The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 28 Is the fan Mori? Can it be second?

Watching Zhou Jiang wave and lead people away with a proud laugh, a chill flashed in Li Chen's eyes.

A bastard like Zhou Jiang is more courageous than most people.

A normal person would not be able to say something like selling a child, except to scare the child!

When Zhou Jiang said that he would sell Li Beiwu if he could not repay the loan shark, he was definitely not joking. ♦✪

Li Chen took a deep breath and calmed down the anger in his heart!

Now I still have to fight for money.

Although he just spent 400,000 yuan, he didn't feel bad at all.

For Li Beiwu, the money is worth spending!

With five times the rebate in hand, if I can't even deal with this little trouble, I'll just die.

"Papa, will you sell Xiao Wu?"

Just when Li Chen was stunned, Li Beiwu ran over with a bubble machine and looked at Li Chen nervously with his big eyes.

Li Chen could see the tension and worry in the little guy's eyes.

Li Chen slowly squatted down, rubbed her little head and said, "Xiao Wu is so cute, how can dad let her go?"

"Xiao Wu can't bear to leave daddy!" The little girl hugged Li Chen and gently rubbed Li Chen's cheek.

"Okay, you play with Doudou by yourself, daddy still has to work!"

Li Beiwu's worries came and went quickly.

Li Chen looked at Li Beiwu's cheerful appearance, and his thoughts became more determined.

Pay off the debt and save grandpa!

Create a better living environment for Xiaowu!

I looked at my balance and saw that I still had twenty-six thousand, which was enough!

I can still brush it up in a week!

Li Chen carried a pesticide machine and a large bucket from home. The weeds in the field were thick and pesticides needed to be sprayed.

There is a pond next to the house, so it is easy to get water.

Li Chen followed the pesticide instructions, evenly poured it into the pesticide machine, and finally poured water into it.

Now he is very good at doing these things. At the beginning, he didn't dare to touch them at all.

Because in his previous life, there was no concept of pesticides at all.

He thought that when all the crops grow, there is no need to worry about anything, just sow them.

Later, he realized that everything could be eaten by insects.

Not to mention the weeds on the ground.

If you don't get rid of these, your things will be in bad luck.

There are only one or two oil sprayers in Lijiacun, and the rest are basically hand-cranked.

The left hand is holding the spray pole for spraying pesticides, and the right hand has an iron waist pole at the waist.

It’s almost the same as the shaker outside the well!

Li Chen wore a straw hat, a mask, and long sleeves, walking among the fields!

Spraying this large field evenly would take an hour at the fastest. After all, the water capacity of this pesticide machine is limited.

A field requires at least five barrels of water, so that all aspects can be taken care of.

By the time Li Chen was halfway through the fight, Li Beiwu was already squatting on the edge of the field with his little yellow dog Doudou, holding his chin with both hands, looking at Li Chen who was working hard, in a daze.

"Xiao Wu, stay away."

Li Chen saw it and shouted.

Li Beiwu was so surprised that he let out two oohs and took the little yellow dog back a certain distance.

The entrance to Lijia Village at this time!

A car drove in slowly.

"Hello fellow fellow, how can I get to Li Chen's house?" Li Xiaowen asked as the car window rolled down.

"Just go straight in!" The fellow pointed the way to Li Xiaowen and said: "The road here is not easy to walk, please slow down."

"Ok, thank you!"

Li Xiaowen smiled very politely.

After closing the car window, Li Xiaowen looked at the uneven dirt road. She was bumpy all the way and almost couldn't drive in.

A lot of paint was wiped off the car body. Thanks to her excellent skills, otherwise something might really happen.

Although Li Xiaoqi, who was sitting in the back, also had a strong stomach churn, she endured it.

"Sister, why are there still places with no access roads in the village?" Li Xiaowen continued to drive slowly.

There were a lot of people coming and going in the village, so she didn't dare to drive fast, and she couldn't do it!

Li Xiaoqi said: "Although many places have now been lifted out of poverty and become rich, you must know that there will always be some remote places that cannot be taken care of so quickly!"

Li Xiaoqi looked at the green scenery outside the window and suddenly felt that her mood was much better.

She likes the atmosphere of wilderness and nature very much.

The wheat waves in the fields sway in the wind, and green plants such as rapeseed flowers and corn can be seen everywhere.

This is the real countryside, this is the real beauty!

Li Xiaowen looked at the scattered houses in the village. There were very few buildings, and most of them were old-fashioned buildings.

If she hadn't often followed Li Xiaoqi, she wouldn't have believed that such a primitive and backward place existed.

No wonder the country wants to alleviate poverty!

Without the help of the state, I believe there are still many villages like this one, still disconnected from the outside world, and still living the old-era life of men farming and women weaving.

The environment of such a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters is certainly good, but can the person my sister is looking for really sell butter crabs?

Li Xiaowen didn't expect that it would take fifteen minutes to drive from the village to Li Chen's home.

Until her eyes fell on a man with an extremely handsome face who was carrying a pesticide machine, Li Xiaowen felt a sense of relief.

Because she finally didn't have to drive anymore, she was so nervous that she couldn't hold herself any longer.

"Li Chen?"

Li Xiaowen stopped the car and shouted.

Li Chen, who was carrying a pesticide machine, turned around and saw a woman who was dressed quite pretty sticking her head out.

"Who are you?" Li Chen looked at the other person in surprise.

He was sure that he didn't know the other person!

"I'm Li Xiaowen!" After Li Xiaowen introduced herself, Li Xiaoqi behind the car also rolled down the window, revealing an extremely delicate face.

"I'm Li Xiaoqi, the one from Douyin!"

Li Chen looked at the two women and was stunned for a moment.

How did they find this place?

The road into the village was so dangerous and so bad, and they actually drove in?

Of course he remembered Li Xiaoqi!

Before, Li Xiaoqi gave a gift and said she wanted to buy butter crabs, and Li Chen just thought she was addicted to food.

But now, she actually ran all the way here for butter crabs, and Li Chen couldn't help but wonder about her real purpose.

If she ran so far just to eat a butter crab, he didn't believe it!

"I know you." Although Li Chen didn't like Li Xiaoqi and the others to come over on their own initiative, it would be bad if he continued to show his displeasure since they were already here.

Li Xiaoqi immediately got out of the car, and said with a hint of apology on her delicate face: "Sorry, I came to you without your permission!"

"It's okay." Li Chen waved his hand and pointed to his own low house and said: "You go sit for a while, I still have to finish the last bucket of water."

Li Xiaowen got permission and immediately drove the car to the door of Li Chen's house.

Li Beiwu, who was on the ground, brought the little yellow dog Doudou and looked at Li Xiaowen who got out of the car with curiosity.

"Xiaowu, are you Xiaowu?"

Li Xiaowen immediately screamed excitedly when she saw Li Beiwu, who looked like a porcelain doll.

This child is cuter and more likable than the one in the camera.

"I'm Xiaowu, who are you, sister?" Li Beiwu asked with her big black and round eyes.

"I am... I am your fan!"

"What kind of fan? Can I be a fan?"

Li Xiaowen: "(?`?Д?′)!!"

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