The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 530 Recruiting Team

These people appeared in the video.

They didn't know what Li Chen meant by suddenly summoning them this time, and they were still quite nervous.

After all, every time Li Chen did something, it was really not a small matter.

In the video, several people have appeared.

"It's like this, I promised Xiao Wu that I would build a big paradise for her here. For her and for the children in our village in the future, I think it is still necessary."


The people in the video were dumbfounded.

"It's probably like this..."

Li Chen said for about five minutes.

When he finished speaking, the people in the video were completely stunned.

"Are you... serious?" Pan Sicheng said this after a long time.

"Yes." Li Chen said: "People can't break their promises. Besides, isn't it good to transform our village?"

Pan Sicheng swallowed his saliva: "But if you do it according to your idea, the cost... at least tens of billions..."

"Of course I know, so I'm looking for you now?" Li Chen didn't say, of course, the cost in the future will be even higher.

He was afraid of scaring these people.

Pan Sicheng rubbed his hair into a beehive and said, "So you mean, let us all find a construction team for you, and a special designer?"

"That's right!" Li Chen smiled and said, "After all, the power of one person is limited. Don't worry, I won't delay your salary."

Pan Sicheng and others were about to cry. Is this about money?

If a company or construction team knows about this project, they will rush to come.

The problem is that you want too many people.

It involves all aspects, and there are countless problems such as various scheduling, purchase of various materials, etc.

This is an extremely huge project.

It's okay if there are few people, but once there are more people, there will be differences.

This is definitely a super big problem.

"Let's ignore the other troubles first, let's do this first." Li Chen said, "Arrange it for me now, and then hold a meeting in our village, and the speed must be fast."

This time even Shen Yanqing was about to cry, Li Chen's plan required too many things.

The interests involved are enough for many people to fight.

After all, this is a super super super big order!

As Li Chen made a phone call, Shen Yanqing and the others had no choice but to start taking action.

As they thought, once the news leaked out, it would be a huge shock.

Li Chen needed more than just one or two teams, which meant that everyone had a chance.

The stronger the team's ability, the stronger the technology, and the more people there were, the more chances they had to take this piece of cake.

On that day, all the major designers were collectively excited.

The designers who participated in this super project will definitely make a lot of money, but of course, they will also take huge risks.

The entire designer circle was in chaos and called one after another.

Then came the builders, architects, dealers, and material freight bases.

A single move affected the whole body, and everyone knew about this project.

Yang Ming, Shen Yanqing, Pan Sicheng, Pei Jiangnan and others' phones were all blown up.

Just when everyone in the village was immersed in joy, Li Chen was still a little worried.

According to his idea and the speed of starting construction, it must be fast enough.

More people became inevitable.

But how to coordinate between teams and who is the main one is really hard to say.

Li Chen didn't think about these things. He just said who has the best strength and is the most representative.

The rest will be under unified command, and the money will not be less.

Money can solve many problems.

An hour later, Li Chen's video was clicked again.

Yang Ming and others said seriously: "We have already called a part of them. Do we need them now?"

"Yes, we need them now!" Li Chen said: "According to the preliminary budget, are these people enough?"

The four people in the video were silent. How could they be enough?

The village is so big that it can't be transformed casually.

Just talking about the water conservancy facilities, there are too many things to be mobilized.

And infrastructure is the top priority. Li Chen also wants to transform the reservoir. The area of ​​the reservoir is really not small. Even if the team comes to move, it will cost a lot and shocking.

"Okay, then continue bidding first." Li Chen said: "I'll contact some more people."

After hanging up the phone, Li Chen dialed the numbers of Yuan Chengyun and Ye Yongan.


Even though Yuan Chengyun and Ye Yongan knew that Li Chen liked to do some big operations, they were dumbfounded at this moment.

"Are you crazy? Spend so much money just to do this?"

"Don't worry about it. I want the best team now. Can I find it? It's best to be able to take charge of the overall situation." Li Chen said: "I don't like people who dawdle!"

"Yes, as long as you make an offer, good teams across the country will rush over. Wait a minute, we will contact directly."

Ye Yongan and Yuan Chengyun both think that this brother-in-law is crazy.

Is it really worth spending so much money?

Li Chen thinks it is worth it, money is meant to be spent.

"Brother, I have already started to contact people, and people will come one after another." Li Chen looked at Li Chengwang and said: "You have to help me check the next thing."

Li Chengwang's lips were trembling. You really dare to think of a project worth tens of billions.

"No, no, no, I will do as we agreed before. I will fix the water conservancy facilities first, and you will take care of the rest." Li Chengwang shook his head. This would kill people.

Seeing his elder brother begging, Li Chen was also at a loss: "Okay."

Anyway, it will take some time for those responsible persons to come here.

Li Chen was not in a hurry.


After walking out of the village office building, Li Chen's mobile phone started to ring.

"Li Chen, we are almost in your village." Li Xiaoqi's voice sounded.

"Okay, come on."

Li Chen smiled and nodded.

Li Xiaoqi's live broadcast is also a kind of publicity for the village.

Taking advantage of this live broadcast, it is just right to go into the mountains and communicate with animals more.

At that time, people and nature will not be abrupt.

Lao Hei can always bring good things out of the mountains. It seems that there are a lot of good things in the endless mountains.

When the animals in nature appear in the village one after another, it must be a surprise, right?

Li Chen couldn't help but smile. With his god-level beast-controlling skills, it was no problem at all.

The village was still bustling. Although everyone had signed the contract one after another, it would take two or three days to prepare for the follow-up.

"Zhou Jiang!"

"Brother Chen?" Zhou Jiang, who was about to go back, immediately turned around and pushed his bicycle over, nodding and smiling at Li Chen.

"I need your help with something."

"No, no, just tell me." Zhou Jiang was flattered. He knew very well how big the gap was between him and Li Chen.

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