The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 484: Abuse Harry

It turns out that the psychology of gamblers is hard for ordinary people to figure out.

In the end, all the people involved in dog fighting unanimously decided to cancel the betting limit.

Li Chen saw with his own eyes what it means to say one thing and do another.

However, he could understand why these people did that?

After all, there were almost no people who bet on Dabao before.

It was hard to see the hope that Dabao could win money, but a heavy bomb was directly sent out. How can this be played?

The Spanish bulldog, just the face can be described as hateful and terrible.

Not to mention its personality, it is naturally aggressive, otherwise the name would be called in vain.

This dog looks a bit like a kind of mangy dog.

But the fighting power is really off the charts.

When someone led Wu Keping's bulldog Harry down, the scene immediately rang with carnival and shouting.

Box area.

Qu Na stared at Qin Sheng's position, with a cruel smile in her eyes.

This time, she also bet, although it was only 500,000 or 600,000, but this was all her savings.

The end of Wu Keping's bull terrier was already determined.

The odds were also announced.

The bull terrier odds were 1:1.5!

The Dabao odds reached an astonishing 7.5!

It could have been higher, but the dog fighting field changed it abruptly.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one.

And this dog fight also made the atmosphere of the entire dog fighting field excited.

Countless people bet on the bull terrier Harry.

Dabao was really too embarrassed in front of it.

One dog that would lose in the past, but won three games today and almost lost one game.

The other was a star dog, a fighter among dogs, and a top 50 existence. Even a fool would know how to choose.

Maybe the size difference between the two is not big, but everyone present knew that Dabao would lose in this battle.


"Young Master Rong, are you still betting on Dabao?" the woman asked.

"Betting!" Rong Bin didn't care, anyway, the loss was only two million.

It was just for the sake of luck.

If Dabao wins, it will be more than 10 million, and it won't be a big deal if he loses.

He just wants to see if this dog can create miracles.


Everyone is betting.

At this time, Li Xifeng also looked at Li Chen and asked Li Chen's opinion.

"Since there is no upper limit on the bet, why don't we play more?" Li Chen asked.

Li Xifeng's eyes lit up and said, "Then how much will Dad bet? 30 million?"

Qin Sheng's hand holding the teacup shook violently, and the tea spilled on his pants.

"Li Chen, are you crazy? It's not easy to make so much money, don't do it recklessly." Qin Sheng said carefully: "We are easy to be targeted."

"What are you afraid of." Li Chen said: "Anyway, this money was just earned. Winning is good, and losing is just buying happiness."

Qin Sheng was a little speechless for a while, and didn't know what to say.

Now, he has made 10.6 million.

Add the 1 million that Li Chen lent him, that's 11.6 million.

This money can be used to repay debts.

"You have to believe in Dabao." Li Chen said.

Qin Sheng's palms were full of sweat. He looked at Dabao who was grinning at him, and said, "Then I... also bet 10 million."

For Qin Sheng, it was definitely a big gamble.

It's not that he didn't believe in Dabao, but he knew Dabao's fighting ability too well.

Winning three games today was already a great success.

He still didn't bet the remaining 1.6 million.

If he lost 10 million, he lost, but he had to return the remaining money to Li Chen.

When Qin Sheng and Li Chen bet 10 million and 30 million respectively, the whole venue was in an uproar.

"Fuck, are these two people crazy?"

"Is this a desperate bet, or is it absolute confidence?"

"Why do you think Dabao has zero chance of winning?"

Countless people looked at Li Chen and Qin Sheng and shook their heads slightly.

They really didn't understand why these two people were crazy.

However, some people secretly bet on Dabao, but the bets were very few.

Because this is an unfair fight, and there is no possibility of winning.

There are too many people betting, because they have lost too much before, so everyone wants to take this opportunity to make a profit.

So, although Li Chen and Qin Sheng bet 40 million, the total amount is just over 40 million.

On the contrary, Harry, the Spanish bulldog of Wu Keping, has already bet over 100 million.

As Harry entered the field, Li Chen touched Dabao's head, indicating that he should fight seriously this time.

Dabao was led by Qin Sheng into the battle stage.

The atmosphere on the scene was infinitely hot.

Everyone's eyes were flashing with fiery eyes.

This time, Dabao felt something called threat, very strong.

But it has not felt absolute pressure yet.

Qin Sheng looked at the extremely ferocious dog opposite, worried, "Dabao, do your best, understand?"

"Woof woof!" Dabao nodded, I will torture him to death.

Help the master to avenge!

Dabao was sent to the cage.

Both dogs felt the pressure from each other, and this time, Dabao was no longer passive.

He knew that this was his master's rival's dog, so he didn't plan to end the fight quickly.


Dabao barked and pounced on Harry, the bull terrier, at lightning speed.

Harry was a real strong man after all. Seeing that Dabao, a local dog, dared to attack, he was furious.

The two dogs barked and bit each other.

Although Dabao had the transformation of Yuanqi Water and Li Chen's god-level beast control technique, the time was too short after all.

Being able to fight this bull terrier today was already the upper limit.

The scene was bloody.


The Spanish bull terrier knocked Dabao away and smashed him hard on the wire mesh.

Dabao landed steadily, shook his body, and an extremely fierce breath burst out.

He rushed out again!


The huge force knocked the Spanish bull terrier Harry away.

The sound was louder than before.

Everyone at the scene held their breath. The two dogs were fighting evenly, and many people became nervous.

At this moment, Dabao showed his power and started to attack the bull terrier with absolute strength.


Even the ferocious bull terrier was bitten at this time.

It never expected that this local dog was so ferocious.

The two dogs fought, and Dabao had the absolute upper hand.

Biting, slapping, and hitting, Dabao tortured the dog and made it scream.

The whole scene was in an uproar.

When Dabao stepped on the head of the Spanish bulldog for the last time, the whole scene was already bloody.

It seemed that the dog was completely dead.

Dabao proudly raised his head, looking at Wu Keping's position majestically and with blood.

As if provoking.

"Damn it!" Wu Keping punched the wall fiercely.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the people below were in an uproar instantly.


"Fuck, how could it lose?"

"Didn't this dog fight hard in the last game? What's going on?"

Countless people couldn't sit still.

They thought Harry would win.

Almost everyone placed a heavy bet, but the result was unacceptable to everyone.

"Won?" Qin Sheng looked dazed. Why was Dabao so ferocious today?

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