The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 691 Paying 80 billion

"My affairs are all small matters, don't worry." Li Chen said truthfully.

All that should be dealt with has been dealt with, even the troubles on Gu's side have been solved, and the remaining ones are naturally not big troubles.

"I heard..." Ye Yongan hesitated and said: "Someone is behind this matter."


"Who is it?" ❊

"Dongfang family!"

"Dongfang family?" In the video, Pan Sicheng, Ye Yongan and Yuan Chengyun couldn't help but exclaimed.

If it was the Zheng family who intervened, they wouldn't find it strange.

But how did the Dongfang family get involved?

Li Chen said: "I don't know the specifics, I'm afraid I have to investigate it when the time comes."

"If you need our help, don't be polite." Ye Yongan said seriously.

"Don't worry, I won't be polite." Li Chen smiled and nodded, and did not refuse.

The few people chatted for a while and then hung up the phone decisively.

They are also very busy now. Now that they have contacted Li Chen, it can be said that they are really relieved.

After hanging up the video, Li Chen fell into deep thought.

Especially now, his main focus is still on the village.

As for the involvement of the Li family, including the matter of the longevity fruit, he doesn't really want to care.

But if the Red Skull, the Murong family, and even the major families in the capital and foreign forces are really for longevity, then being involved is only secondary, and the only thing to worry about is that Xiao Wu will also be implicated.

These people dared to kill his parents and grandfather, so they may not dare to kill their children.

Now, Li Chen can't figure out whether his system is the key to longevity, or Xiao Wu is the key?

Or, are they all connected?

It is naturally not his style to sit and wait for death, and he doesn't want to sit and wait for death.

After a long period of calm, Li Chen picked up the phone again and dialed a number that he had never dialed.


A deep voice sounded on the phone.

"Master Gao, how are you now?" Li Chen asked.

The voice on the phone was silent for a moment and said, "Not good. The capital is more chaotic than I thought."

"Oh? So, the hope of revenge for the head of the Gao family is not great?"


"Do you need my help?" Li Chen asked.

The phone fell into silence.

After a long time, he said, "Give me 30 billion!"

"I can give you 30 billion, but what about the result?" Li Chen asked playfully.

Money is just a string of numbers for him.

He also urgently needs to spend money to exchange for enough vitality water.

How can Gao Derong, a nail that has almost been forgotten, not have enough money?

"You know my current situation. Helping me is helping you." Gao Derong said coldly.

"That's right." Li Chen smiled, "Why don't I give you 50 billion, but I hope that when I go to the capital, I can see the results!"

"Okay!" Gao Derong did not object.

Some people have great hatred. Li Chen believes that letting them toss themselves will have unexpected results.

Li Chen clicked on the system.

[Host]: Li Chen!

[Wealth]: 2,077,112,648,186.9!

[Skills]: Unity of Heaven and Earth!

[Medical Skills]: Immortal Level!

[Beast Taming]: God Level!

[Return Points]: 11,925,175!

[Return Level]: 100 times!

[Currency Exchange: 1:20000]

The Pan family needs 30 billion, and Gao Derong gave him 50 billion for free.

Although the transfer was made, Li Chen's account balance was only 199.71 billion.

When the Pan family and Gao Derong spent the money, Li Chen would be able to return 8 trillion!

However, what Li Chen values ​​now is not money, but return points.

Whether it is the Pan family, the Ye family, the Yuan family, or himself, they all need return points.

However, the 80 billion transfer just now brought his return points to 91,925,175.

Li Chen was also greatly relieved.


Gao Derong looked at the money that had been deposited into his account, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The Gao family was completely finished. Although he hated Li Chen, he hated these people even more.

He would kill them all.

"Dong Dong!"

"Who?" Gao Derong looked at the door vigilantly.

"Mr. Gao, it's me."

Gao Derong's eyes changed slightly, and then he walked to the door and saw a young man standing at the door.

"It's you."

"It's me!" The young man smiled and said, "Won't you invite me in to sit down?"

"We don't seem to be the same kind of people."

"No, no, no, we have been the same kind of people from the beginning to the end." The young man smiled and said, "You want revenge, and I want revenge too. Now, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Gao Derong smiled when he heard this: "Do you know who I want to seek revenge on?"

"Of course, it wasn't those high-ranking people in the capital who destroyed your Gao family?" The young man smiled coldly, "I can tell you who really attacked your Gao family!"

Gao Derong's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at the young man.

"Who are you?"

"I am..." the young man sighed and said, "In fact, I am a family member with Li Chen."


An underground boxing ring that is not too big.

The boxing ring at this time was not for underground boxing, of course, but there were quite a lot of people coming here.

"Is Grandmaster Mo here?"

When the last person from the martial arts world came, the entire underground boxing ring fell into silence.

A middle-aged man who looked to be about fifty years old shouted to the people around.

Mo Jiasheng came out from the inner room and clasped his fists to the crowd and said, "I thought you guys weren't coming."

Many martial arts masters shook their heads. Not coming?

Can they not come?

The martial arts world today can no longer survive.

Everyone wants to fight, but no one has the chance to fight.

The upward path has become narrower and narrower, and the major families in the capital are even more merciless.

They were suppressed to the point that they could hardly raise their heads, and they didn't even have a chance.

These people in the martial arts world are not just individuals, they also have concerns behind them.

Especially recently, the major families have been even more reckless, but everyone is generally weak and can't resist at all.

The road to promotion is completely cut off, and they will never be able to turn over again.

"Grandmaster Mo, is what you said before true?" Someone asked with hope.

The major families in the capital simply did not leave any room for them, and suppressed them to death. If that's the case, it's better to overthrow them.

One after another, fiery eyes looked at Mo Jiasheng, waiting for his answer.

Mo Jiasheng saw desire and murderous intent in the eyes of these people.

These big families in the capital cut off their way, and they were unwilling to resist.

This is all that Mo Jiasheng can do secretly these days.

Mo Jiasheng looked at the figures in front of him and said: "Everyone, my way is also cut off, but my luck is better than yours. I met someone who is willing to give me a chance. If you also want to go further, or even reach my level, it's natural."

"But, if you reach the level of Grandmaster, you also need to pay a price, otherwise..."

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