The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 671 Murong Xue enters the kitchen, the three little ones panic

"Of course the Li Group acknowledges what Murong Xue said!"

At this time, Li Chen had already walked out and stood beside Murong Xue and said.

"Zhao Group also promised to be effective." Zhao Hualiang also stood up and gave an explanation on this matter.

As long as it is jointly produced by Li and Zhao, as long as it is genuine, if something goes wrong, both groups will be responsible.

With their guarantee, it is finally a powerful tranquilizer for today's turbulent market.

The stretch mark removal market is now the most harmful, but it is also a huge battlefield for profit.

As long as Li and Zhao grasp it, they will definitely recover the interest in the future.

Although the slimming tea market has also been disrupted, it is not that serious.

In addition, Xiaofeng Tea rose to prominence midway, and the result was that the sales volume of "one drink is light" was directly cut in half.

Subsequently, more and more people revealed that there was something wrong with Gu's slimming tea, and tap water kept checking in on Xiaofeng Tea. As a result, Xiaofeng Tea has become a sudden rise.

Today, the market is even more prosperous.

In many places, it is almost impossible to get Xiaofeng Tea. After all, there are really not many of them.

After attending the press conference, Li Chen sent Murong Xue home first.


The old housekeeper of the Gu family stood aside respectfully until a car slowly arrived.

It was Zhao Dezhu who got out of the car.

The two old men's eyes were red when they met. They held each other's hands for a long time and then sat down on a chair nearby.

The two old men looked at the dark night sky and were speechless for a long time.

"Qingfeng..." Old Butler Gu hesitated. If he hadn't rebelled, Gu Qingfeng would not have been defeated so quickly.

Because he is Gu's old man, he can get any evidence.

Because Gu Qingfeng was unprepared, his salary was taken out of the cauldron.

Although Old Butler Gu has been with the Gu family for many years, it was Zhao Dezhu who saved his life back then.

As for betraying the Gu family, it doesn't count.

The things that the Gu family has done over the years are really too numerous to describe, but this is the only one that came out.

"These are not your problems." Zhao Dezhu sighed: "His original path has gone astray. Even if he doesn't explode this time, he will explode sooner or later."

Thinking of the human experiments conducted by Gu Qingfeng and those who were framed, Zhao Dezhu could not forgive Gu Qingfeng.

However, now that Gu Qingfeng is dead, it is hard to talk about what happened before.

"Then what will you do next?" Zhao Dezhu asked.

Mr. Gu said, "I have saved a little of my salary over the years, and am planning to go back to the countryside, plant an acre or two of land, and raise some poultry. This is it for the rest of my life."

After being with the Gu family for so many years, he had lived a life of trepidation.

Now, he has repaid Zhao Dezhu's kindness and has done everything he should do.

As for what will happen next, it has nothing to do with him.

When Zhao Dezhu heard this, he sighed, patted the back of Old Butler Gu's hand heavily and said, "That's fine! I won't advise you anymore!"

With that, he took out another bank card and said: "Don't refuse, I have worked hard for you all these years. I was worried that Gu Qingfeng would gradually go crazy, so I let you stay there. After all, you have to pay the price for so many years." ”

"Although Gu Qingfeng is obsessed with money, he is still good to his family and relatives. I understand the torment and pain in your heart."

"It's just... this is the only way I can express my apology. Please don't refuse."

Old Butler Gu nodded bitterly, it was difficult for him to behave in the middle.

In the end, Zhao Dezhu arranged for people to send Mr. Gu back to his hometown. As for him, he had to help rescue the people who were framed by the Gu family.

With the release of the video of Murong Xue's promise, those who were originally against Li Chen because of the Gu family were persuaded.

More importantly, although many hospitals have received help from Li and Zhao, it does not mean that their treatment is timely.

Doctors are human beings too, and they also need to rest.

What's more, there are now as many as one million patients involved. Even if it is spread across the country, it is still a staggering number.

Therefore, the Li Group is almost always working overtime day and night.

I can't help but work overtime. There is so much shortage everywhere now.

You can rely on Xuerong ointment for early treatment, but there is really nothing you can do for later treatment.

That still requires the cooperation of the hospital.

Li Donglong hasn't had a good sleep for a long time. He has been worried since his father fought back against Gu.

Now, the Gu family has finally been dealt with, but the mess left by the Gu family is far from over.

Next, if many companies such as Gu's collapse, other companies will inevitably appear.

Some people will stick to their original intentions, but some people may not be able to do so in the face of huge interests.

Li Chen only hoped that nothing bad would happen next.

Li Donglong was busy late and followed Shen Lijian home.

Li Chen is still working overtime, accompanying Zhao Dezhu on medical visits, and will come down earlier tonight.

Li Donglong waved to Shen Lijian before going upstairs. When he heard a clanging sound coming from the kitchen, Li Donglong's eyes jumped wildly and he rushed into the house.

They saw Li Xifeng, Li Nanfei and Li Beiwu shivering and hiding at the door.


When Li Beiwu saw her dear brother coming back, she burst into tears and threw herself into Li Donglong's arms.

The little girl was frightened. She pointed her chubby little white finger at the kitchen and said, "Mummy... Mummy is burning again..."

Li Xifeng quickly covered her stupid sister's mouth. At this time, the four siblings saw Murong Xue standing in the kitchen, wearing an apron, turning her head and looking at them with sharp eyes.

"Mom..." Li Donglong looked at the messy kitchen, a little impatient, and tried to suggest: "How about... let's order takeout?"

"What takeout?" Murong Xue knocked the iron pot with a spatula, making a clanging sound.

"Isn't the food I cooked delicious?"

Li Xifeng and her brothers and sisters looked at each other, really not knowing how to answer the question of their old mother.

If they say it's delicious, they really can't lie.

If they say it's not delicious, then no one can think of eating and sleeping tonight.

After all, this family is still ruled by the mother.

Dad, the dog, can't be counted on.

Li Donglong looked at the eyes of his three brothers and sisters asking for help, and boldly walked to the kitchen and said: "Mom, you are very hard, how can you cook?"

Murong Xue stared at her eldest son with sharp eyes.

"Dad has already said that you only need to wash the dishes. Cooking is very hard work. Besides, the smell of oil smoke in the kitchen is very strong." Li Donglong pointed at the range hood and said, "This will affect your charm."

"Although you have decided to move behind the scenes, even if you are extremely beautiful, you have to pay attention to it, right?"

"If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Wu and the others."

Murong Xue looked at the three children suspiciously, and the three children nodded heavily.

Li Donglong said, "So... leave the hard work of cooking to Dad, what do you think?"

"Well, what you said makes sense, but don't say it next time." Murong Xue insisted, "As a mother, how can I not know how to cook? I will be disliked if I live in Lijia Village in the future."


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