The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 628 Celebration, message

Li Chen looked at Murong Xue, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looking at the marriage certificate in her hand with a sweet smile on her face. He could only shake his head and turn sideways.

"What are you doing?"

Murong Xue was shocked when she saw Li Chen leaning over. Her face was flushed, just like a little girl.

The three little ones sitting in the back row suddenly widened their eyes and stared at Li Chen with eyes full of gossip.

"The children are still here, you..." Murong Xue gently hit Li Chen.

This guy is really something. If you want to kiss, you can say it. Why do you always show affection in front of the children?

Li Chen looked at Murong Xue, who had a rich expression and was afraid that her inner drama was not bad, and smiled: "I just fastened my seat belt, otherwise I will lose points later."

Murong Xue's face froze, snorted, and pushed Li Chen back to his seat.

The whole fair little face was red as if it was painted with paint. ✼

Li Xifeng and Li Nanfei rolled their eyes. Dad is really... a bummer!

"Let's go eat hot pot."


"Then... Western food?"


Li Chen stared blankly at Murong Xue, who seemed angry, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He gently grabbed Murong Xue's hand and said, "You say, I'll listen to you."

Murong Xue wanted to pull her hand out, but found that Li Chen held it tightly.

Anyway, Murong Xue didn't answer, so Li Chen helplessly said to the three little ones in the back seat: "Turn your head and close your eyes."

Li Xifeng and Li Nanfei looked at each other and covered their stupid sister's eyes at the same time.

"Ah...Second sister, three hot pots? What's wrong?" Li Beiwu shook left and right, why did her eyes go black.

Li Xifeng and Li Nanfei closed their eyes slightly, revealing a gap, but they could see the situation in front.

When Murong Xue heard Li Chen say this, her heartbeat began to accelerate.

Before she could stop him, Li Chen had already kissed her.

Domineering and passionate!

She almost couldn't breathe.

"Since you don't say anything, I'll make the decision." Li Chen let go of Murong Xue, who was ashamed to see people with her head down, laughed, stepped on the accelerator, and took them straight to Li Group.

Today is a big day, of course we have to be together.

As for grandpa, we'll make up for it when we get home.

When they arrived at Li Group, Li Chen asked Li Donglong to come out directly, and his tone was very serious.

When Li Donglong came out, he was still confused, not knowing the situation at all.

Then he was called into the car by Li Chen, and the group went straight to the best restaurant in Rongcheng.

There are many people here, and the key is that the business is very good and the dishes are good.

After arriving at the parking lot, Li Chen held Li Beiwu and took them straight up.

It was not yet noon, but there were many people.

Li Chen went straight to the restaurant area and asked for a private room.

"Come, order your food." Li Chen handed over the menu.

Murong Xue and the others didn't even wear masks, so the waiter recognized them at once.

"Is this Murong Xue?"

Li Chen made a shushing gesture to the waitress, "Don't get excited, you can take a photo, but don't make any noise. Today is our family's happy day, so we don't want to be disturbed, okay?"

The waitress moved her hands and feet excitedly, and finally nodded repeatedly.

They still have good professional qualities.

"Thank you for your understanding." Li Chen smiled and said, "Remember not to waste food, order as much as you need."

"Okay." Li Beiwu said excitedly, "I want this one, and this one... this one..."

Li Donglong took the menu in front of the stupid sister with a dark face, "Can you finish it?"

"I... I..." Li Beiwu raised her chin with a double chin, and wanted to say that she could finish it, but when she met Daguo's eyes, she was scared again.

So he pulled Li Donglong's arm and said coquettishly, "Big pot... Can we have it all at once?"

Li Donglong pulled his hand out and said, "Order as many times as you want."

"Okay!" Li Beiwu ended in a huff. She was still afraid of big pots.

After finally ordering the dishes, the dishes came up quickly.

The house was filled with fragrance.

"Wait a minute, we need to drink some wine." Li Nanfei opened the bottle, "Dad, just drink the beverage, you have to drive."

Li Chen: "..."

"Come on, wish mom and dad a happy marriage." Li Nanfei stood on the chair, and Li Beiwu followed suit.

Li Chen and Murong Xue looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.


Even Li Donglong smiled.

"Come and eat." Li Chen picked up some food for them, finally making them feel the care of their old father, and they didn't feel like abandoned children.

As time went by, more and more guests came to the restaurant to eat.

The soundproofing effect of the box is actually very average.

It is only to protect people from being disturbed outside, and you can hear what is said outside clearly.

"Have you heard about the perfect ointment? It's amazing. After only two days of use, my wife's stretch marks have been eliminated a lot."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Who doesn't know it now? This is the most popular one, right? It's out of stock, but it's a bit expensive."

"Yeah, 888 yuan a bottle, it's really too expensive!"

Almost every table outside, there are people talking about this perfect ointment for removing stretch marks.

Li Chen didn't pay much attention until some other voices came into his ears.

"Hey, have you heard? An old miracle doctor who retired more than ten years ago has recently been involved in a scandal."

"Old miracle doctor? Who are you talking about?"

"You are still young and don't know. An old miracle doctor more than ten years ago was very famous. He was a star doctor at the time and had in-depth cooperation with Gu's. Later, it was said that they parted ways unhappily, and the reason has become a mystery."

"You don't know this, right? Now that the information leaked from Gu's internal, I know that some famous doctors are just wolves in human skin."

"Is it true? Tell me, who is this miracle doctor?"

"This person's surname is Zhao, and I won't reveal his name. Anyone who is careful can know it. According to the truth I know, you may be scared to death if I tell you."

"You Don't keep me in suspense, tell me."

"At the beginning, this miracle doctor and Gu Shi achieved mutual success. Gu Shi wanted to continue to benefit the people, but this old miracle doctor disagreed. He felt that the ultimate goal was to make money. He suggested that Gu Shi sell the best research to foreign countries at a high price. As for China, he looked down on it. He even advocated that all the ancient medicine and the prescriptions left by our ancestors should be packaged and sold to foreign countries in an attempt to let Western medicine monopolize Chinese medicine."

"Fuck, so shameless?"

"Damn, why can't I see the shadow of Chinese medicine now?"

"Did Gu Shi really agree?"

"Of course not, because this miracle doctor wanted money, a lot of money, to carry out a horrifying research!"

"What research?"

"Human trials!"

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