The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 651: Dr. Long angrily scolds the patient

Chengdu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

At this time, Chengdu is not the closest area to Jiangcheng, nor is it a first-tier city.

But even so, it is overcrowded. You can imagine how popular Gu's "Perfect Traceless" ointment is.

To be frank, this is a product that is truly purchased and consumed by the whole nation.

Putting aside the rest, this grand occasion alone is unprecedented.

The entire domestic market is now surging.

And the perfect traceless ointment is still being sold crazily.

Although there are examples of a large number of people being admitted to the hospital, there are always many people who will not deliberately pay attention to the news.

They will not deliberately browse the information, and Gu still spent an astonishing amount of money to suppress these news.

Therefore, it seems that the number of victims in various places has increased sharply, but on some websites, there are no examples of hot searches.

Dr. Long stood at the door, waiting anxiously.

With him were the chief physicians and professors, who were all very authoritative professionals in the entire hospital.

Who is the person who can make so many professionals stand here and wait?

There is a very obvious characteristic of the domestic crowd, that is, eating melons.

It seems that this has been imprinted in DNA. Even if many patients are still in pain, they can't help but start eating melons.

Although they don't know this group of doctors very well, they will subconsciously and instinctively be curious when they see so many doctors standing together, as if waiting for something.

Soon, under the curiosity of countless patients and some accompanying personnel, a rather low-key van slowly appeared at the door of the hospital.

When everyone saw this car, the first thing that flashed in their minds was confusion!

When did the big guys become so low-key when they appeared?

They didn't even use luxury cars.

When the door of the van was opened, an old man walked out of the car.

Although the old man is very old, he is still energetic.

When he came down, he was also quite tough, and he didn't look like an old man at all.

"Mr. Zhao, you are finally here."

The dean of the hospital hurried forward to greet him.

"Who is that? Such a big name?"

"Why do I feel familiar? I always feel like I see this face often recently."

"Fuck, why do I feel familiar? It turns out to be Zhao Dezhu, the stupid doctor."

"Is it him? How can such a person with corrupt medical ethics be like this?"

"Is this the Chinese medicine hospital? I am so disappointed. I really cannot agree that they can use such a formation to welcome Zhao Dezhu. It seems that most of them are birds of a feather."

"Yes, it is said that birds of a feather flock together. Obviously, these people are not good people."

Before Zhao Dezhu was invited in, the extremely crowded medical hall had already been boiling.

Their resistance was very obvious.

And the faces of the doctors who welcomed Zhao Dezhu were also indescribably embarrassed and angry.

They knew better than anyone what kind of person Mr. Zhao was.

It was this group of guys who were led by the nose that could not see the truth of the matter clearly.

Zhao Dezhu's face was calm. He had long passed the stage of being flattered. Even if these people scolded him in front of him, he felt that it was just that.

However, what Zhao Dezhu did not expect was that the public's resistance to him this time far exceeded his imagination.

At this time, figures stood up in the hall.

Each of them was glaring, as if they saw a murderer, with a very hateful face.

"Why can he come in?"

"We will never accept the treatment of such a morally corrupt person. If your hospital insists on hiring this person, we will complain."

"That's right, complain to the end, this kind of beast who does human experiments should be locked up in jail."

"Get out!"

Countless figures stood up, and their attitudes were surprisingly firm.

At this moment, it seemed that if Zhao Dezhu entered here, their lives would be threatened.

A group of doctors and nurses almost fainted when they heard these words.

Dr. Long sighed heavily. He thought he could just endure it, but now it seems that he was wrong.

Even those who have studied may not be wise.

Even at this time, some people directly took out the tools around them and smashed them at Zhao Dezhu.

At this time, Dr. Long and the doctors in the hospital were really annoyed.

Although Dr. Long was old, he was also a good martial artist in his past. He immediately knocked down the things that the other party threw down with one hand.

Dr. Long, with a white beard, had a sharp look in his eyes and a strong aura, blocking Zhao Dezhu.

"Security personnel, catch the one who hit him." Dr. Long said angrily.

"Who dares?"

"You doctors are so bold, who gave you the right to arrest people?"

"We want to complain, your Chinese medicine hospital is really bad."

"He beat people, he beat people, the doctors of the Chinese medicine hospital beat people."

This person made a scene on the spot, and the entire hospital lobby looked like a vegetable market.

The hospital is most afraid of this kind of thing. No matter whose fault it is, once it is exposed, the hospital will suffer the greatest loss.

However, this time, Dr. Long did not indulge them.

He immediately took a step forward and pulled the patient out of the crowd.

"Whoever is yelling here, get out of here." Dr. Long's voice was as loud as a radio, "Bring out the surveillance camera and hit people with heavy objects in public. Although you won't be put in jail, it can still get you." Detention for a few days.”

The surrounding sounds are all weak.

"Also, you can make trouble, but we are a hospital and we are always tolerant, but it only makes you push forward, right?"

"From now on, our Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has officially hired Mr. Zhao Dezhu as our consultant physician. If you are not willing to receive treatment in our Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, please leave now."

"If anyone dares to cause trouble in the hospital, don't blame the hospital for taking coercive measures. Our hospital also has special rights to deal with it at this juncture."

The loud voice resounded throughout the hall, and many people were immediately frightened.

"A bunch of brainless people, do you believe anything they say on the Internet? Look at what the companies you trust have brought to you? I still haven't understood who gave you this kind of pain?" Long The doctor cursed with hatred: "Whoever dares to make trouble again will not be able to receive treatment. Our hospital also has the right not to accept you group of people who are making things difficult for doctors and patients."

The crowd was naturally even more excited, but many people were so excited that they still didn't dare to take the lead easily.

Unless the impulse is taken to the extreme, everyone is still somewhat rational.

The hospital did not do anything excessive. This is the most defensible point.

"Are you still making trouble? If not, just stay quietly. If you don't want to wait here for treatment, leave now." Dr. Long snorted coldly, then turned to Zhao Dezhu and said: "Mr. Zhao, please come inside."

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