The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 481 Canary Dog


Rong Bin spurted out a mouthful of wine and exclaimed: "Qin Sheng won?"

"I won." The waiter on the side said in a dumbfounded voice, "And, winning is extremely easy."

Rong Bin immediately pushed away the female companion beside him and quickly turned on the screen projection on the wall. ✩✱

After reading it, I felt a little doubtful about life.

"Can a native dog win? You didn't cheat, did you?" Rong Bin questioned.

"Master Rong, how dare we?" The waiter shook his head quickly and said, "But this dog is the worst among all our dogs. Master Wu said... let Dabao win."

Hearing this, Rong Bin immediately sat upright, "You mean, this was arranged by Mr. Wu?"


Rong Bin immediately leaned on the sofa, "Let me tell you, how could a local dog win so easily? I thought Qin Sheng was just lucky."

"By the way, what about the next one?"

"It was also arranged by Mr. Wu. As long as Dabao wins three games, Mr. Wu's bull terrier can challenge Dabao."

"Interesting, okay, you can go down." Rong Bin waved his hand.

Dabao's upset made the whole venue become excited.

In particular, there were two people who really made bets and made huge profits.

This is even more envy-inducing.

However, viewers are still not optimistic about Dabao.

That dog named Dahuang has the worst fighting ability.

It doesn't get much trashier than this.

None of the targets Dabao fought before seemed too trashy.

Now that I think about it, it seems reasonable for Dabao to win.

Qin Sheng came back with Dabao in hand, his face extremely happy. He won 500,000 in the first game, which he did not expect.

If Dabao continues to be so good and wins two more games, he will have capital.

The dog fighting continues, but everyone is looking forward to Dabao's second appearance.

If Dabao still wins the second battle, then this dog has something.

After a twenty-minute rest, it was finally Dabao's turn to play again.

"Dabao, come on!" Li Beiwu waved his fist and said to Dabao.

"Woof woof!" Dabao immediately showed a flattering smile to Li Beiwu and Doudou.

Li Xifeng operated the platform computer and said, "Dad, how much do you want to play?"

"Let's look at the odds first."

As Dabao came on stage, the sign above finally lit up.

"Dabao VS Harry!"

"Holy shit, it's actually Harry?"

"Harry, yes, this dog is very cruel!"

When everyone saw that Dabao was facing off against a dog named Harry, they immediately laughed.

Harry is the famous fighting dog in this dog fighting ring. He is a mixed-blood Spanish Canary dog. He is famous for being very excitable and easily excited.

It can be regarded as the dog breed recognized by all countries in the world as the one that injures the most people and has the highest fatality rate.

This breed of dog is banned in many countries.

This shows the ferocity of his fighting power.

This Canary dog ​​named Harry is a mixed blood, and his bloodline is not too pure.

But the record was very impressive, with thirty-two battles fought and almost twenty victories won.

This winning rate may not be outstanding among many battles.

However, opponents who fought it were either disabled for life or died directly.

There is no third possibility.

As soon as the dog was released, everyone knew that Qin Sheng's dog, which was also famous for its rubbish pedigree, might not be able to save it.

"Canary Dog: 0.3 to 1!"

"Dabao: Pay seven to one!"

When the odds of these two dogs came out, there was even more curses on the scene.

The odds for this meowing Canary dog ​​are too low, right?

You only earn 0.3 points, are you doing knitting?

Everyone cursed and went to place bets, and the speculators who originally wanted to place bets on Dabao also withdrew their hands.

This time, no one thought Dabao could win!

Qin Sheng looked at Harry on the stage with a bitter look on his face and said, "Dabao, come on, do your best!"

After sending Dabao up, Qin Sheng looked at the odds and fell into deep thought. Finally, he gritted his teeth and placed a bet of 300,000!

He wanted to stud, but if that were the case, he would not be able to pay off his debts in his lifetime.

Even if he lost 300,000 yuan, he still made 200,000 yuan just now, which is not too much of a loss.


Li Xifeng looked at Li Chen, and Li Chen smiled and said, "Then let's bet a small two million first."

Li Xifeng was a bit dumbfounded and said: "Dad, do you think the organizer will let us continue to place such high bets even if we win this game?"

"Then it depends on whether they are big-hearted or not." Li Chen smiled slightly.

"Okay." Li Xifeng immediately bet two million. If he wins this game, it will be seven times the odds.

He wanted to play more, but if he started playing more, he would probably have nothing to play with later.

In order to prevent the organizer from paying too much attention to him prematurely, Li Chen decided to take his time.

Harry had already entered the scene, his momentum was overwhelming.

At the same time, Wu Keping and Rong Bin received the news and stared at the projection screen.

Qu Na couldn't help but stare, her eyes flashed with coldness and malice.

This time, Qin Sheng's native dog will be torn into pieces.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but want to tighten her legs!

One after another, all eyes were looking this way.

Dabao walked into the fighting stage with an ordinary posture.

"I bet Harry will take down Dabao in ten seconds this time."

"Ten seconds? I look at Xuan, five seconds, no more."

"No, it's not worth it if it ends so quickly. The longer the fight, the better. The longer it goes, the bloodier and more brutal it gets."

Everyone laughed.

As Dabao stepped onto the battle stage, the excited Canary dog ​​Harry rushed over.

Even the people in the viewing stand could feel the dog's momentum and brutality.

Extraordinarily fierce and domineering.

Dabao looked at the Canary dog ​​Harry rushing over and nodded his head.

In the past, it could only look up to him, but now it inexplicably felt that the other party was a crazy dog.

It was like taking drugs.

The extremely brutal Canary dog ​​Harry rushed over and bit its neck with its bloody mouth.


Suddenly, Dabao dodged like lightning.


A violent shock sounded, and the Canary dog ​​Harry hit the wire mesh hard, causing the atmosphere on the scene to stagnate for a moment.

Perhaps, this result was unexpected by everyone.



"Am I dazzled? How can a local dog move so fast?"

The Canary shook its head. It was hit hard.

It was a little annoyed. It didn't expect that the guy on the opposite side actually dodged its attack.

It became more and more excited and more and more manic. It rushed out again, this time to tear the opponent into pieces.

Dabao raised his paws gracefully and licked his hair. Just as the Canary rushed over, he suddenly jumped on the spot and opened his mouth.

The two dogs were like mirror copies, but the results were completely different.

Dabao bit the Canary Harry's neck and swung it fiercely.


This time, a large area of ​​dents appeared on the extremely thick wire mesh.

Amid the blood, the Canary fell to the ground fiercely, and finally twitched and couldn't stand up.

The whole audience was dead silent.

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