The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 235 I want my daddy

Mother Wu on the side was also surprised and speechless. The young lady seemed to be more attached to this man.

"Sit down!"

As the hostess, Murong Xue still had to entertain.

Moreover, she did not have a bad impression of Li Chen in front of her. ✬❃✬

Perhaps it was because he and "he" had the same name and surname!

Li Chen sat down with Li Beiwu in his arms. Just when Murong Xue thought that the little guy Li Nanfei would sit next to her, she did not expect that Li Nanfei would also sit next to Li Chen.

Murong Xue's slender hands clenched slightly. This bastard did not sit with her. This was the opposite!

Li Nanfei did not notice the change in his mother's micro-expression. He just felt that he should get closer to Li Chen as much as possible.

After today, everyone might not have the chance to meet again.

Of course, at this time, he was still hesitating whether to tell the secret!

Li Xifeng, who was standing aside, looked back and forth between Li Chen and Murong Xue with her beautiful big eyes.

She didn't have much feeling for Li Chen, but she felt very kind to this man.

She had an impulse to get closer, which she had never had before.

More importantly, the third and fourth children were so attached to him, and she became more and more curious.

Murong Xue's eyes swept over with a bit of sharpness.

Seeing this, Li Xifeng sat down obediently beside her mother. Her mother's eyes were too scary. I was afraid of being beaten!

Looking at Li Xifeng who sat down obediently, Murong Xue's delicate little face showed a faint smile again.

"Where is Mr. Li from?"

"Lijia Village."

Murong Xue raised her eyebrows slightly. He seemed to be from Rongcheng!

And this person came from an ordinary mountain village that she had never heard of. That should not be the same person.

"Xiao Wu..."

"I met her by chance!" Li Chen took out a tissue and gently wiped Li Beiwu's nose.

Murong Xue, Li Xifeng and Wu Ma, who were watching from the side, had complicated feelings.

Murong Xue was surprised, but couldn't help but look at this handsome man.

His movements were very gentle, and there was love in his eyes.

This was not something that could be faked, and Xiao Wu seemed to enjoy it very much.

When she took Xiao Wu with her before, Xiao Wu was not so obedient!

Did she like this man so much?

Murong Xue felt a little jealous, stupid Xiao Wu, I am your real mother!

He is just an outsider!

Li Xifeng was different, her eyes were full of gossip.

She knew her stupid sister very well.

It seems that anyone can coax her, but not everyone can coax her well.

More importantly, ordinary people will be unlucky if they meet their own sister.

If not, how could she, who is the cutest among the four siblings, not be welcomed?

The whole Murong family regarded her as a plague and wished to throw her away!

But now, this man is fine. Instead, he gets along very well with Xiao Wu, and even my dear mother is not clinging to him.

This is definitely a problem!

Wu Ma was even more emotional. Although the little lady was cute, beautiful and sensible, her own physique determined her position in this family.

No one likes her, and no one loves her, except the wife, the eldest lady and the two young masters.

Ordinary people can't get close to her.

How did this man do it, even if he was holding Xiao Wu, he was fine?

Li Beiwu still hugged Li Chen's neck, looking unwilling to let go.

Murong Xue was worried and jealous!

"Xiao Wu, Daddy won't leave!"

"Dad?" Murong Xue, Li Xifeng and Wu Ma had different expressions and exclaimed at the same time!

Li Chen laughed dryly and said, "Xiao Wu is used to calling me, so I also put on this role, forgive me!"

Li Xifeng's eyes rolled around, and Wu Ma breathed a sigh of relief!

Only Murong Xue had a strange look on her face, and gradually became indifferent.

She can only be his wife in this life, and will never be anyone else's!

"Xiao Wu, come here." Murong Xue waved her hand.

"I won't!"

Li Beiwu wanted to wrap herself around Li Chen like an octopus, and rejected her mother mercilessly.

Murong Xue said with a slightly cold face: "Li Nanfei, bring her here."

She was very upset that Li Beiwu called a strange man her father.

Even if "Li Chen" died, she would never allow anyone to replace him!

Li Nanfei hesitated and did not move.

This scene made Murong Xue a little angry, "You don't even listen to me?"

"I want daddy!" Li Beiwu suddenly looked at Murong Xue fiercely, staring at Murong Xue with big round eyes.

This scene made Li Xifeng, the elder sister, stunned.

Is this still her stupid sister?

She dared to be mean to her mother?

Murong Xue was also frozen. Xiao Wu had never been so mean to her since she was a child!

She was her biological mother!

At this moment, Murong Xue felt very uncomfortable. The words "I want my daddy" hit the deepest defense line in her heart.

Xiao Wu, your father has been dead for a long time!

When I found him, he was gone!

Murong Xue thought of her indecisiveness in the past, and her heart ached even more.

If she had been braver in the past, perhaps the ending would be different!

Murongxue slowly stood up and walked in front of Li Chen and Li Beiwu. She looked at her little daughter who was looking at her stubbornly and said, "Xiaowu, it's mom's fault. Mom shouldn't be so mean to you!"

Murongxue rubbed Xiaowu's tears with heartache and said, "Uncle has his own family and his own things. He can't always be with you, understand?"

"I'm Phuket, I'm Phuket!" Li Beiwu shouted, "Mom, you're lying. He's daddy, not uncle!"

"I want daddy, I want daddy!"

Li Beiwu's emotions were particularly strong at this time.

She held Li Chen tightly, fearing that if she let go, Li Chen would run away.

Li Nanfei, who was sitting next to her, was even more on pins and needles.

He was struggling with his heart.

Li Chen couldn't bear to see Li Beiwu's attitude, so he grabbed Li Beiwu's hand and said softly: "Xiaowu, she is your mother, you can't talk to your mother in this way!"

Li Beiwu pouted and tears fell.

"Kesu... Kesu I want to be with Daddy... I... I don't want to be separated from Daddy... Daddy..."

Li Beiwu cried loudly, sobbing and talking as she threw herself into Li Chen's arms.

At this moment, the hearts of everyone in the room were pulled up.

The most uncomfortable one was Murong Xue, who was obsessed with feelings.

Even if she didn't marry him, since that quick meeting, no one had seen him again, but she had already determined it!

What's more, this child is also his!

She couldn't let him be ashamed after his death!

But now, her heart ached.

The little daughter threw herself into the arms of a man with the same name and surname as him, pestering him and sticking to him, which made her feel uncomfortable and annoyed.

But she could only hold it in.

What does a child know?


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