The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 633 Gu's expansion, watering tea trees

Gu Group.


In just five days, the market value of Gu Group increased by 300%.

In these five days, the Gu Group's money alone reached an astonishing billions.

You must know that the "Perfect Traceless" ointment only costs 888 yuan.

This number is nothing compared to a wide range of products, and it doesn’t even reach the threshold of luxury goods.

But even so, the perfect and traceless ointment still creates a lot of value.

And those who have made billions in revenue in these five days are just looking at online and offline profits.

The price it really creates is far more than this.

The income from GG's investment alone has completely restored the blood of the Gu family.

Not to mention the increase in peripherals brought about by this product.

Just like at this moment, Gu Qingfeng of the Gu family has become the leader of the current pharmaceutical companies. To put it bluntly, he is now the industry leader.

At this time, in the Gu's office building, there were hundreds of people waiting in line just to meet Gu Qingfeng.

But Gu Qingfeng will never see them all. Now he can be said to be proud and proud.

"Director Gu, you need to have a meeting."

"Okay." The high-spirited Gu Qingfeng felt that every breath of air was sweet. He walked into the conference room with confident and flamboyant steps.

The main themes of this meeting are two points. One is to determine which companies to discuss cooperation with? The second is the upcoming shareholders’ meeting.

"Director Gu, there are so many companies seeking cooperation now, here..."

"I said, don't talk about it if the assets are less than 20 billion." Gu Qingfeng waved his hand and set the tone.

The rest of the people thought for a while and shut up silently. It was really not cost-effective to touch Director Gu's bad luck at this time.

Director Gu was not like this in the past and would never interrupt without reason.

The meeting lasted for a long time, and finally Professor Zhou and two other shareholders stood up and said, "Director Gu, there is something I must say."

Gu Qingfeng and others watched Professor Zhou and Wang Tong stand up, and couldn't help but frown. He didn't expect that the other party was still remembering this matter.


After all, Wang Tong is also a small shareholder, so he must still be given the face he deserves.

Wang Tong stood up and said, "Everyone, I don't know if you didn't see Professor Zhou's report, or if you ignored it intentionally?"

"There are obviously problems with this ointment. If used for a long time, it will affect many people's ability to have children."

Many shareholders looked calm. Wang Tong already understood when he saw this.

"Director Gu."

Gu Qingfeng looked at Wang Tong with playful eyes and said, "Then what does Mr. Wang mean?"

"Inform users, or stop production, and wait until the research is complete before putting it on the market." Wang Tong said.

However, after Wang Tong finished speaking, the entire conference room fell silent.

Gu Qingfeng didn't even need to speak, and the other shareholders had already retorted.

Who can give up when the interests are on the lips?

Who wants to give up?

"Wang Tong, are you out of your mind? Do you dare to stop production now?"

"We are all adults, but we still act so naively? If you tell the outside world about these side effects now, who will bear the losses? If the Supervision Department investigates, who can bear the responsibility?"

"If you, Wang Tong, are able to take on this matter, then go ahead and say, stop production or inform us, and you will have full authority to handle it, okay?"

A group of shareholders slapped the table and snorted coldly.

None of them talked about the danger from the front, but the situation in front of them had already made them unable to retreat.

What's more, it's just that they can't have children. There are too many unmarried people now.

Moreover, those with stretch marks are those who have given birth. They have to pay some price in order to pursue beauty.

"Wang Tong, ask yourself, are those with stretch marks still willing to have children?"

Wang Tong doesn't know what to say, are you willing? who knows?

“Today’s trend is that more and more people don’t want to have children; not to mention that most women who have had stretch marks now don’t want to have more children, or they are simply too old, so giving birth is still risky. "

"Wang Tong, do you still think that our side effects are side effects?"

Wang Tong stood up with his mouth slightly open. He wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up.

Seeing that the last bit of opposition was gone, Gu Qingfeng looked around, his inner confidence almost reaching its peak.

What's more, the products produced by Gu in the past were not without problems.

Every time a problem occurs, it will be discovered and stopped promptly.

It can even be suppressed by using money and connections.

And it works every time, never once.

If that's the case, why should he worry?

"Okay, since there are no other questions, let's each do our own thing." Gu Qingfeng said calmly: "The meeting is dismissed!"

After leaving the conference room, Gu Qingfeng, accompanied by the old housekeeper, headed home.

"Arrange it immediately and continue to guide public opinion. The main attack points fall on Murong Xue and Zhao Hualiang. In addition, don't blindly trample on them. There must also be some irony. Some fans must infiltrate Murong Xue's fans and blindly trample them. That’s too low-level.”


From the original polarization, online public opinion began to officially turn towards Gu at this moment.

Murongxue is now the main target of online attacks, followed by Zhao Hualiang.

Zhao Hualiang can no longer get rid of the word "scoundrel" in a short time.


Li Chen took the assembled watering can, and Li Xifeng, Li Nanfei and Li Beiwu were assembling simple watering cans.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Li Beiwu leaned her round belly on Li Chen and said to him coquettishly.

Li Chen hugged Xiao Wu, then pointed to the spliced ​​part and said: "Do you see this? Take it and install it!"

"Yes! Xiao Wu is awesome."

"Hehe!" Li Beiwu laughed: "Dad is awesome."

"Haha... we are all awesome." Li Chen smiled and pinched Li Beiwu's chubby little face.

Soon, Li Beiwu assembled the small watering can.

Li Nanfei and Li Xifeng had already been ready.

"Mom, hurry up, let's go down to sprinkle water." Li Nanfei shouted to the house.

Murong Xue, who changed into casual clothes, tied her hair into a bun casually, which made her look more feminine.

"Here we go." Murong Xue changed her shoes, carried two buckets, and followed Li Nanfei and Li Xifeng.

There are so many tea trees here now, and it is definitely not enough to rely on Li Xifeng alone to take care of them.

Li Chen carried Li Beiwu downstairs, then opened the valve of the water pipe, dripped the exchanged vitality water into the bucket first, and then added ordinary tap water.

The sun was very strong, and Xiaowu, this little girl, felt an indescribable excitement when she saw the water.

"Dad, hurry up." Li Beiwu jumped left and right to urge with a small watering can.

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