The Country Life of a Rich Dad

Chapter 693 Inspection Department

Inspection Department Headquarters!

The director of the inspection department was meditating when a member of the inspection department walked in.


"Huh?" The director of the Inspection Department motioned to the people in front of him to sit down and talk.

"Recently, many families and masters in the martial arts world are trying to make a move, and they have all been gathered together by a person who has cultivated in the realm of a grand master." Zhou Tao said: "In about the next two days, I will leave for Lijia Village in Rongcheng! "

When the old director heard this, he looked at Zhou Tao without much surprise.

Zhou Tao hesitated and said, "Are you really not going to stop it?"

The old director looked at the people in front of him and said, "Stop it? Why stop it? What's your reason for stopping it?"

Zhou Tao frowned and said: "Are they allowed to change the current order? The people in the martial arts world are all under the jurisdiction of my inspection department. Now in order to seek breakthroughs, they have gone through evil ways, and even started to publicize it openly..."

When he talked about the excitement, he looked very angry.

"Evil ways? What is good? What is evil?" The old director looked at the young man and said, "We are an official organization, but if we become a roadblock for others, we are evil!"

Zhou Tao opened his mouth and couldn't believe that the old director would say such things.

"You have talent, but it doesn't mean that everyone has excellent talent. You know better than me what the current martial arts world is like!" The old director said unhurriedly: "These people are forced to have no way out. I just want to go further, right?”


"Several major families in the capital are becoming more and more exaggerated, and have even begun to collude with those forces. Is that wrong?"

Zhou Tao: "..."

"From our standpoint, they are all wrong!" The old director laughed: "But can we take action now?"

"But, are they allowed to disrupt order?" Zhou Tao was indignant.

The old director showed a look of disappointment, "I understand that you are young, energetic, and impulsive, but you have been with me for so long, but you can't even see the situation clearly!"

"Zhou Tao...I am very disappointed in you."

Zhou Tao was so frightened that he stood up quickly, "Director!"

"If you don't plan for everything, you can't plan for a moment; if you don't plan for the overall situation, you can't plan for a region!" The old director said slowly: "You... your vision is still too narrow."

Zhou Tao was frightened and quickly lowered his head.

"The root cause of cholera was one hundred and twenty years ago. Now one hundred and twenty years have passed, and everyone can't wait." The old director sighed: "The Li family's move trapped everyone, so... We are all waiting for a game-breaker."

Zhou Tao frowned slightly, vaguely understanding something, but not entirely.

"You mean... Li Chen is the game-breaker."

The old director smiled and did not answer the question directly.

"It's coming, it's coming... Li Chen will not let them control him." The old director turned to look at Zhou Tao and said, "Think about the current situation."

"Yes!" Zhou Tao nodded solemnly, but hesitated to speak.

"What else do you want to ask?"

"Does immortality... really exist?"

The old director smiled and said, "Do you want to live forever?"

Zhou Tao was so frightened that he quickly clasped his fists and lowered his head.

"Everyone in the world wants to live forever, be free from illness and disaster, and be able to practice together with the world, but... is immortality really good?" The old director shook his head: "I don't know if immortality is true. I know that my responsibility is Guarding this land is enough!”

The old director glanced at Zhou Tao. He didn't know if this junior could suppress his desire.

Everyone in the world longs for immortality. Does immortality exist?

He doesn't know either, but he knows that he doesn't want to live forever.

Neither Li Chen, nor the major families in the capital, nor Red Skull Fusang, could avoid this whirlpool.

Today's Li Chen is a double-edged sword. As long as he uses it properly, the problems he has suffered over the years can be eliminated.

As long as Li Chen plays well, the country can remain at peace.

No one hopes that Li Chen will break this situation like him. The Inspection Department is not suitable to take action and cannot take action.

Watching Zhou Tao leave, a woman with a hot figure walked in.


"Suzaku." The old director smiled, "Why are you back?"

The hot woman hugged the old director's arm and smiled: "Of course I miss you, old man."

The old director shook his head, naturally he didn't believe it.

The two left the inspection department, went to a small house, and started cooking.

The woman's cooking skills are good, and the old man also likes her very much.

"I heard...Li Chen is going to take the initiative."

The old director looked at the woman with a smile, and the woman blushed: "Senior Brother Qinglong asked."

"What do you want to know?" the old man asked.

Suzaku's eyes narrowed and he said seriously: "What happened in the capital one hundred and twenty years ago? Who was the last director of the inspection department killed? Or was it someone in the capital?"

The old director's face slowly became serious, "How do you know?"

"Master, that's our master, how could we not know? We know you are also investigating, but why didn't you tell us?" Suzaku asked.

"There are some will know."

"That's what you said again." Suzaku was very dissatisfied.

"You don't interfere in Li Chen's affairs. We know that he is the descendant of that lineage. Li Haoqiong failed, so you put your hope on Li Chen." Zhuque said again: "But is Li Chen really the best breaker? Can he really help us to stabilize the situation?"

The old man was silent, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Although the Inspection Office is an authority, it is not an absolute authority.

What he thought was that the Inspection Office has absolute authority, rather than allowing these evil winds to do evil.

Li Chen, Li Chen, do you understand what I mean?

Seeing that the old man was silent, Zhuque couldn't say anything more. She also checked Li Chen. This guy doesn't like to fight for power.

Master's vision of people has always been accurate, but now Li Chen has grown to a point where people can't see clearly.

Even if all the threats are eliminated at that time, what about Li Chen?

Who can compete with him?

The Inspection Office will never have an absolute authority.


As the old director spoke, Suzaku stood up suddenly.

"It's not that I don't trust you, but... you might despair if you know." The old director stood up, patted her shoulder and said, "Wait a little longer, in just one or two months, Li Chen will definitely take action!"

"By then, you will all understand what my concerns are. The Li family will never embarrass the Inspection Office."

Suzaku's lips opened and closed slightly, and he couldn't help but say, "What about Li Haoqiong? They say he's dead, is he really dead?"

The old director laughed, and Suzaku couldn't understand.

Is Li Haoqiong dead?

Who knows?

If he's not dead, then many things can be made clear.

Li Haoqiong, are you really dead? If you're not dead, what are you planning in the capital?

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