The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 135 Zhao Hualiang donates money to build roads

Li Nanfei took out his cell phone while Li Chen went in to cook.

"Master, please don't worry, I have already sent it out!" Zhao Shanchuan responded: "However, there are still some small troubles here, and the results may not be available until tomorrow!"

"It's okay, it's okay, then just wait!" Li Nanfei said quietly.

No matter what, we must know a result this time!

After secretly hanging up the phone, Li Nanfei returned to the house.

Grandpa Li Chuanlong has also returned. Now that everyone in the village knows that there are big wild boars in the mountains, they are much more wary.

Tomorrow, Li Chuanlong will continue to work with these old guys to seal all the main exits in the mountain with bamboo fences.

"Daddy! Are you comfortable?"

Li Chen was lying on the bed, and Li Beiwu, a little meaty guy, was on Li Chen's back, gently supporting the wall and stepping on it.


Li Chen said with a smile.

After being busy for a long time, you will have some back pain.

The little guy Li Beiwu was afraid of hurting Li Chen by stepping on him.

Little did she know that her weight was just right for Li Chen to massage.

Li Nanfei, who was sitting in the corner reading a book, glanced at his sister. The little idiot was going to be a tool.

After Li Chuanlong came in, he also pretended to cry out in pain. As a result, Li Beiwu didn't say anything and ran to give his great-grandfather a back massage.

"Grandpa, are you comfortable?"

"Haha, feel comfortable!"

Li Chuanlong laughed loudly. When Li Beiwu's little fleshy hand was massaging, it would feel like it was tickling, which made Li Chuanlong couldn't help but laugh.

The four of them were lying comfortably on the bed, and it was time to go to bed.

early morning!

Li Chen got up for morning exercises, and Li Nanfei followed suit.

After exercising for a while, Li Chen rode his bike to Zhoujiawan.

Considering that Zhou Jiawan's recent performance is pretty good, after all, he had promised before that he would collect some things but would not contract their land.

Despite this, the people in Zhoujiawan were still very happy!

Zhou Jiang even accompanied Li Chen throughout the whole process. He followed Li Chen wherever he went, and he was full of enthusiasm.

After every household received the money, the smile never stopped.

When passing by Zhou Ziqiong's house, Li Chen went straight past without even looking at it.

Zhou Ziqiong's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. His parents picked up the boards of his shoes and slapped Zhou Ziqiong hard.

"It's all you stupid thing! Is it better now? It's just our family that has no profit."

"What do you think you can do? Now even the people in Zhoujiawan dislike us?"

"I tell you, if you don't apologize to others and ask for forgiveness, you will sever ties with us."

Zhou Ziqiong's parents saw that every household had received money. The smiles on their faces never stopped, and their hearts ached terribly.

I don’t know how stubborn my stupid son is.

Even Zhou Jiang compromised, why was he still holding on?

Zhou Ziqiong's cheeks were red and swollen after being slapped, but he didn't fight back. After all, this was his biological father and mother.

Looking blankly at these people with bright smiles on their faces, Zhou Ziqiong felt panicked.

Are you wrong?

He watched Li Chen walk away, even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit it.

It seems like he was really wrong!

Everyone in the village has savings, but their family is still extremely poor.

Even the people in Zhoujiawan have money in their hands, but their family still has nothing.

This is what happens if you offend Li Chen!

Not only do his parents and clan members dislike him, but even the whole village dislikes him!

Zhou Ziqiong felt a strong sense of regret in his heart. If he hadn't been unable to lose face, if he hadn't been so stubborn, maybe he wouldn't have been so miserable.

However, if he apologizes now, can Li Chen still accept it?

The village has undergone earth-shaking changes unconsciously, and everyone's face is filled with happy smiles.

This has never happened before.

And all this was brought by Li Chen!

Li Chen ignored Zhou Ziqiong. This person was not worthy of being remembered in his heart.

After traveling around Zhoujiawan, Li Chen spent another two hundred and sixty-five thousand four hundred, and got twenty times the rebate, returning five million three hundred and eighty thousand!

With just a few million in income, Li Chen was already a little calm.

After returning home, Li Chen began to sort out the seeds.

Moreover, he also received a notice that Zhao Hualiang was coming today.

As for when it will arrive, it is not yet certain.

However, Zhao Hualiang's arrival means that all the Chinese herbal medicines in the village will be purchased.

This time, it could be a huge sum of money.

After all, the whole village's herbs have to be collected, and the amount is huge.

Li Chen didn't know how anxious Zhao Hualiang was at this moment.

Although many of Li Chen's Chinese herbal medicines and artificial ginseng were confiscated before, those medicines have been converted into medicinal wine.

With how popular the medicinal wine in his drug store is now, if he doesn't replenish it in time, he will be out of stock.

Therefore, Zhao Hualiang is more anxious than anyone else!

Li Chen continued to chop bamboo and had to finish the bamboo fence weaving that he had not finished yesterday. At around 11 o'clock in the morning, Zhao Hualiang's car slowly appeared at the door of Li Chen's house.

The vast convoy was obviously well prepared this time.

Following Zhao Hualiang down was Zhao Yingzi, whose skin was the color of wheat.

Zhao Yingzi obviously found that there were some differences here. When she came last time, the village was not so lively.

There were not so many people working.

But today, she found that the fields were almost full of people.

The impression of the village on outsiders was suddenly different.

Zhao Hualiang's face turned pale, and it was obvious that he had vomited before.

"I'm not saying... the roads in your village are really difficult to walk." Zhao Hualiang sat down while complaining.

"Huh? When did you give birth to another son?"

Li Chen: "..."

Li Nanfei smiled, he was calm.

Zhao Yingzi was obviously very interested in children, whether it was Li Beiwu or Li Nanfei, she liked them all.

"I came here for two things this time!" Zhao Hualiang stretched out two fingers and said: "The first thing is to buy all your Chinese herbal medicines and artificial ginseng."

"The second thing, I plan to join some drug dealers to donate money to you to build roads!"

Li Chen's eyes suddenly widened, "Are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm kidding... Ugh!" Zhao Hualiang turned his head and vomited to the side.

Li Chen curled his lips. Boss Zhao is not in good health.

He vomits every time he enters the village. What a sin!

Li Chen plans to build the road with his own money this time, but he also has many concerns.

Although he builds the road himself, his net worth may increase exponentially this time.

But things must have two sides!

Now, if Zhao Hualiang wants to donate money to build the road, he will have fewer concerns.

"Come, have a glass of water." Li Chen poured a glass of warm water from the house and handed it to Zhao Hualiang.

After Zhao Hualiang took it, he rinsed his mouth with water and drank it.

"How much do you plan to donate?"

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