader chuckled slightly, with a hint of chill: "Theory? In theory, the ice ability can freeze time, the ability to become stronger after being beaten can become infinitely stronger, and the illusion ability can let all human beings enter the illusion. If the theory is reliable, why practice it?"

   "If you like to talk about theory, I can arrange for you to teach at a university."

   "No, no, that's not what my subordinates mean." The supernatural power teacher quickly said that he had made a slip of the tongue just now.

   "Just say what you have. I don't like to hear your explanations, and don't tell me nonsense."

   "For our Ability Sect to succeed, what we need is practical hard work, not language skills."

   "Reflect upon making a mistake, correct it if you make a mistake, understand?"

   This truth still needs to be said by the leader. Of course the senior leaders of the superpowers understand, but the leader has said so, and he can only echo: "The subordinates understand."

   "Tell me, what happened inside the Bihai branch?"

   "Well, it was two or three newcomers who took action and solved everyone."

  The leader turned around, with bright eyes, rubbing the ring: "Let's listen."

   "All the people who sneaked into the Bihai branch were caught. We couldn't get what happened directly from them. Fortunately, we invaded the cameras of the Bihai branch in advance and saw this scene."

  The higher-ups of the Ability Church asked the master to move to the screening hall.

  In the projection hall, the leader saw Jiang Li and Bai Hongtu displaying their skills, with tens of thousands of bodies, sword energy raining down, and solving problems with ease.

   And no one was killed, they were all captured alive by the Bihai Branch.


   "The subordinates think that these two people may have mastered some unknown abilities. As long as they understand their abilities, they will not pose a threat."

   "There is also the third person, Peng Lianghai. He is a member of the rookie trio. The other two are so strong. It makes no sense for him to be an ordinary power-enhancing system user."

   "The subordinates suspect that although Peng Lianghai didn't make a move, he might be the strongest of the three."

  The leader cast a glance at the higher-ups of the supernatural power teacher, and spit out two words lightly.


   "Ask the lord to clarify."

   "These two are indeed powerful, but not as powerful as you understand. They may come from other worlds."

   The ability taught the senior management to be surprised.

   "With your brain, you can't understand it, so don't force yourself to understand what you can't understand."

   "But you also have some cleverness. This Peng Lianghai is indeed suspicious."

  The higher-ups of the supernatural power cult looked at the leader in a daze, and found that the leader became excited.

  He has been a teacher for 40 years, and he has never seen the expression of the leader.

   "No, I have too little information on the three of them, and I am not sure of winning. I still need to prepare."

  The leader has always believed in his intuition. His intuition told him that if he could get the power of these three people, he would become stronger than ever, and maybe he wouldn't even need to implement the "Superior Supplement Plan".

  He believes that each ability represents the beginning of the world. If all the abilities can be integrated, maybe the effect of creating the world can be achieved.

  At that time, he will be the unique king in this world, and no one will dare to oppose him.

   This is well-founded. Now he has tens of thousands of abilities, and he has faintly touched the threshold of creating the world.

   "It's already very fast, just a few rare abilities."

  The leader has been waiting for the ability that has appeared in history, but has not yet appeared.

  As a full-attribute superhuman, he also has the trouble of not letting outsiders know.

   "What the **** is the power that cuts off women and men? How did you absorb these two powers in the first place?"

  The leader had no choice but to bear the burden of humiliation for the sake of creating the world, and absorbed these two abilities, causing him to be alone all the time.

   Almost got autism.

  He fell in love with a certain female believer, but under the influence of the ability to cut off the popularity of women, the female believer dumped him on the spot and said that she would quit the church.

   "There's also this damned Speak Up, when you activate 'Speech Out', it will definitely trigger the 'Shut Up' ability."

  Because of this reason, the leader has not been able to use the method of speaking.

  The leader spent many days learning ventriloquism, bypassing the "shut up" ability, who would have thought that the "shut up" ability could even turn off the ventriloquism.

  The leader completely gave up using the method of speaking out.

   "There are also healing abilities and 'hair loss makes you stronger'."

  After awakening the "hair loss, you become stronger" power, most people will lose their hair immediately and never grow it back.

  But the leader is different, he also has healing powers.

  His healing ability is too powerful, it can automatically heal wounds, and the healing ability insists that hair loss is also considered an injury.

  This caused the hair on the top of the leader's head to grow suddenly, then disappear suddenly, grow again suddenly, and then disappear suddenly, growing faster than leeks.

  The leader had no choice but to cover his head with a hood.

   But there are benefits too.

  He has the ability of "becoming stronger when injured". His hair keeps falling out and he is considered injured, so he can continue to become stronger.

  Although not much became stronger, it was still effective, which made him a little relieved.

   Driven by curiosity, the leader once watched the horror movie "Ghost Night", and was so scared that he couldn't sleep. He has the supernatural power of "photographic memory".

   Fortunately, he still has the ability to "eliminate memory".

  The leader erased the memory of watching horror movies.

  The amnesiac was completely wiped out, the leader forgot to read "The Nightmare in the Nightmare", and under the trend of curiosity, he watched it again.

  He erased his memory again.

  After repeating this for several days, the leader finally realized that something was wrong, so he recorded his behavior on video, and finally the truth came out.

   "I have contributed too much to the creation plan." The leader said to himself, and he himself admired himself.

  He came to the statue of the Three-Eyed True God without any respect: "You'd better bless me to succeed. If I can succeed, I will promote you to the whole world after I become the ruler. If I can't succeed, I will smash you to pieces."

  When the people of the supernatural sect learned that there was a statue of the three-eyed true god, they were surprised that there is such a **** in the world that suits their hearts, but in fact, the leader calculated the three-eyed true **** based on the psychology of the supernatural person.

  He organized the Ability Cult not to increase his power, but to bring together all kinds of abilities.

  (end of this chapter)

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