The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 327: Mobilization to make up for the debt

In the conference room, there was a deathly silence!

Everyone looked at Yuan Jiahao in a daze and astonishment.

If it weren't for the fact that Yuan Jiahao was the head of the family and the chairman, they might have cursed.

The market share of the Yuan family is now declining day by day, and you actually said that you want to return to the peak?

Are you old and confused? Or have you lost your mind?

"Return to the peak? How is it possible?"

"The market share of my Yuan family has been squeezed to the limit by the Zheng family!"

"Not falling to the bottom at this moment is already the greatest luck of my Yuan family."

Almost everyone present couldn't understand why Yuan Jiahao would say such a thing?

This doesn't sound like what a big family and a big entrepreneur should say!

But, Yuan Jiahao, standing on the stage, was not very angry.

When he clicked on the multimedia, everyone's attention was immediately attracted by the multimedia.

These are telephone recordings one by one!

"Huh? What is this?"

"This is a screenshot of the chairman's mobile phone."

"Is that... Mr. Xuanyuan?"


When they saw what was on the screen, their eyes almost popped out, and their expressions were indescribably exaggerated.

This is the recording of the family head's call.

What does the family head want to do?

Yuan Jiahao clicked on the recording with a blank expression...

"Hey, Yuan Jiahao, do you still have any new dishes?"

"Mr. Xuanyuan..."

"I'm asking you a question, do you still have these new vegetables? If you do, send me more."

The recordings were played one after another.

The entire conference room was as quiet as a cemetery.

Everyone's expression was so quiet that words like horror, astonishment, and surprise were not enough to describe it.

I didn't expect that so many people would take the initiative to order dishes this morning?

How is this possible?

Countless people seemed to be cast under a spell of immobilization.

One second, two seconds...ten seconds, twenty seconds later...

The conference room was in an uproar.

"Is this true?"

"Is this not true?"

"Has my Yuan family really cultivated top-quality vegetables?"

Everyone was breathing rapidly, and their eyes looked eagerly at Yuan Jiahao, who was in the front.

At this moment, Yuan Jiahao, the head of the family, became the focus of the whole audience.

Everyone's mood was uncontrollably surging.

If this is true, then what Yuan Jiahao said before is not just empty talk.

Now, everyone is very nervous.

Because they strongly desire this scene to appear.

But they are afraid that this is a trick that Yuan Jiahao deliberately played in order to give them a boost.

Yuan Jiahao pointed to the recordings and said: "These... are all true, because many people heard and saw it in the morning!"


The whole audience was agitated.

"It's true!"

"It's actually true?"

"So, are we saved?"

Many old people cried while talking.

The Yuan family is almost unable to hold on, but if there is a slight chance, they don't want to give up.

Now, Yuan Jiahao actually said that they have hope.

Who wouldn't be excited?

Yuan Jiahao stretched out his hand slightly and made a pressing motion, hoping that everyone would be quiet.

"It is true that a lot of things have been researched, but these things were not researched by my Yuan family, but by my niece Murongxue's husband Li Chen."

Yuan Jiahao's words caused an uproar again.

Countless people were confused and had no idea who Li Chen was.

"Is it the madman who captured the second lady of the He family?"

Someone asked uncertainly.

Although many people don't pay attention to current affairs, some people still pay attention.

"Yes!" Yuan Jiahao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seemed that this was how Li Chen became famous.

"Listen, all research teams. This drug is extremely precious. My Yuan family has spent a lot of effort to suppress it. I hope you don't study this ingredient first. The first priority now is to dilute this thing with water to a certain proportion and control it within a reasonable range."

"At this stage, the top level of vegetables is also vague, so I hope you can use these potions to make me a top-level standard."

"Vegetables need five levels: ordinary, intermediate, advanced, special and top!"

"As for how to achieve it, I think you have a way."

"Starting today, only three grades of vegetables will be released on the market, that is, ordinary, intermediate and advanced."

"Ordinary vegetables are used to sink the market and take the sales route. I hope that my Yuan family can grab the bottom market that belongs to our Yuan family in the shortest time!"

"And intermediate vegetables are used to win over the middle level, and the advanced ones are specially provided to those wealthy nobles!"

As for the special and top grades!

Yuan Jiahao didn't say it, and no one asked.

You need to keep a hand when doing anything.

Otherwise, if someone else develops vegetables of the same level as the Yuan family in the future, the Yuan family will not be without means of defense.

If others also reach the ordinary level, when the ordinary level no longer has an advantage, then the Yuan family will merge the ordinary level and the intermediate level, and then release the special level!

As for the top level, this is the killer.

At least, Yuan Jiahao guessed that in the next fifty years, the top vegetables may not be easily released.

It is impossible for a big family to have no means at all.

At this moment, the Yuan family mobilized!

Countless people no longer looked depressed and confused, they were full of longing and yearning for the future.

The whole Yuan family was mobilized.

In the laboratory, many researchers had excited looks on their faces.

Although they had always been skeptical about this potion.

But they knew more clearly that Yuan Jiahao would not joke about the future of the entire Yuan family.

The Yuan family mobilized collectively!

Li Chen stood at the door with his hands behind his back, and after watching Yuan Jiahao and his son leave with Li Donglong, he did not rush into the house.

After a long time, Li Chen walked to the garden, and Li Donglong followed quickly.

When Li Chen did not speak, Li Donglong naturally did not know what to say.

At this moment, his heart was not calm!

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at this handsome man from time to time.

This should be the only and only time he took a walk with him alone.

Although the sun was quite big at this time.

"Do you know why I gave you this profit alone?" After a long time, Li Chen finally spoke.

Li Donglong thought about it seriously, then shook his head.

"Because you are my eldest son!" Li Chen looked at him and said.

Li Donglong showed a puzzled look, still did not understand what Li Chen meant.

"Your brother and your sister are very young, so I can be unscrupulous with them, I can play and fight with them, and even let them ride on my head."

Li Chen said slowly: "But you are my eldest son, when I am not here, you are me!"

"They all feel sorry for you, knowing that you have shouldered a lot and shouldered a lot!"

"So... this is my little compensation to you as a father. I know you don't care about these, but... I am your father, you don't care, I do!"

"People always have to find a way to do something to make up for the debt in their hearts!"

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