The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 541 Full, gunshots

Millions of people were shocked.

"Is this true? Am I hallucinating?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that someone could actually communicate with animals."

"Oh my God, I thought they were dead just now, but I didn't expect this dad to be so amazing. I'll give him a gift first!"

The style of the entire live broadcast changed again.

Whether it was the audience who entered later or the original fans, this moment could only be described as true or false plus WTF.

So, countless people began to swipe gifts spontaneously.

The main reason was that the picture was too shocking.

The deadly situation was resolved just like that? Who dared to believe it?

Millions of people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

Li Xiaowen looked at the gifts flying all over the room with a dull face.

Yes, flying all over the room.

The live broadcast room, which was about to reach its peak in popularity, now topped the list because of the crazy swipe of gifts.

Countless viewers took screenshots of this segment.

The main reason was that they all felt that their words had no persuasiveness, and it was more reliable to speak directly with videos.

When the major friends saw this clip for the first time, they were shocked and skeptical.

What era is this? How could anyone still believe this kind of false propaganda?

But as it spread, more and more people began to believe that it was true.

There was no trace of any photoshop or special effects. What else could it be except true?

Ai Shang Live.

"Manager Qu, our server is starting to get stuck."

"The number of people online is approaching the two million mark. What should we do?"

Everyone in Ai Shang Live was stunned.

Who would have thought that this live broadcast would explode?

The wolf came out, which was full of explosive points.

But no one expected that the man could actually communicate with the beast?

This is simply an explosion on the shelf.

Qu Liangkang said: "You let the technicians maintain it, don't jump, I'll find Mr. Shen."

Qu Liangkang knew that he had made the right bet.

The first time he went on stage, it was already an explosion.

The popularity of their love of live broadcasting also skyrocketed unprecedentedly.

I just don't know if Mr. Ling will regret it after knowing it?

Of course, whether Mr. Ling regrets it or not has nothing to do with him.

He took out his cell phone, took a deep breath, and then dialed Shen Yanqing's number.

It rang for only five seconds before being connected.

"Hello, Mr. Shen, our server can't hold up anymore. Now the number of online viewers has reached the upper limit." Qu Liangkang didn't say any nonsense and went straight to the point.

"I know." Shen Yanqing stared at the live broadcast camera on the computer screen and said, "I will arrange someone to come as soon as possible... If... it really collapses, then I can only give up first!"

"Yes!" Qu Liangkang didn't ask why he gave up, but he knew that the leader must have his own considerations.

Shen Yanqing's sense of smell is very sharp. She smelled something wrong from the conversation between Li Chen and the wolf.

This matter may involve many things. If the server really crashes because of the large number of people, it may not be a bad thing.

At least, Mr. Li can be used to boldly deal with certain things.

There was a lot of scolding from the outside world.

Because no one expected that the live broadcast room of Ai Shang Live was full.

It's impossible to squeeze in.

The technical side is dealing with it urgently.

Even if we buy a server now, it's too late.

The back mountain of Lijia Village!

After Li Chen treated the wounds of the two wolves, he wiped the blood on the grass and said, "Do you want to go out and hide for a while, or take me over to have a look?"

The wolf leader glanced at Li Chen, then glanced at the cute Xiao Wu, sobbing.

Li Chen also glanced at Li Beiwu, and then waved to Li Beiwu.

Li Beiwu ran over without fear, looking up at Li Chen.

"It likes you very much, do you like it?"

"Doudou!" Li Beiwu pointed at the wolf leader in front of him.

"This is not Doudou, Doudou just looks like a wolf, this is a wolf." Li Chen explained.

"Oh oh." Li Beiwu smiled, and under the terrified gaze of countless people in the live broadcast room, he stretched out his white and chubby hand and touched the head of the wolf leader.

"Its fur is so comfortable."


"I don't know whether I should complain or like Xiao Wu."

"In such a serious and tense atmosphere, are you serious about saying this, Xiao Wu?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was almost scared to death.

If the wolf leader had to deal with a little guy like Li Beiwu, it would probably be a matter of one bite.

"Since you chose to take me, let's go and see it together." Li Chen smiled, picked up Li Beiwu, and then put her on the back of the wolf leader.

Xiao Wu was so scared that she immediately lay on the back of the wolf leader, hugged the wolf leader's neck with both hands, and shouted: "Ah... Daddy, I'm a little scared!"

Li Xiaowen couldn't help laughing for a while and was amused by Xiao Wu.

If other children saw a wolf, they would not be scared to pee, but at least they would be too scared to speak.

As a result, Xiao Wu became a comedian.

She was not afraid of wolves, but she was afraid of falling!

Don't wolves have face?

Li Xiaoqi, who was standing by, was even more stunned. To be honest, she still hadn't recovered from the shock.

Everything before her eyes seemed like a dream.


The sudden explosion scared Li Xiaoqi and Li Xiaowen so much that they squatted down.

The wolves' hair stood on end, and their eyes stared at the deeper mountains behind them.

Li Xifeng and Li Donglong were rarely frightened, but looked behind them with sharp eyes.

There were gunshots!

Li Chen's face changed, and he said, "Take us there quickly."

Bang Bang ---

Another thunderous sound rang out.

The people of Lijia Village who were originally organizing to rescue Li Chen were also frightened and quickly lay on the ground.

The range of the earth box gun is not far, but the damage at close range is off the charts.

And the sound is extremely loud.

"What's going on?"

"Why are there still gunshots?"

"It's the sound of a hunting rifle. Someone is poaching."

Li Wende and others reacted: "This is a big problem. Is there still someone poaching in the mountains?"

The faces of the people in Lijia Village were extremely ugly: "Call the police immediately. We can't go up the mountain!"

"But Li Chen..."

"Since Li Chen has dealt with it, we trust him. Otherwise, it will cause trouble for him. In addition, block all entrances and exits and strictly check whether anyone has sneaked into the mountains."

The entire Lijia Village moved.

"You go back first." Li Chen said: "I don't recommend live broadcasting now. It's dangerous."

"Let's follow. The two of us can take care of the children." Li Xiaoqi said: "My live broadcast equipment is very good. The signal is still three bars. If the other party is really a gangster, they will not worry if you go alone. We live broadcast with our mobile phones, which will make the other party a little more afraid."

Li Xiaowen also said immediately: "Yes, it's too dangerous for you to be alone. We came together, so we naturally have to go back together."

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