The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 638: Press conference, ridiculed by the entire network

The main reason is that there are too many things involved this time, and the interest groups involved are too numerous to count.

This is no longer just a game between Gu and Li Chen, and too many people are involved.

Even if Li Chen is really innocent, the people who are now standing in Gu's camp will make Li Chen fall completely.

It has nothing to do with anything else, just different interest camps. ✧

"Hello everyone, I am the popular anchor Bang Bang, we have come to the outside of Li's Group, and now you can see that there are more than a hundred media here... Next, I will bring you a live broadcast..."

"This is a reporter from Rongcheng News..."

Outside the building of Li's Group, there are hundreds of reporters alone, and as for the rest of the anchors, there are countless.

It can be said that this incident has attracted a lot of attention.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The whole network is paying attention to Weibo, Douyin short video, Kuaishou, Weishi, and Aishang, but all those with a little fame are here.

There are also countless people waiting on major forums, post bars, Weibo and other social platforms.

At this time, four figures walked out of the Li Group Building.

The leader was Li Chen, who still had a cold face, but his handsomeness was unstoppable.

He wore a simple shirt, but he had a handsomeness that ordinary people could not match, and his temperament made people intoxicated.

Next to Li Chen was his eldest son, Li Donglong, who was in the vortex of this incident.

The father and son were equally handsome and stylish.

If it weren't for the fact that this incident was too sensational and too shocking, everyone would have the illusion that the father and son were walking on the catwalk.

Behind Li Chen and Li Donglong, followed by Yang Ming and secretary Yang Hong.

The four people walked to the front, and the captain of the security brigade Song Xiuyan and a group of security guards kept the place in order.

Li Chen asked Li Donglong to stand in the C position, while Yang Ming and Yang Hong stood on both sides, one on the left and one on the right.

As the four of them stood still, the reporters around them could no longer hold back.

"Mr. Li Chen, do you have anything to say about this incident?"

"Are you and your master, Mr. Zhao Dezhu, really doing the series of things that are said on the Internet to harm everyone?"

"From the outbreak of the incident to today, you have never appeared in public. Are you guilty?"

A lot of strange questions came one after another.

The noise was so loud that even Li Chen, a strong man in the realm of heaven and man, could not stand it.

Li Chen nodded to the many reporters and media, and said with a slight gesture: "I know you have a lot of questions, but I just want to say that time will prove everything. In today's society, it really takes only a few minutes to spread rumors and destroy a person!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire network was boiling.

"This guy's face is really ugly. Is he mocking the Gu Group?"

"Really shameless. You and your disciples have done such a bad thing. How can you still say that you are slandered?"

"Disappointed, is this the purpose of holding a press conference today? You can't wash it clean."

All major social software, including the live broadcast area, are cursing.

This kind of heat makes some actors who want to be black and red really envious.

As for the scene, it is even more unbearable to hear dirty words.

Li Chen smiled and said: "Next, my son Li Donglong will give a speech as the current main person in charge of the Li Group."

The whole network is still cursing.

Li Donglong looked at the camera and said: "Today, my Li Group held this press conference to say one thing directly."

So, the scene was quiet.

And the spectators waiting on various social software and platforms also held their breath.

"I know that any statement we make at this time will be questioned and distrusted, but today we, the Li Group, are speaking with conscience."

"Gu's drug research has a big problem. As for the drugs we produce, they are not plagiarized or imitated at all, because our materials are completely different from Gu's. The Li Group will not accept such slander and will fight back against Gu."

Li Donglong just opened his mouth and was immediately attacked by the whole network.

Li Donglong said calmly: "I know you won't believe it, and I don't expect you to believe it now, thank you."

The whole country was in an uproar.

"According to our multiple research reports, Gu's drugs are very problematic. Take their stretch mark removal drug Perfect and Traceless for example. This is extremely harmful, especially for women." Li Chen took the microphone and said at this time.

"Mr. Li Chen, will you be responsible for what you said?"

"Responsible." Li Chen affirmed: "I can also tell you the specific harm now. If you don't want a second or third child, then it doesn't matter. You can use it. The side effect is that you can't have children anyway. If you want children, then the more you use this kind of medicine, the slimmer the chance of having children."

"As for fat people with obesity, it is recommended not to use it, because you may not be married and have children."

It exploded!

The whole network exploded.

All platforms were boiling, and the speeches of Li Chen and Li Donglong caused a great sensation and response.

After the two fathers and sons finished speaking, they retreated.

Yang Ming stepped up and asked the security guards to stop the advance of these people.

"Excuse me, Mr. Yang, do you really want to fight to the end of the Li Group?"

Yang Ming smiled lightly and said, "My Li Group does not cause trouble to others, but we are not afraid of others causing trouble."

"As for whether it is my Li Group that is deliberately creating hot topics, or whether there is real evidence, I think we will see it in half a month at most."

At this time, Yang Ming was too calm and too cool.

It made many people start to rethink this incident.

But the remarks made by Li Chen and Li Donglong this time made the long-planned Gu Group wait for it.

Gu Qingfeng was waiting for this opportunity. If Li Chen really did not resist at all, then there would be something fishy.

As for Li Chen's warning, they didn't care at all.

What if it is the truth?

The current Li Chen can't stir up any waves at all.

"Prepare for the next step." Gu Qingfeng ordered.


As this interview video was uploaded, the whole network knew about it.

And Gu's backhand was also launched at the same time. Public opinion war has always been Gu's strong point.

Now there are professional water troops to lead the rhythm, and the Internet is almost one-sided.

Occasionally, a few sobering comments would be drowned out.

Or they would be led by the rhythm and eventually completely fall.

Gu's backhands were one after another, and they sang the positive and negative tunes together. The result was that in the current online environment, almost no one would believe Li Chen's words.

Even Li Chen's fans were crazy about quitting and stepping back.

This was more cruel than before and made people more desperate.

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