The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 124 Doudou Xiaohong vs. Wild Boar

Wild boars are very ferocious and domineering!

In the countryside, even piglets are like this.

What they like to do most is to come down in groups and dig up your vegetable fields.

Even small wild boars dare to confront you head-on, and they are particularly cunning. ❉★

When you are weak, it is very ferocious and chases you.

But once it realizes that you are strong, or that you have more people than it and are more powerful than it, it immediately turns around and runs away.

Anyone who has seen wild boars in the countryside hates this thing.

If there are fewer people, you can't do anything about it.

Even if there are more people, you can't catch it.

Because it really runs fast and has thick skin and flesh!

When they run to the mountains and forests, people can't keep up with their speed!

If you chase them in and get attacked by his companions, you may not be able to come back.

And a big wild boar like the one in front of you, which weighs at least more than 300 kilograms, is definitely very scary.

Thick skin and strong fighting power!

Provoking it is really no different from provoking a terrifying beast.

"Grandpa, step back!"

Li Chen gestured.

This is all the vegetable garden he carefully planted, how could it be eaten up by this beast?

It would be fine if it ate his vegetables, but it actually looked like it was going to be fierce to him, how could it be tolerated?

Li Chuanlong stepped back, his eyes full of worry.

He was afraid that Li Chen didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and warned: "Li Chen, don't get close, this thing is very ferocious, don't do it recklessly."

It is very likely that someone will die if you do it recklessly!

Li Chuanlong didn't know that Li Chen was no longer the Li Chen he used to be.

His own fighting power was already very strong, and more importantly, he already had hidden power.

Even if this big wild boar was really strong, it would still be very difficult to threaten his safety.

Perhaps because it noticed Li Chen's approach, the big wild boar stopped digging vegetables.

The dark eyes stared at Li Chen.

The thick limbs seemed to be about to perform a wild bull charge.


At some point, Doudou, who had already circled behind the wild boar, suddenly pounced on it.

Li Chen was stunned. Isn't Doudou a bit too cruel?

The wild boar might not have expected that a tiny guy in its eyes would dare to attack it first?

At the same time of shock and anger, he couldn't help but scream.

Although Doudou is small, his bite force is terrifying!

This sudden bite hit the wild boar's hind leg hard, which still hurt it.

Although the wild boar's skin is very thick, it doesn't mean that nothing can hurt him.

The wild boar was angry and turned around to push Doudou.

Doudou, who is not big in size, is extremely flexible.

After biting, he had already retreated.

Waiting for the wild boar to hit it is definitely not a good idea!

"Woof woof——"

Doudou turned around and ran, running very fast, and disappeared in a flash.

The wild boar had no target to vent its anger on, so it immediately rushed towards Li Chen violently.

Li Chen did not expect the wild boar to be so fierce. To be honest, he did not expect it.

The dark energy in his body circulated on his hands, and Li Chen immediately grabbed a thick stick beside him.

The wild boar's fangs have grown out, but they are not very long. However, the fact that they can grow so many of them is enough to show that this thing has been around for some time.

The power of the wild boar's collision is very strong, sometimes comparable to a heavy truck's collision.

At the moment when the wild boar hit, Li Chen also rushed over, holding the thick stick tightly in both hands, and smashed the wild boar head-on.


Now, Li Chen is at least a strong man at the dark energy level, a powerful mixed hero.

The big stick broke on the spot when it hit.

The wild boar was used to being arrogant at first glance. Perhaps it did not expect that humans could have such power, and the pig's head was a little confused.

After all, the power of this stick is really not weak.

Although he avoided the vital part of the head, it was still seriously injured.

It staggered violently after walking a few steps, and looked like it would fall at any time.

Li Chen's palm was slightly cracked, and blood was oozing out.

This wild boar looked like it was only more than 300 pounds, but its strength was beyond Li Chen's imagination.

It was outrageous!

"Woof woof!"

Just when Li Chen and the wild boar thought that Doudou had completely escaped, the dog actually came back.


Not only that, there was actually a group of big roosters following behind it!

They were raised by Li Chen, and who else could be the leader if not Xiaohong with a blood-red comb?

Seven or eight roosters ran over at a very fast speed.

Li Chen was dumbfounded. Did the dog go to get help?

Li Chen's brain was a little unclear. Is this true?

Is it so abnormal after being fed with vitality water for a long time?

Li Chen knew that Xiaohong and the others were all intelligent, and Xiaohong was the leader of this group of chickens.

These seven or eight big roosters all had bright feathers and blood-red combs.

Perhaps because the vitality water was too powerful, their bodies were much larger than ordinary big roosters.

They also looked more robust and heroic!

Xiaohong strode with her head held high, leading six or seven brothers, and walked out with a merciless pace.

Woof woof!

Doudou barked at Li Chen, as if to say, Master, don't be afraid, Doudou is here with reinforcements.

Xiao Hong also called out to Li Chen twice, and then rushed towards the wild boar.

Although chickens are smaller than Doudou, their speed, claws and mouths are quite terrifying.

The wild boar was also confused. After so many years of living as a pig, it might be the first time for it to encounter such a stubborn dog and chicken!

Doudou is very strategic. It knows that it is not the opponent of this big guy, so it adopts harassment countermeasures.

And Xiao Hong and the other seven or eight chickens completely stunned Li Chen.

Seven or eight chickens lined up in a line, and rushed forward with their wings spread.

This situation was the first time Li Chen saw it, and it was mainly too weird.

Is this a fighting chicken?


Xiao Hong rushed over and successfully angered the wild boar.

Just when the wild boar attacked and planned to trample these weak guys to death, the chicken feathers on Xiao Hong's neck stood up.

Suddenly, Xiao Hong spread her wings and the whole chicken flew up.

Li Chen saw Xiaohong taking the lead, with its claws extended, heading straight for the wild boar's eyes.

And the little yellow dog Doudou, like a vicious dog pouncing on its prey, attacked the wild boar's big butt again!

The rest of the roosters also had their own strategic layouts.

Some used their beaks to deal with the wild boar's belly, some dealt with its legs, and some flew up and used their claws to scratch the wild boar.

The scene in front of him was really a scene of chickens and dogs jumping!

However, what surprised Li Chen the most and made him laugh and cry was.

After this set of tactics, the wild boar was also confused.

It roared, and although its skin was thick, the beaks and claws of these roosters seemed to be strengthened tenfold.

Every time it fell, it was extremely painful.

As the battle between the two sides continued, the wild boar's flexibility was too weak compared to the dogs and chickens.

Blood marks appeared one after another, and the wild boar wanted to escape.

But Doudou and Xiaohong didn't want to let it go.


Xiaohong launched a general attack, and her claws seemed like cast iron, blinding one of the wild boar's eyes.

The wild boar went completely berserk.

The rooster, which was able to fly and was agile, rushed around and became more and more adept at finding weaknesses. The constant attacks caused its physical strength to decline seriously.

With one eye blinded, its vision was blocked, and its combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

"Woof——" Doudou found the right time and pounced on it!

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