The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 11: Acquire ginseng and double your wealth


Li Chen couldn't help but smile when he looked at the return points that he had started to fill up again. At this time, Li Beiwu had already woken up.

"Dad is here."

Li Chen came to the bedside, and Li Beiwu, who was still a little confused, stretched out his white and tender little hands, asking for a hug!

Li Chen picked her up and said, "Go and collect things with dad."

"Well -" Li Beiwu made a heavy nasal sound, not yet fully awake.

After carrying the basket, Li Chen decided to first find people in the village who were not hostile to him.

Li Shanfu carried the hoe, took off his straw hat and fanned himself while going home.

The sun in the afternoon was really too strong, and people couldn't work for a long time.

Hanging on the front end of the hoe is a plastic water bottle, which is almost full at the moment.

Li Shanfu took off the kettle and poured it down. The water flowed down the corners of his mouth and neck, mixing with sweat.

"Come back?" Tang Huilan looked at her husband's sunburned face, took his hoe and said, "The rice is hot in the pot! Eat quickly..."

Li Shanfu waved his hand, "If you can't eat, you can't eat. Let's rest first..."

Tang Huilan felt sorry for her husband, so she brought another glass of well water from the house and said, "Drink some!"

The two couples sat under the eaves, looking at the dojo that had been twisted by the sun, and sighed: "The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the ginseng is already getting bigger, but..."

Thinking of what happened in the village, both of them were in a bad mood.

Ginseng can be sold, but now ordinary medicinal herb traders dare not come.

It’s too far and it’s not worthwhile to come.

This put the village into an endless loop.

After all, a lot of manpower and material resources have been invested in these things, but now there is no return, so what should we do?

"It's all Li Dang's fault. If it weren't for him..."

"That's enough!" Before his mother-in-law could finish speaking, Li Shanfu said with a dark and red face: "Just say this once! Li Laosi and others have left, so please keep your mouth shut!"

Tang Huilan felt very uncomfortable, "What should we do with these things?"

"Let's take it one step at a time." Li Shanfu sighed.

"Hey, look... isn't that Li Chen?"

When Li Shanfu looked up, he saw Li Chen, who was wearing a big straw hat and seemed to be holding a child in his arms, walking towards him.

"What's this bad guy doing here?" Tang Huilan felt a little unlucky.

Li Shanfu glared at his mother-in-law, then stood up.

"Uncle Fu!" Li Chen shouted sheepishly: "Xiao Wu, call me grandpa!"

"Grandpa!" Li Beiwu immediately shouted sweetly.

Li Shanfu's red face couldn't help but laugh when he saw Li Beiwu.

"Come in and sit down."

Li Chen nodded and carried Li Beiwu into the house!

"Uncle Fu, I came here this time to talk to you about something..."

"Do you want to borrow money?" Tang Huilan said coldly, bringing up a cup of herbal tea.

Li Chen looked slightly embarrassed.

"Don't listen to your Aunt Lan's nonsense." Li Shanfu glared at Tang Huilan and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I want to buy your ginseng first!"

Tang Huilan, who was about to turn around, immediately paused, looked at Li Chen in surprise, and then doubted: "Aren't you kidding us?"

"Daddy, if you don't tease, don't tease..."

Li Beiwu waved his little hand and said seriously.

Tang Huilan originally didn't have much favorable impressions of Li Beiwu, who was also a lone star of the evil spirits.

But seeing that this little guy actually understood her own words, and that he looked like a serious little adult, she fell in love with this little guy for no reason.

"What's your name?"

"Xiao Wu..."

"How old is Xiao Wu?"

"Ten...his...four years old!" Li Beiwu couldn't speak clearly, and it took him several times to explain clearly.

"Grandma hugs..."

"No!" Li Beiwu immediately retracted into Li Chen's arms.

"There is food at grandma's house..."

"Grandma... Xiaowu wants a hug!"

Li Chen: "..."

No future!

I sold myself as soon as I heard about eating.

Seeing Tang Huilan carrying Li Beiwu into the house, Li Shanfu's face suddenly became serious: "What did you mean by what you just said?"

"Uncle Fu, I'm sorry for what happened in the village!" Li Chen said, "But I want to do my part."

"this is not your fault……"

"No, Uncle Fu, listen to me. In short, I have found a good way to make ginseng better, and old doctor Zhao Dezhu contacted me with buyers. They only want what I cultivate!"

Li Chen will not hide anything except the core things.

Because in the end this matter cannot be hidden.

"As for me, I can use my method to cultivate better ginseng, and then sell it at a good price. At the same time, I can help you sell your stuff! Everyone can make money!"

Li Chen also weighed this matter.

The people Zhao Dezhu found must be those who could blockade Lijiacun without fear.

But similarly, the matter of selling things cannot be hidden.

By telling him in advance, he can effectively prevent what happens later!

If people in the village ask about it then, the secret will not be revealed.

Dr. Zhao Dezhu's friends will not disclose the purchase price easily. After all, businessmen are not fools.

Therefore, Li Chen can make a steady profit.

And if the people in the village don't want them to buy it by then and want to contact the person who bought it themselves, that's no problem!

But Li Chen suspected that, except for merchants with greater power than those people, it was almost impossible to succeed.

Therefore, the initiative was still in the hands of Li Chen.

Those merchants were not stupid. They would give up the better ones from Li Chen and take those inferior ginsengs. Isn't it a waste of money?

Li Shanfu did not answer in a hurry, but was thinking.

After a long time, he asked: "Are you sure you can sell it? You have to think clearly. Once you buy it, if you can't sell it, we won't refund the money! Business is business."

Neither Li Shanfu nor Tang Huilan, who was hiding in the house and eavesdropping, thought that Li Chen could sell it.

Improve quality?

Improve efficacy?

Is this possible? Is this realistic?

In their opinion, the reason why Li Chen explained a lot was actually to forgive his sins!

This child should not have endured all this.

"Uncle Fu, of course I know!" Li Chen was at a loss for words, not knowing that Li Shanfu had misunderstood him. "How about this, I'll buy some first, and if they're sold, I'll buy the rest. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Li Shanfu felt much better.

Although he was also anxious to sell, he really couldn't do it, and let Li Chen, whose family was already in dire straits, be burdened with heavy debts again!

In the end, Li Chen bought 30 kilograms at a price of 300 yuan per kilogram!

This was just a test!

Li Shanfu was also afraid that Li Chen would forgive sins in this way, freeing those who had resentment towards Li Chen's parents, while he himself would fall into hell.

This was not what he wanted to see.

Thirty kilograms is not much, but it's not a small amount either!

After Li Chen transferred 9,000 yuan to Li Shanfu, the system popped up a message again as expected.

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