The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 573: Picking Tea Leaves

Morning light is breaking!

Li Chen has already got up quietly. When he went downstairs, he found that his eldest son Li Donglong also got up.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?" Li Chen began to squeeze toothpaste and prepared it for Li Donglong.

"It won't break." Li Donglong said calmly.

Li Chen touched his eldest son's head with some distress. Li Donglong has been living like this in Murong's family for many years.

While other children are still staying in bed and blaming their elders for being woken up, Li Donglong has already begun to learn to manage a family and learn how to explore in the treacherous business world.

He is not qualified to play, and he will not be allowed to play.

Going to bed early and getting up early has been integrated into his bones, which cannot be changed.

Li Chen's heart is very complicated. He is very grateful to Murong Hongze for nurturing a good son for himself, but at the same time he hates him for ruining his son's childhood.

But from another perspective, Li Chen is not qualified to hate Murong Hongze.

Because although Li Donglong lost his childhood, he was indeed cultivated step by step by Murong Hongze, who was also the founder of Li Donglong over the years and also took care of Li Donglong.

Relatively speaking, he, Li Chen, was the least responsible one.

Li Donglong was sharp-minded, and he tiptoed to pat Li Chen's shoulder and said, "Dad, don't blame yourself! I am happy to accept all the introductions."

Hearing this, Li Chen rubbed Li Donglong's messy hair, and the father and son stood in front of the washbasin and rinsed their mouths and brushed their teeth together.

Li Chen didn't know how happy Li Donglong was at this time.

Because after coming here, he tasted the feeling of being cared for and concerned, although there was also the care of his grandmother over there.

But the feeling of his grandmother and his father was still different.

Even the feeling of his great grandfather and grandfather was different.

After the father and son finished washing their faces in the same way, they set off with sleeves and straw hats, carrying vegetable baskets and baskets.

"Woof woof!"

Doudou immediately ran over. Li Donglong touched Doudou's head and took Doudou to the tea garden.

After a few days of growth and stimulating growth, the tea leaves in the tea garden have long been ready for picking.

Li Donglong only knew that tea leaves were expensive, but he never knew where tea leaves came from.

This was quite novel to him.

In the early morning of summer, because the sun comes out early and the temperature is high, the dew will not exist for too long.

The leaves are very fresh.

Li Donglong stood in front of the tea tree and asked, "Is it like this?"

Li Chen stared and saw Li Donglong picking the fresh buds, and smiled, "Yes!"

Hearing this, Li Donglong immediately laughed, "So it is like this."

There was an uncontrollable smile on his handsome little face.

Li Chen's picking speed was naturally much faster than Li Donglong's.

"Dad?" Li Xifeng's voice came from upstairs, very sharp.

"What's wrong?" Li Chen turned around to reply. Li Xifeng stood by the window and said on tiptoe, "What are you doing?"

"Picking tea leaves."

"Then I want to come too." Li Xifeng said, and rushed downstairs without closing the window.

"What are you going to do?" Li Chuanlong came out of the kitchen with vegetables.

"Go pick tea leaves with dad." Li Xifeng responded.

"Wear a hat." Li Chuanlong put down the basket, then found a cute little hat, and put the sleeves he bought on Li Xifeng.

"Don't get sunburned."

"Hehe!" Li Xifeng immediately hugged Li Chuanlong and kissed him, "Grandpa, you are so good."

"You silly girl, if Grandpa doesn't treat you well, who will he treat well? Go quickly, run slowly and don't fall."

"Okay!" Li Xifeng immediately spread her long legs and rushed out.

Looking at Li Xifeng's figure rushing out, Li Chuanlong shook his head.

Li Chen looked at his eldest daughter running towards him and smiled, "Run slower, no one is chasing you."



"Little Wolf and Little Black." Li Xifeng pointed to the little wolf behind him who fell down after running a few steps, and the little black who was running very fast.

Although Little Black was small, he was a wild boar cub after all. He ran all over the mountains and fields without any fat on his body.

The little wolf was different. In most cases, he was actually weaker.

Only after growing up slowly, he would gradually become stronger.

"Awoo awoo!"

The little wolf was really too small. After falling, he rolled a few times. The whole wolf was probably stunned and sat there stupidly. It was probably not back to its senses yet.

"Hunk hunk awoo!"

Little Black looked at the long-legged Li Xifeng, and finally ran back and nudged the little wolf.

The little wolf got up in confusion, and its four little feet were unstable as if it had drunk alcohol. Its two big watery eyes looked at Li Xifeng in front of it.

"Awoo awoo..."

Li Xifeng sighed, looked at the pitiful little wolf, squatted down and said, "Come here quickly."

Just now, it still looked aggrieved. After seeing Li Xifeng stop and wait for it, the little wolf immediately rushed over.

Of course, because it was really like a little meatball, it would always fall when running.

Xiao Xiaohei had to slow down and follow.

Finally, the little wolf happily rushed into Li Xifeng's arms like a husky. Li Xifeng took away the grass clippings on it, and then carried it to pick tea leaves.

After seeing Doudou, the little wolf immediately called twice.


Doudou glanced at the little follower and continued to sleep beside him.

The little wolf immediately came over and tried to hide in Doudou's arms, but was stared at by Doudou with fierce eyes.

The little wolf seemed not to notice and finally hid in the arms of Doudou who was a little disgusted.

Li Xifeng came forward and began to ask Li Chen to teach him how to pick tea leaves.

Li Chen picked the tea leaves very quickly with the two little guys.

Mainly because Li Chen didn't want the two little guys to be tired, so his speed was particularly fast.

As the sun gradually rose, the dewdrops disappeared without a trace.

"Brother, slow down!" Li Xifeng acted coquettishly to Li Donglong.

But the overbearing boss Li Donglong was unmoved. He just snorted coldly at his sister's coquetry: "Don't think I'm unlucky, you want to catch up with me."

Li Xifeng gritted her teeth in anger, "I'm your sister, what's wrong with you giving way to me?"

"No way!" Li Donglong refused proudly.

Li Xifeng was so angry that she grabbed Li Donglong's collar, clenched her fist, and said, "Are you going to slow down or not?"

Li Donglong looked at his sister's delicate fist speechlessly, which was not soft.

"I definitely didn't slow down because I was afraid of you hitting me."


Li Chen looked away quickly.

Li Donglong's face flushed, and he said, "You are my sister, I should let you do what you want."

Hearing this, Li Xifeng laughed immediately, "Brother, you are so nice."

Seeing his sister let go of her hand, Li Donglong wiped the sweat off his face, and leaned towards Li Chen and said, "Dad, as the big pot, I should let my sister go, right?"

Li Chen was also at a loss for words. Why did this guy come up to explain?

Can your explanation make your dad believe that you are not a coward?

"Yeah, that's right!" Li Chen lied with his eyes open.

Li Donglong was also very satisfied with his father's attitude, and said: "I am definitely not afraid of my sister."

"Yeah, yes!" Li Chen nodded quickly, and looked at his son's face, which was seriously hypnotizing him, and almost couldn't help it again.

"So if I lose later, it's not because I'm not capable."

"Yeah, yes!" Li Chen said with a smile: "Dad believes in your ability!"

Li Donglong smiled with satisfaction and continued to pick tea leaves.

Li Xifeng waited for his elder brother to walk away, then came over, "What did the elder brother say?"

"He... said you are very beautiful and gentle." Li Chen rolled his eyes and said.

Li Xifeng immediately narrowed his eyes and said: "Really?"

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