The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 170 Is it me, Zhou Jiangti, who can’t bear the knife or are you too proud?

The whole village was in an uproar.

Everyone knew the benefits of building roads, but the problem was that there was no money.

As the saying goes, a penny can make a hero fail!

What's more, they are just ordinary people.

How easy is it to raise millions of funds?

It was only recently that Li Chen put aside his past grudges and did not care about any personal gains and losses, which made everyone have some savings.

At this time of year in previous years, everyone had nothing! ❃

It would be a lie to say that I was not excited!

Li Wende understood the villagers very well. After he finished speaking, he fell into a brief silence.

Because everyone needs to digest this good news!

After a long time, Li Wende finally spoke: "Our village will be able to build a road soon, but we still need a lot of funds. After all, the road is ours. Others have raised so much money for us. If we don't spend a penny, is it reasonable?"

"In the future, if others come to our Lijia Village and walk on this road, will it poke our spine?"

"This broadcast is mainly to inform everyone that if you want to build a road, you have to donate money. I hope everyone will be more conscious and come to the village office to donate today!"

When the broadcast was turned off, several old cadres showed their concerns.

"Village head, is it not good to be so tough?"

"Yes, if you are so tough, it is very likely that some people will not want to donate so much."

"What's the matter? Do you really want to eat for free? Is this road built for others?" Li Wende snorted coldly, "Record it all for me. I want to see who in the village wants to take advantage of others!"

Pan Sicheng and others were also a little curious when they saw this.

They have never witnessed such a thing.

Of course, they are more curious about whether the people in the village will donate money?

After all, some people may say nice things, but when they really ask him to pay, he may not be happy!

Li Chen was not in a hurry. Since the village chief Li Wende said so, he could not say anything else.

Even if the villagers donated money to build the road, there would still be a lot of gaps.

This road can be built naturally.

If someone really doesn't donate, don't blame him, Li Chen, for not taking care of this family in the future.

At this moment, the old farmer standing outside the village office clapped his thighs and cheered after hearing the broadcast clearly.

"Li Chuanlong is amazing. He educates his grandson so well. Compared with Li Chen, our child is not even worthy of carrying shoes!"

"Building the road is good, building the road is good, Lijia Village is too poor, it's time to build the road!"

"Donate money, you must donate money, how can you not pay for your own road."

The old farmers didn't have any grudges at all, but felt that what the village chief said made sense.

Is it reasonable not to pay for your own road?

When Li Chen and his friends helped to move the table out, they were surprised to find that quite a few people had already gathered at the village office.

"Oh, old man Wen, you run very fast." An old cadre joked and took out the paper and pen for registration!

"Haha... I don't have any other skills as an old man, but I can run fast." Putting down the hoe and taking out a rolled leaf cigarette, old man Wen took out a wallet from his pants: "I only brought more than 100 yuan now, and the rest is at home, but my son went back to get it, and our family donated 1,000 yuan!"

"One thousand? Are you sure?" The old cadre who registered was stunned. One thousand yuan was really not a small amount for them.

"What's wrong with one thousand? It's more?" Old man Wen laughed: "If Li Chen hadn't contracted our land and bought out our things at a high price, how could we live comfortably now? One thousand, just one thousand!"

"Okay, okay!"

Everyone laughed.

There were quite a few people, and they were all very active.

It was the first time that the three brothers Pei Jiangnan saw such a scene.

They thought it would be a funny scene, but when they saw this, they couldn't laugh anymore.

Simple and pure!

The words these old people said may be rough, but what they did was not rough at all.

Especially when they heard these people were grateful and praising Li Chen openly or secretly, they felt proud of it!

For the first time, they knew that Li Chen's image in the village was like this!

Even Pei Jianghe, who was lazy and careless, couldn't help but feel admiration.

It turned out that the benefactor was such a person!

Even though the villagers were unfriendly to him at first, he still regarded the villagers as his own family!

After he became rich, he did not cut off his relationship with the villagers, but did his best to help the villagers through the difficulties!

Before this, the world and people that Pei Jianghe came into contact with seemed selfish.

Everyone was calculating for money.

Until this moment, he felt a little dazed.

It turned out that there are really such selfless people in the world.

They may not be as noble as saints.

But compared to the vast majority of people now, they are saints!

More and more people came here, and everyone had a smile on their face when they came here.


Everyone came out one after another, ready to go to the village office.

Zhou Ziqiong sat under the eaves, watching a group of people preparing to go out, and curled his lips.

"Someone donated money to build the road, why are you still gathering together? Didn't you hear what Li Chen said? He will make up the difference!"

Zhou Ziqiong said with disdain.

Countless figures stopped and looked at Zhou Ziqiong with eyes that were no longer the same recognition as before.

"Zhou Ziqiong, are you still a human being?"

"The reason why our Zhoujiawan has such a bad reputation is because of a borer like you! What, is it nice to take advantage of others?"

Zhou Ziqiong sneered: "A bunch of idiots, run over to donate money, will they be grateful to you? Don't forget, we are always outsiders, even if we have been integrated for so many years, in their eyes, we are still outsiders."

"That's what you think, others don't."

"It's really shameful to be with you!"

"After all, Li Chen also helped us without any grudges. Although the price he gave was not very high, it was much higher than that of the outside world. Your Zhou Ziqiong family is really disgusting."

"Let's go, let's go, this kind of guy without courtesy, righteousness, integrity, why talk to him more?"

At this time, Zhou Jiang had also come over.

When he saw Zhou Ziqiong arguing with this group of people, he listened for a while and immediately understood!

"You don't donate?" Zhou Jiang asked.

Ever since the last incident, there has been a gap between the two.

"Why donate?" Zhou Ziqiong asked back.

Zhou Jiang heard this and smiled, "That's right, since others are building the road, you can walk on it!"

"But Zhou Ziqiong, I'm going to make this clear today. It's your freedom to donate money or not, but if everyone donates money to build the road in the future and you don't, your family will be charged if they use this road."

"Zhou Jiang, stop bullying me. What can you do if I don't donate?"

Seeing Zhou Ziqiong's increasingly bad attitude, Zhou Jiang's smile became brighter.

"Oh, are you getting bolder because I haven't done anything bad recently?" Zhou Jiang rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Zhou Ziqiong.

Zhou Ziqiong's face changed drastically.

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